You are at bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com.
She chewed up the moon and spit stars all over my night sky♥
Leave nothing but footsteps.
Take nothing else.
Lastly, enjoy your stay.
Janelle's Profile

Janelle. Born on 16th April.
I'm 80 this year, and I absolutely love knitting.
I love KPOP (yes I'm a hippie grandma)
Love my family and friends♥
Click here for more..
Don't feel like putting one anymore><
 Blah blah blah..
Posted by Wednesday, July 05, 2006 7/05/2006 06:58:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Today.. is Wednesday. The LONGEST day ever. Urghs. Here's Day 8 (today)'s schedule:
7.40am - 8.10am >> Higher Chinese. (Zheng lao shi. (=. ) 8.10am - 8.40am >> Malay. (Cikgu Noorizan. NEVER CUM FOR LESSON!! =DD.) 8.40am - 9.40am >> Science. (Ms Christine Tan. got science test. blearhs. tink I fail.. )=. lolz.) 9.40am - 10.20am >> RECESS. ( budden got delayed cuz of science experiment..)=. ) 10.20am - 11.30am >> Geography. (Ms Tang.. I forgot go see her after skool. blearhs.) 11.30am - 12.30pm >> LA; budden its A-star prog today.. got test/assessment. wadever. (Tcher Paula. dun tink I did very well. *oh well..* hahaax.) 12.30pm - 1pm >> History (Ms Ling. got bac history the interview assessment.. 16/20. =DD. hahaax. Miaoz got bzzbzzbzzz.. cannot say. But she did well.. (=. ) 1pm - 1.30pm >> LUNCH. (got delayed..AGAIN.. ) 1.30pm - 2.30pm >> Maths. (Mdm Azlin. cuz FPS gotta go. so no lesson! =DD.) 2.30pm - 3.30pm >> RS. (Yang lao shi. cuz nth do.. so 3.15pm den can go liao. =D.)
Urghs. now my bac ache like shit lor. Ohs yeas, Zheng lao shi told us 3 lame jks today. Budden its in chinese. so.. here cant type chinese. dunnoe whyy. Budden quite funny. hahaax. (= (=. She very nice..
Listening to "yong gan de xing fu" in the Green Forest, My Home tt show. I noe I'm siao. Budden tt show rox man. Sophie so cute and pretty.. =DD. =DD. I'm nott les.. kks? hahaax. Watching l8er. Soon, infact. I'v been waiting for today since last wk Friday. lolzlolz.
Haahs! Tomolo IDMI week.. so no skool for us (1F). So cool rite? cuz our field trip day is on Friday.. tis Friday.. Goin to Pasir Ris Mangrove walk or wadever lar. Can uu believe it?? PASIR RIS PARK!?!!?? sheesh. I would rather go Macritchie lor. urghs. complain also no use.. Oh well. and worse of all, I'm in "Interpersonal" group.. It sounds SO BORING. nevermind. In my group got Hang Yin, Jing Ting, Charlene and and.. SORRY TO HUEVER. I REALLY FORGOT UU. SORRY!! )=.
yea. And den uu noe, I hv tis fren(z), hu lie(s) all the time, about everything lor. They only care about themselves, are selfish, betrayers, fuckers, bitches.. Yeppz. They are gurls. ALL GURLS. yea. Only Miaoz noe hu DEY are. hahaax. (=. Mi and Charmaine have bcum beda frenz nowadays. hahaax. I'm SO GIRLY wif the gurls in my claz. Cuz we tok abt gurly stuff.. diao. hahaax. budden very fun and funny. Lolzlolz. Told Charmaine a joke today. She laughed a lot. Budden tt jk ok lar. But it was very funny when I heard it at first too. hahahahahaax.
Today mi and miaoz made a jk on SUMONE under mi bloc. SO FUNNY. hahaax. she said he/she sounded like a submarine and is like.. very bu yao lian. wahahahaax. =DD. It was damn funny. I'm bcumin darker.. =DD. so nice. (=.
Sum people are juz plain DIAO. Budden dey demsleves dunno it. ... yea.. Dey tink tt dey are.. like.. VERY SWEET, CUTE, HANDSOME, POPULAR, ... actually hor.. dey SUCK. Haizz. dey really do lor. Its lyk,.. dey are lyk.. so irritating and blah blah blah blah... CANT STAND THEM noe..
Show gonna start liao.. Buh byees! (= (=
Jayy. (=
 Blah blah blah..
Posted by Wednesday, July 05, 2006 7/05/2006 06:58:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Today.. is Wednesday. The LONGEST day ever. Urghs. Here's Day 8 (today)'s schedule:
7.40am - 8.10am >> Higher Chinese. (Zheng lao shi. (=. ) 8.10am - 8.40am >> Malay. (Cikgu Noorizan. NEVER CUM FOR LESSON!! =DD.) 8.40am - 9.40am >> Science. (Ms Christine Tan. got science test. blearhs. tink I fail.. )=. lolz.) 9.40am - 10.20am >> RECESS. ( budden got delayed cuz of science experiment..)=. ) 10.20am - 11.30am >> Geography. (Ms Tang.. I forgot go see her after skool. blearhs.) 11.30am - 12.30pm >> LA; budden its A-star prog today.. got test/assessment. wadever. (Tcher Paula. dun tink I did very well. *oh well..* hahaax.) 12.30pm - 1pm >> History (Ms Ling. got bac history the interview assessment.. 16/20. =DD. hahaax. Miaoz got bzzbzzbzzz.. cannot say. But she did well.. (=. ) 1pm - 1.30pm >> LUNCH. (got delayed..AGAIN.. ) 1.30pm - 2.30pm >> Maths. (Mdm Azlin. cuz FPS gotta go. so no lesson! =DD.) 2.30pm - 3.30pm >> RS. (Yang lao shi. cuz nth do.. so 3.15pm den can go liao. =D.)
Urghs. now my bac ache like shit lor. Ohs yeas, Zheng lao shi told us 3 lame jks today. Budden its in chinese. so.. here cant type chinese. dunnoe whyy. Budden quite funny. hahaax. (= (=. She very nice..
Listening to "yong gan de xing fu" in the Green Forest, My Home tt show. I noe I'm siao. Budden tt show rox man. Sophie so cute and pretty.. =DD. =DD. I'm nott les.. kks? hahaax. Watching l8er. Soon, infact. I'v been waiting for today since last wk Friday. lolzlolz.
Haahs! Tomolo IDMI week.. so no skool for us (1F). So cool rite? cuz our field trip day is on Friday.. tis Friday.. Goin to Pasir Ris Mangrove walk or wadever lar. Can uu believe it?? PASIR RIS PARK!?!!?? sheesh. I would rather go Macritchie lor. urghs. complain also no use.. Oh well. and worse of all, I'm in "Interpersonal" group.. It sounds SO BORING. nevermind. In my group got Hang Yin, Jing Ting, Charlene and and.. SORRY TO HUEVER. I REALLY FORGOT UU. SORRY!! )=.
yea. And den uu noe, I hv tis fren(z), hu lie(s) all the time, about everything lor. They only care about themselves, are selfish, betrayers, fuckers, bitches.. Yeppz. They are gurls. ALL GURLS. yea. Only Miaoz noe hu DEY are. hahaax. (=. Mi and Charmaine have bcum beda frenz nowadays. hahaax. I'm SO GIRLY wif the gurls in my claz. Cuz we tok abt gurly stuff.. diao. hahaax. budden very fun and funny. Lolzlolz. Told Charmaine a joke today. She laughed a lot. Budden tt jk ok lar. But it was very funny when I heard it at first too. hahahahahaax.
Today mi and miaoz made a jk on SUMONE under mi bloc. SO FUNNY. hahaax. she said he/she sounded like a submarine and is like.. very bu yao lian. wahahahaax. =DD. It was damn funny. I'm bcumin darker.. =DD. so nice. (=.
Sum people are juz plain DIAO. Budden dey demsleves dunno it. ... yea.. Dey tink tt dey are.. like.. VERY SWEET, CUTE, HANDSOME, POPULAR, ... actually hor.. dey SUCK. Haizz. dey really do lor. Its lyk,.. dey are lyk.. so irritating and blah blah blah blah... CANT STAND THEM noe..
Show gonna start liao.. Buh byees! (= (=
Jayy. (=
 J A N E L L E
 Like fire and rain, you drive me insane♥
NAME: Janelle
AGE: 80
DATE OF BIRTH:16th April
NATIONALITY: Singaporean
COUNTRY: Singapore
STATUS: I'm gay
1. Foods: Mum's cooking, pastries, KOI, ice cream, plums, and basically everything.
2. Drinks: Non-carbonated ><
3. Fruits: ALL!♥
4. Deserts: none that I don't like.
5. Colours: Pink, blue, purple.
6. Pet: None
7. Singer: 2AM, SJ, SNSD, B2ST, MISS A, F(x), BIG BANG. (this list is endless~)
1. Taking photos
2. Hanging out with friends, shopping
3. Singing
4. Movies
5. Cute stuffs
1. BUGS, especially butterflies.
2. Hypocrites
3. Heights
4. Darkness
Things I currently do
1. Going to school and mugging my brains out
2. Keeping in contact with friends ♥
3. Enjoying life (minus the studying part)
4. Growing up
5. Playing Piano and guitar (for fun)
Wish Lists
1. Change my hairstyle
2. *secret*
3. Get good grades
4. Fly to Korea and Taiwan to meet my husbands (HAHAHA)
5. Shopping
6. For all these to be over.
 My Affiliates
 click click click to other world.
1. Tell me if you changed blog URL.
2. I will erase those inactive links/removed me from your blog
3. Link exchange for those who always view my blog, comment my post and dropped message on my tagboard.
 My History
 saving my memories.
Site name: Diary
Site link: http://bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com/
Site opened: May 2006
About this site:
I have been blogging since 2006. It's kind of like an on-off thing cause I don't blog regularly. It didn't start off with this name. I changed it to this one cause I wanted to be funny. But I guess I wanna keep it this way now. Haha
yeah I have a tumblr. But it's dead too. hahaha.
Designed by Mary.
Background by Chocolaterie
Materials by ChocoGoodies, Sorahana & Rebecca
Banner by TheFadingNight
Tell me nicely if I forgotten to credit you. Do not complain anything here cause it's 100% belongs to me.