You are at bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com.
She chewed up the moon and spit stars all over my night sky♥
Leave nothing but footsteps.
Take nothing else.
Lastly, enjoy your stay.
Janelle's Profile

Janelle. Born on 16th April.
I'm 80 this year, and I absolutely love knitting.
I love KPOP (yes I'm a hippie grandma)
Love my family and friends♥
Click here for more..
Don't feel like putting one anymore><
 So bored.
Posted by Thursday, June 08, 2006 6/08/2006 02:26:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Heyyz. Back from lunch. (= haizz. So bored. everydae homework, homework and MORE HOMEWORK. bleahs. So bored. I nearly die liao. Miaoz goin China tomolo morning. She wunt be bac until nxt, nxt, Mondae. Urghs. A whole week alone. okayz. not alone. but den no one to tok to leh. ARH. No-one tagg at my blogg de. haizz. Going Sentosa on Sunday. but not confirmed yet.
Life's so boring. hahax. That time Miaoz went out wif *** rite, she sae *** pretend her legs hurt like shit. hahax. so funny. make *** sound REALLY retarded. lolzlolz. so bored. I am going crazy.
Maths so difficult lorz. (____________________________!!!) <= cannot show cuz *coughcough* its insulting and VERY OBVIOUS. hahax. (= But den Miaoz should noe. Haizz. Still waiting for her to finish polishing and updating. Then I link her. Her blog add is www.___________.blogspot.com! (cannot show. l8er she kill mi.. Lolzlolz.)
Haizz. lets c wad hw I hv left. 1)Call of the Wild thingy. (still havent finish reading). 2)Krishnan's Dairy's theatre review. (have to finish; Did half-way =P). 3)DARN MATHS. 4)Chinese project (still no news). 5)Geog project. (tomolo!!).
Urghs. Homework sux. homework simply sux sux sux and sux. ARGHH. cant take it anymore. goin MAD. hahax. maddy and Maddie. Lolzlolz. yea. LAME.-.-"" But nothing else to do... haizz..
Last nite I slept at 1 or 2 sth. Pa4 dao4 bu4 gan3 shui4. Cuz the Omen got a few shots / scenes very freaky. Miaoz should noe too. hahax. she also having a "bad-nite-sleep". Lolz. Anywae, den I finally slept but den woke up again at 4 sth. Mi mom off the air-con. den so damn hot. Somemore my room so dark. So I was in my blankets all along. I sweated like mad. Den I xia4 ding4 jue2 xin1, and walk across the room to take the control. Den I on the air-con. Wah. Shuang man. hahax.
Den I already awake liao. den also dun dare sleep. keep on thinkin of a scary "mirror" scene in the movie. I slept at 6.45am like tt. Cuz tt time outside brighten up liao. Den I sleep. Arghs. Den my sis cum in at 9 sth. So irritating. feel like strangling her. Damn damn irritating. So I didn't sleep much lorz. *yawn* haiz. haahx. But den very funny. Miaoz and me were thinkin of the same scene. Lolz. The scene when Damien skate to the mother's toilet when she was brushing her teeth and den stopped dere and looked at her. Den she turn around. No-one. Den she slowly turn bac and flip open the other half of the mirror and saw a *****. cannot sae.. too freaked liao.
Haizz. Tts all liao. got to go do hw liao. bu4 ran2 hui4 si3 qiao4 qiao4 de. hahax. kks. Buh Byees.
 So bored.
Posted by Thursday, June 08, 2006 6/08/2006 02:26:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Heyyz. Back from lunch. (= haizz. So bored. everydae homework, homework and MORE HOMEWORK. bleahs. So bored. I nearly die liao. Miaoz goin China tomolo morning. She wunt be bac until nxt, nxt, Mondae. Urghs. A whole week alone. okayz. not alone. but den no one to tok to leh. ARH. No-one tagg at my blogg de. haizz. Going Sentosa on Sunday. but not confirmed yet.
Life's so boring. hahax. That time Miaoz went out wif *** rite, she sae *** pretend her legs hurt like shit. hahax. so funny. make *** sound REALLY retarded. lolzlolz. so bored. I am going crazy.
Maths so difficult lorz. (____________________________!!!) <= cannot show cuz *coughcough* its insulting and VERY OBVIOUS. hahax. (= But den Miaoz should noe. Haizz. Still waiting for her to finish polishing and updating. Then I link her. Her blog add is www.___________.blogspot.com! (cannot show. l8er she kill mi.. Lolzlolz.)
Haizz. lets c wad hw I hv left. 1)Call of the Wild thingy. (still havent finish reading). 2)Krishnan's Dairy's theatre review. (have to finish; Did half-way =P). 3)DARN MATHS. 4)Chinese project (still no news). 5)Geog project. (tomolo!!).
Urghs. Homework sux. homework simply sux sux sux and sux. ARGHH. cant take it anymore. goin MAD. hahax. maddy and Maddie. Lolzlolz. yea. LAME.-.-"" But nothing else to do... haizz..
Last nite I slept at 1 or 2 sth. Pa4 dao4 bu4 gan3 shui4. Cuz the Omen got a few shots / scenes very freaky. Miaoz should noe too. hahax. she also having a "bad-nite-sleep". Lolz. Anywae, den I finally slept but den woke up again at 4 sth. Mi mom off the air-con. den so damn hot. Somemore my room so dark. So I was in my blankets all along. I sweated like mad. Den I xia4 ding4 jue2 xin1, and walk across the room to take the control. Den I on the air-con. Wah. Shuang man. hahax.
Den I already awake liao. den also dun dare sleep. keep on thinkin of a scary "mirror" scene in the movie. I slept at 6.45am like tt. Cuz tt time outside brighten up liao. Den I sleep. Arghs. Den my sis cum in at 9 sth. So irritating. feel like strangling her. Damn damn irritating. So I didn't sleep much lorz. *yawn* haiz. haahx. But den very funny. Miaoz and me were thinkin of the same scene. Lolz. The scene when Damien skate to the mother's toilet when she was brushing her teeth and den stopped dere and looked at her. Den she turn around. No-one. Den she slowly turn bac and flip open the other half of the mirror and saw a *****. cannot sae.. too freaked liao.
Haizz. Tts all liao. got to go do hw liao. bu4 ran2 hui4 si3 qiao4 qiao4 de. hahax. kks. Buh Byees.
 J A N E L L E
 Like fire and rain, you drive me insane♥
NAME: Janelle
AGE: 80
DATE OF BIRTH:16th April
NATIONALITY: Singaporean
COUNTRY: Singapore
STATUS: I'm gay
1. Foods: Mum's cooking, pastries, KOI, ice cream, plums, and basically everything.
2. Drinks: Non-carbonated ><
3. Fruits: ALL!♥
4. Deserts: none that I don't like.
5. Colours: Pink, blue, purple.
6. Pet: None
7. Singer: 2AM, SJ, SNSD, B2ST, MISS A, F(x), BIG BANG. (this list is endless~)
1. Taking photos
2. Hanging out with friends, shopping
3. Singing
4. Movies
5. Cute stuffs
1. BUGS, especially butterflies.
2. Hypocrites
3. Heights
4. Darkness
Things I currently do
1. Going to school and mugging my brains out
2. Keeping in contact with friends ♥
3. Enjoying life (minus the studying part)
4. Growing up
5. Playing Piano and guitar (for fun)
Wish Lists
1. Change my hairstyle
2. *secret*
3. Get good grades
4. Fly to Korea and Taiwan to meet my husbands (HAHAHA)
5. Shopping
6. For all these to be over.
 My Affiliates
 click click click to other world.
1. Tell me if you changed blog URL.
2. I will erase those inactive links/removed me from your blog
3. Link exchange for those who always view my blog, comment my post and dropped message on my tagboard.
 My History
 saving my memories.
Site name: Diary
Site link: http://bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com/
Site opened: May 2006
About this site:
I have been blogging since 2006. It's kind of like an on-off thing cause I don't blog regularly. It didn't start off with this name. I changed it to this one cause I wanted to be funny. But I guess I wanna keep it this way now. Haha
yeah I have a tumblr. But it's dead too. hahaha.
Designed by Mary.
Background by Chocolaterie
Materials by ChocoGoodies, Sorahana & Rebecca
Banner by TheFadingNight
Tell me nicely if I forgotten to credit you. Do not complain anything here cause it's 100% belongs to me.