You are at bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com.
She chewed up the moon and spit stars all over my night sky♥
Leave nothing but footsteps.
Take nothing else.
Lastly, enjoy your stay.
Janelle's Profile

Janelle. Born on 16th April.
I'm 80 this year, and I absolutely love knitting.
I love KPOP (yes I'm a hippie grandma)
Love my family and friends♥
Click here for more..
Don't feel like putting one anymore><
Posted by Monday, October 20, 2008 10/20/2008 05:43:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
OKAY PEEPS I'M BACK. The crazy me. hah.
Didn't exactly play crazily during the short holidays I had last week. But, well, okay. It was crazy enough... :D
But before I start anything,
15th oct 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY QIAO!!!!~~ :D Why you post your own birthday so small on your blog hmm?? o.0 anyways, you're 100 this year, so it's very significant :D hahaha no lar. happy 11th birthday ^^
You have been my special maid for the past 11 years of your life, so keep it up! :) hahahaha~ Putting it in other words, yes yes yes you're very helpful and I'm the lazy one._. Anyway, good luck for your violin exam at the end of the year! And yes yes I'll give you your christmas prezzie (for 2007._.) sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon :D
hahaha. count the number of 'o's. that's how soon :D L0L okay lar.
15th oct - 17th oct 2008 [marking days]
Class chalet was damn FUN:D There were a few classes together at the same place as us. In the same period of time._.
Okay so gjx and cy didnt go. -_- we could have had a great time ya'know? zzz. Anyways, I'd definitely miss class chalet. This class is a lot fun actually. But you needa get to know the people (:
All the movie screenings; people screaming next door in the middle of the night; waiting till 2am in the morning just to bathe(long queue...-_-); wild wild wet where we played in the rain AND water, and alot more. It's seriously fun. heh heh.
I think i'm gonna miss this class...(:
18th oct 2008
okay. And the 'birthday celebration' on Saturday. Such a pity jiahui didn't go... ): *sobs sobs sniff sniff* We had a great LOADS of fun time...
haha no lar. Played poker cards, had different kinds of "punishments", etc. There were like 4 pizzas, 1 big cake, 1 whole chicken(gjx's idea-_-), and 6 (or was it 7 hmm?) bottles of drinks. hahaha. I nearly burst. and for the first time, guo jin xin actually felt BLOATED. whoa. That's one thing to note. hahahahaha. (P.S. We're in the comp lab now and she is REALLY, VERY, EXTREMELY, N.O.I.S.Y... -_- yar. haish. Gorilla will always be a gorilla yea? (: )
It was damn fun. Went home at like 10++ and reached home at 11+.
19th oct 2008
Went to watch movie with dong dong chen. Btw, HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY DONGCHEN!!!~~ :D hahahaha. Now you can watch M18 movies with the lonely chenye. L0L0L!!! Or maybe chenye want dengXX to watch with her~ L0L okay i'm joking don't smack me. >.< 20th oct 2008 [today] yea today's results day. Somebody kill me. I'm screwed. Everything screwed. Yitian is damn freaking imba. Tsk. Haish. more papers to come tomorrow. Good luck to myself!!
Posted by Monday, October 20, 2008 10/20/2008 05:43:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
OKAY PEEPS I'M BACK. The crazy me. hah.
Didn't exactly play crazily during the short holidays I had last week. But, well, okay. It was crazy enough... :D
But before I start anything,
15th oct 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY QIAO!!!!~~ :D Why you post your own birthday so small on your blog hmm?? o.0 anyways, you're 100 this year, so it's very significant :D hahaha no lar. happy 11th birthday ^^
You have been my special maid for the past 11 years of your life, so keep it up! :) hahahaha~ Putting it in other words, yes yes yes you're very helpful and I'm the lazy one._. Anyway, good luck for your violin exam at the end of the year! And yes yes I'll give you your christmas prezzie (for 2007._.) sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon :D
hahaha. count the number of 'o's. that's how soon :D L0L okay lar.
15th oct - 17th oct 2008 [marking days]
Class chalet was damn FUN:D There were a few classes together at the same place as us. In the same period of time._.
Okay so gjx and cy didnt go. -_- we could have had a great time ya'know? zzz. Anyways, I'd definitely miss class chalet. This class is a lot fun actually. But you needa get to know the people (:
All the movie screenings; people screaming next door in the middle of the night; waiting till 2am in the morning just to bathe(long queue...-_-); wild wild wet where we played in the rain AND water, and alot more. It's seriously fun. heh heh.
I think i'm gonna miss this class...(:
18th oct 2008
okay. And the 'birthday celebration' on Saturday. Such a pity jiahui didn't go... ): *sobs sobs sniff sniff* We had a great LOADS of fun time...
haha no lar. Played poker cards, had different kinds of "punishments", etc. There were like 4 pizzas, 1 big cake, 1 whole chicken(gjx's idea-_-), and 6 (or was it 7 hmm?) bottles of drinks. hahaha. I nearly burst. and for the first time, guo jin xin actually felt BLOATED. whoa. That's one thing to note. hahahahaha. (P.S. We're in the comp lab now and she is REALLY, VERY, EXTREMELY, N.O.I.S.Y... -_- yar. haish. Gorilla will always be a gorilla yea? (: )
It was damn fun. Went home at like 10++ and reached home at 11+.
19th oct 2008
Went to watch movie with dong dong chen. Btw, HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY DONGCHEN!!!~~ :D hahahaha. Now you can watch M18 movies with the lonely chenye. L0L0L!!! Or maybe chenye want dengXX to watch with her~ L0L okay i'm joking don't smack me. >.< 20th oct 2008 [today] yea today's results day. Somebody kill me. I'm screwed. Everything screwed. Yitian is damn freaking imba. Tsk. Haish. more papers to come tomorrow. Good luck to myself!!
 J A N E L L E
 Like fire and rain, you drive me insane♥
NAME: Janelle
AGE: 80
DATE OF BIRTH:16th April
NATIONALITY: Singaporean
COUNTRY: Singapore
STATUS: I'm gay
1. Foods: Mum's cooking, pastries, KOI, ice cream, plums, and basically everything.
2. Drinks: Non-carbonated ><
3. Fruits: ALL!♥
4. Deserts: none that I don't like.
5. Colours: Pink, blue, purple.
6. Pet: None
7. Singer: 2AM, SJ, SNSD, B2ST, MISS A, F(x), BIG BANG. (this list is endless~)
1. Taking photos
2. Hanging out with friends, shopping
3. Singing
4. Movies
5. Cute stuffs
1. BUGS, especially butterflies.
2. Hypocrites
3. Heights
4. Darkness
Things I currently do
1. Going to school and mugging my brains out
2. Keeping in contact with friends ♥
3. Enjoying life (minus the studying part)
4. Growing up
5. Playing Piano and guitar (for fun)
Wish Lists
1. Change my hairstyle
2. *secret*
3. Get good grades
4. Fly to Korea and Taiwan to meet my husbands (HAHAHA)
5. Shopping
6. For all these to be over.
 My Affiliates
 click click click to other world.
1. Tell me if you changed blog URL.
2. I will erase those inactive links/removed me from your blog
3. Link exchange for those who always view my blog, comment my post and dropped message on my tagboard.
 My History
 saving my memories.
Site name: Diary
Site link: http://bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com/
Site opened: May 2006
About this site:
I have been blogging since 2006. It's kind of like an on-off thing cause I don't blog regularly. It didn't start off with this name. I changed it to this one cause I wanted to be funny. But I guess I wanna keep it this way now. Haha
yeah I have a tumblr. But it's dead too. hahaha.
Designed by Mary.
Background by Chocolaterie
Materials by ChocoGoodies, Sorahana & Rebecca
Banner by TheFadingNight
Tell me nicely if I forgotten to credit you. Do not complain anything here cause it's 100% belongs to me.