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She chewed up the moon and spit stars all over my night sky♥

Leave nothing but footsteps.
Take nothing else.
Lastly, enjoy your stay.

Janelle's Profile
Janelle. Born on 16th April.
I'm 80 this year, and I absolutely love knitting.
I love KPOP (yes I'm a hippie grandma)
Love my family and friends♥
Click here for more..

Don't feel like putting one anymore><
Posted by Monday, August 04, 2008 8/04/2008 08:49:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes

WAHAHA. Im backkk. Haha. Saw this very interesting quiz on Yitian's blog so I came to do it. Not quiz lah. Some weird thingy. LOL :P

You have to score 30 points and below to be an angel (:

Those in purple are true :P

1. Smoked before
2. Drunk alcohol before
3. Slept with someone of the opposite sex
4. Slept with someone of the same sex
5. Gotten into any fights with my brother (I have a brother? o.O)
6. Kissed someone of the opposite sex (Not really kiss lah. Cuz lips nvr touch. So not counted :P)
7. Kissed someone of the same sex (Lips nvr touch counted??)
8. Had someone in your room of the opposite sex (My dad :DD hahahas)
9. Scolded vulgarities lots of times (I'm sorry :S *teary-eyes* )
10. Bought porn (0_0)
11. Take drugs before medicine
12. Hate going to the doctor's
13. Lied to your parents (Who didn't? :X But nah, it's nothing big.)
14. Lied to a friend back then (Yeah. But I forgot to who about what... :X)
15. Snuck out of the house
16. Done something illegal
17. Cut yourself
18. Hurt someone (But it hurt me too. :( )
19. Wished someone to die (Yeah. I really hated that person. :/ )
20. Seen someone die (0_0 On tv, yeah.)
21. Missed curfew (har??)
22. Stayed up all night (Wahaha. New year nights and stuff :D )
23. Eaten a carton of ice cream (My wish yeah.)
24. Been to a therapist
25. Been to a rehab
26. Dyed your hair (I'm very poor ya'know)
27. Received a ticket (Ooh. Ooh. Who's gonna be the kind soul to be the first one?? :DD )
28. Been in a wreck
29. Been to a club
30. Been to a bar for the sake of playing pool and drinking some stuff.
31. Been to a wild party
32. Seen the Mardi Gras
33. Had a fight (Not literally. Arguing very badly? Yeahh. )
34. Had a spring break
35. Sniffed anything (HAHA! MANY things :P)
36. Wore black nail polish (Nope :( )
37. Wore wristbands (Yeah duhhh. :P )
38. Wore black eyeliner (Chingay!! :DD )
40. Own a 50 cent CD (I want also. Hahaha.)
41. Hugged someone of the opposite sex
42. Hugged someone of the same sex (DUH! LOLOLLL :P)
43. Gone out with someone of the same sex (Ya duhhh. I have a life sometimes okayyy. :P)
44. Gone out with someone of the opposite sex (Yup. Hahah.)
45. Stole something (I turned over a new leaf okay!! LOL no lar. just sth stupid cuz the person scolded me really bad stuff.. :X )
46. Been too drunk to remember anything
47. Blacked out
48. Fainted
49. Had a crush on your neighbour (Uhh. I don't know my neighbours. Well unless you mean the kind old man who lives beside me. :/ )
50. Had someone else snuck into your room
51. Snuck into someone else's room
52. Had a crush on someone of the same sex
53. Had gone and watched movies with friends (I told you I have a life sometimes!! :D )
54. Dry humped someone
55. Been called a slut (Cuz that person was lame and was crazy=.=)
56. Called someone a slut (Cuz that person call me so I call back lo. zzz. lolll.)
57. Installed speakers in your car
58. Broke a mirror
59. Showered at someone of the opposite sex's house (0_0)
60. Brushed your teeth with someone else's brush (uhhh. eeck. :P)
61. Consider Mac, Dre, e40 or Mistah Fab your favorite rapper
62. Seen an R rated movie in theaters (0.0 underage lorrrr. loll)
63. Gone out with friends to the mall (duh!!)
64. Skipped school
65. Had an eating disorder
66. Had hurt yourself before (.......)
67. Gone to court
68. Walked out of a restaurant without paying (I wish. hehehe)
69. Caught something on fire
70. Lied about your age in order to create an account (Wahaha. :P)
71. Owned an apartment
72. Cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend
73. Cheated with someone
74. Got in trouble with the police (I "失踪"/"离家出走" for 1 whole day. Hahaha...)
75. Talked to a stranger (LOL.)
76. Hugged a stranger
77. Kissed a stranger
78. Rode in the car with a stranger (yeah.)
79. Been sexually harassed
80. Been verbally harassed
81. Met face to face with someone you met online
82. Stayed online for 12 hours (yayyy. haha.)
83. Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
84. Watched TV for 12 hours straight
85. Been to a fair (duh!! LOL)
86. Been called a bad influence
87. Cursed
88. Prank called someone
89. Laid in the bed with someone of the opposite sex (..............................................................)
90. Cheated on a test (ahem! *innocent look* ACC counted?? LOL :X )
91. Cheated on homework (hehe. okay lah. I 改过自新. :X )
92. Held hands with someone of the opposite sex
93. Want to be dead (I was really emo... :( )
94. Cut yourself before
95. Hate yourself (Yeah I really do... )
96. Had a crush on someone 10 years older than you
97. *NOT VALID* (????)
98. Worn eyeliner (Chingay!! (: )
99. Skinny dipped
100. Laughed at someone who was seriously hurt (I would N.E.V.E.R do that...... :X )

TOTAL SCORE: 34 Looks like I'm not really suited to be an angel huh. LOLOLL. :P

So tired...

他们说过,人要天天快乐,才能永远快乐。发自内心,真正的快乐,我却从来都没体验过。有啦。小时候。什么都不懂的时候。还有跟朋友在一起时。可是,现在却觉得好累。一切的一切。厌倦。疲惫。不知道为什么,心里却好郁闷,好想哭。可我却把眼泪给忍住。也不知为什么,听着伤心的歌曲,虽然更郁闷,更想哭,却没有眼泪。感觉上,好像计时炸弹,随时都会引爆。幼稚? 白痴? 无聊? 找一个时间,谁想要跟我一起去海边,大哭一场? 哭过了,也许就会更好过了吧。觉得很傻。可是却有这个冲动。好想,像以前那样,打从心里地快乐。心里压抑了好久的情感,好像爆发出来。可是却没那个力气。