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She chewed up the moon and spit stars all over my night sky♥
Leave nothing but footsteps.
Take nothing else.
Lastly, enjoy your stay.
Janelle's Profile

Janelle. Born on 16th April.
I'm 80 this year, and I absolutely love knitting.
I love KPOP (yes I'm a hippie grandma)
Love my family and friends♥
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Don't feel like putting one anymore><
Posted by Monday, July 31, 2006 7/31/2006 05:01:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Long time no post le. hahaax. cuz lazy.. =D. anywaes.. juz had a science practical test todae. okok baah. dun tiink I did well. LOLz.
L8ely sth happened. yepp. sth nott very niice. erm, shall nott mention here cuz.. nvm. .. maybe shld cheer up abit larz horr.. haha. ... Mii an mii two "sisters" are goin out for movie (maybe) and pai1 neoprints. (= Deres sth... nvm.
I guess life aint any perfect eh. People change. and sumtimes, dey change soo much tt uu can hardly recognise dem anymore. Dey can change frm good to bad. or the other way round. It depends.. on demselves. On uu can change urself. no one can control uu unless uu let dem. ... Well, maybe tts how life's suppose to be..
okiies. maybe I will be crappin a lot frm now onwards. uu could go other websites or wadever, up to uu.
Wad are frenz for? how do uu define "best friend"? Whyy do everyone thinks tt dey can only have one best friend? I juz dun geddit. frenz are those hu are dere when uu nd dem. no matter wad happens, dey will always be by ur side and be supportin uu. Dey will never say sth bad to uu, or curse uu behind ur bacs, or befren wif sumone else and dump uu immediately and say bac words to get rid of uu, or LAME, unreasonable reasons.
Its hard to find true frenz. And if uu do find one or so, dun let dem go. Do wad a true fren shld do. Dun betray. betrayers are the worst hell of all living natures. and so are Liers. People wif ap shld try to improve on their attitude. sum people might be annoying, but dey are those hu are truly "loyal" and will never betray uu. Now I noe how she felt tt time.. Now den I noe. It was a kindof feeling. A frightened feeling. afraid tt she might be gone from uu forever. Now I noe whyy she cried. It wasnt an act to get mii bac to her. It was a true feeling deep down her. It wasnt fake, at least..
If uu take frenz for granted, one dae, when everyone leaves uu, uu will feel lonely. Uu are unbelievable. tts all I can say abt uu. Uu never quit tt old habit of urs. One dae, when everyone saw the real uu, dey will get sick of uu and dump uu.
kks. thx for ur patience. (= It was damn borin durin all the lessons today. hahaax. after tokin to kor feel better. (=. at least sumone understands mii. =D xiexie ni kor.
Found tis at sumone's blogg. kinda interestin. hahaax. huever wants den take. (=
>MY.... >:x: name = Wang Junyan Janelle >:x: piercings = Want to.. budden cant. hahaax. >:x: tattoos = Nope. scared of pain. and dey look kinda.. gross. so never. (= >:x: height = forget le.. >:x: shoe size = Forgot too. yes I hv bad memory. (= >:x: hair color = erm.. brownish black. dey say look lyk rebond. really meh? hahaax. >:x: siblings = One younger sister. 1 god sister and 1 god brother. (= and plus in claz got 2 sisters. yayys. hahaax.
>LAST... >:x: movie you rented = hmm.. Madagascar? hahaax. tt movie's damn cute and funny. (= >:x: movie you bought = I dun buy movies.. I tiink. hahaax. dunno lehz.. >:x: song you listened to = erm.. hao3 ai4 ta1, hao3 xiang3 ta1 by 183 club/7 flowers. aiyah.. for the Wang zi bian qing wa show larz.. LOLz. >:x: song that was stuck in your head = ehh.. same as previous qn one. (= >:x: cd you bought = ermm.. Ashlee Simpson's I am Me. (= No time buy new ones. Maybe this sat.. >:x: cd you listened to = JJ Lin de Caocao. =D >:x: person you've called = erm.. dad? hahaax. ask hiim piik mii up. (= >:x: person that's called you = Mum? hahaax. ask mii where I was juz now. >:x: tv show you've watched = Green Forest, My home! Tt show rox. (= >:x: person you were thinking of = Mii idol! (shall keep as secret. =D)
>DO... >:x: you have a crush on someone = hmmm.. yupp. =P >:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = Definitely. I want a place near the beach and has a big shoppin mall and mii skool's near. (= Condo's even better. >< >:x: you think about suicide = When Im really stressed out, yupp. =P >:x: you believe in online dating = erm.. Nott really.. hahaax. >:x: others find you attractive = nahs. =) >:x: you want more piercings = I terribly afraid of pain. So.. wait till I get mii two earholes zai shuo ba. (= >:x: you like cleaning = House? sumtimes.. kinda fun. hahaax. room? Nott at all. too lazy to keep those junk of mine. =D >:x: you like roller coasters = Yupp. those really exciting and thrilling ones. hahaax. >:x: you write in cursive or print = print.. dun lyk cursive writings. (=
>FOR OR AGAINST... >:x: long distance relationships = Against baah.. dunnos hahaax. (= >:x: using someone = AGAINST larz. duh. XD >:x: suicide = Usually against.. hahaax. ^^ >:x: killing people = oO Unless I ahte sumone a lot and I dunt hv to go to jail for murders, den okiies. =D >:x: teenage smoking = Against.. the smoke smells terrible anywaes.. and uu could die frm smokiin.. >< >:x: driving drunk = Agianst.. wad if tt person kills mii or mii family or frenz.. enemies, I dunt care. (= >:x: gay/lesbian relationships = erm.. if its for REAL, den against. if playplay den for lorz. =D. I bcumin very les le.. >:x: soap operas = If its wad I tiink.. den against. Im anti-opera. (=
>HAVE YOU... >:x: ever cried over a girl = dunt tiink so.. >:x: ever cried over a boy = nahs.. Nth to cry abt also.. LOLz. >:x: ever lied to someone = Nope. (Im lyin. (= ) >:x: ever been in a fist fight = would love to.. but no. >:x: ever been arrested = Cool. the cells have comps in dem.. (=
>WHAT... >:x: shampoo do you use = dunno. propably pantene. (= >:x: shoes do you wear = Converse (last time) and OP.. >:x: are you scared of = Insects, heights, mirrors (nott scared of, juz dun lyk lookin into a mirror.. especially big ones.)
>NUMBER... >:x: of times I have been in love? = Sadly, none. >:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = Luckily, none. (= >:x: of girls I have kissed? = For real, nope. fake one.. yea.. quite a lot of times. (= >:x: of boys I have kissed? = want to say a number abbove zero but sadly, none. LOLz. >:x: of girls I've slept (in a bed) with? = Tons of times. chalets, camps, blahblah.. >:x: of boys I've slept (in a bed) with? = Nearly slept wif a guy last year chalet.. but was saved by sumone else. hahaax. she slept wif him. budden wif a BIG space btwn dem. (= ) >:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends = Actually, one. budden she turned on mii. well, actually, we so-called broke. (= .. Budden now got new ones. quite a few. ^^ >:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = None. sad rite. hahaax. >:x: of scars on my body? = 4 or 5.. dunno. LOLz. >< >:x: of things in my past that I regret? = Hmm.. kiinda alot. one of dem is dumpin a fren tt was really true to mii. (gurl ah.. dun tiink *coughs* hahaax)
>DO YOU THINK YOU ARE... >:x: pretty = nope. deres quite a LOT of pretty gurls tt I've seen. (= >:x: funny = Sortof. Everytym I sae a jk, mii frenz would laugh lyk shit. does tt counts? >< >:x: hot = DUH NO. never lorz. unless Im a bitch, yes. But Im nott a bitch. so no. (= >:x: friendly = I tiink mii frenz hv to answer tiis qn for mii. =D >:x: amusing = yupp. sumtyms. Lyk tt charmina lorz, sae wad everytym I have to find a w/s den so ma2 fan2 one den laugh lyk hell. oO. EVIL. ahahaax. (= >:x: ugly = probably nott. Average la horr. HAHAax. =X >:x: loveable = nope. probably the opposite. ahahaax. >:x: caring = should be yes baah.. =D >:x: sweet = tiis is up to mii dear frenz. (= >:x: dorky = Eh.. oO
>FAVORITE: >:x: 6 letter word: bloody >:x: actor/actress: Johnny Depp! =D and sum ppl frm Taiwan. (= >:x: Candy: Hmmm.. chocolates? or maybe apple flavoured candies also can. XD >:x: Cartoon: Mr Bean animated series. hahaax. =D >:x: Cereal: Erm,.. LONG time never eat le.. hahaax. >:x: Chewing gum: ?? got flavour one ah.. I still prefer mint. (= >:x: Color(s): at the moment? black and white. ^^ >:x: Color nail polish: I dun use tt often.. budden I prefer the transparent one. (= >:x: Day of week: Friday! cuz last day of sku, got art club, one more reason cant say, and got ghost whispers. (= >:x: Least fave day: Wednesday.. cuz its the dreadest day of ALL. LOL >:x: Flowers : For ice-cream? Choco chiip! =D and ripple. niice. =P >:x: Jello flavor: Orange. >:x: Jewelry: If Im rich enuff, diamond. cuz its mii birthstone. =D >:x: Special skills/talents: =X Tiis is a difficult qn.. LOL >:x: Summer/Winter: Definitely Winter. Winter rox! budden I dun lyk to be in a place durin winter. cuz tis damn freezin cold. ahaha. >:x: Trampolines or swimming pools: swimming pools..
> PERSON WHO LAST.. >:x: Slept in your bed: Mii? -.- >:x: Saw you cry: ... haha dunno. >:x: Made you cry: sumone hoom I shall nott mention .. >:x: Went to the movies with: Mii deardear Yoyo! hahaax. went to watch Pirates 2. ROX. budden gotta wait for Pirates 3.. haiizzz.. LOL >:x: Yelled at you: Obviously, tt would be mii mom. I tiink. yea. LOL. =P >:x: Sent you an email: Eh.. lemmi check..Huang Ching..
> Have you ever.. >:x: Said "I love you" and meant it?: =X Want to but nope. >:x: Gone out in public in your pajamas: Mii pj is tee and shorts. (= >:x: Kept a secret from everyone: DUH. I nd privacy kaes. LOL >:x: Cried during a movie: yupp. forgot which movie budden I tiink only one or two.. hahaax. =D >:x: Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block stuff: ERM. oO. ?? >:x: Planned your week based on the TV Guide: Nott week.. sum days maybe yupp. =P >:x: Been on stage: DUH. like hu dint? >:x: Been to New York: If I was tt rich, yupp. But up todate, nope. >:x: Been to California: would luv to but nope. >:x: Hawaii: I would definitely go dere soon. But I dunno how soon. LOLz.. >:x: China: yupp >:x: Canada: Nope. sad rite? I so pathetic. >:x: Asia: oohs. If uu havent notice, Im livin IN Asia.. Singapore. =) >:x: Wished you were the opposite sex: Sumtimes.. But gurls are niicer. (= >:x: What time is it now?: erm.. 10.40pm.. =D >:x: Apples or bananas?: Apples.. bananas.. dunno la. Now, maybe bananas. (= >:x: Blue or red?: Red. >:x: Walmart or target?: Eh.. *shrugs* =D >:x: Spring or Fall?: hmm.. Fall.. I hate springs.. (= >:x: What are you gonna do after you finish this? : Bathe and sleep? it damn hot anyways.. (= >:x: What was the last meal you ate? : Dinner?? 0O >:x: High school or college? : High School.. sadly. I wanna be in college now.. cuz of 2 reasons. =P >:x: Are you bored? : DUH. Obviously..?! -.- >:x: Last noise you heard? : noise ah.. hmm.. I think its the music Im listenin to? High Sku musical's soundtracks.. =D >:x: Last smell you sniffed? : hmm.. air? LOL. maybe mii dinner? =P >:x: Last time you went out of state/province? : This year march.. nottt a very pleasant trip though.. hated it.. haiizzz.. hahaa
> FRIENDSHIP/LOVE >:x: Do you believe in love at first sight? : yupp. =D >:x: Do you want children one day & if so, how many? : never tout of tt.. hahaa. hmm.. maybe 1? dunno. (= >:x: Most important thing to you in a friendship is: trust. Wifout trust, there cant be any friendship. (=
> Other Info >:x: Criminal record? : Luckily.. nope. >:x: Do you speak any other languages? : A teeny weeny bit of malay, english, chinese, hmmm.. a FEW (which means very few) words of Jap and one Korea word. pathetic rite? ahahaa. (= >:x: Last book you read: hmm.. Animal Farm? hahaa.. >:x: Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom? : Mii soft toys, radio, hmm.. comics.. yupp. ^^ >:x: Thing you dislike about yourself the most: mii eyes.. I wan double eye-lids! )= *sobsob* hahaa >:x: Worst feeling in the world: ... To feel so lonely even though you are in the middle of a big crowd.. lol. >:x: Who you love: Love ah.. Mii family, mii frenz, mii kor and lastly FSquare! ^^ >:x: Who you miss: erm.. rite now? no one..
> You >:x: Nickname(s): dun tiink got any.. )= LOL >:x:Initials: Jan, elle, ellie, Jy, yan2 (nott much people call mii tt..LOL). >:x: How old do you look? : Pretty old baah.. cuz Im pretty tall.. LOL. =D >:x: How old do you act? : I juz be miiself.. (= >:x: Glasses/Contacts: Glaasses. O-O hahaa. ^^ >:x: Braces?: nope. =) >:x: Do you have any pets?: no.. I wann a dog! so pathetic rite.. LOL =p >:x: What makes you happy?: People makiin mii laugh or smile, presents and to be in a nice place wif a beautiful scenery.. (= >:x: What upsets you?: People givin mii comands and gif mii tthe "I-dun-lyk-uu" look and ppl hu go bac on their promises. ...
> Finish the sentence: >:x: I Love to... sleep, eat, surf the net, chattin on msn, listen to music.. >< >:x: I Miss.. the people hu love mii. (= >:x: I Wish... ooh.. many ting >:x: I'm Annoyed by... People calling stoopid names and rite now, this quiz. >:x: I Am.. .. a gurl? hahaa. but tts true. (= >:x: I Want to Be... If uu noe mii WELL, and I really mean very well, den uu should noe. (= >:x: I Would Never... betray, abandon mii frenz and.. hmm,.. tts abt it? >:x: I'd Rather... surf the net dan watch tv? >< >:x: I Am Tired of... OVER-enthu people.. which so far, I only met one and shes in other sku.. =) >:x: I Will Always be... a gurl? hahaa. kdkd.. erm, loyal? to mii frenz la.. ^^
> Have you ever.. >:x: Thought you were going to die: yupps. nope.. I dunno.. dun tiink so.. haha(= >:x: Wanted to Run away: yupps. pathetic rite? >:x: Flunked a grade: grade no.. but tests.. a definite yes. >:x: Skipped a grade: I'm no genius uu noe..
Im SOO happiie. FINALLY finished. phews. gtg. c yaz. =P
Posted by Monday, July 31, 2006 7/31/2006 05:01:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Long time no post le. hahaax. cuz lazy.. =D. anywaes.. juz had a science practical test todae. okok baah. dun tiink I did well. LOLz.
L8ely sth happened. yepp. sth nott very niice. erm, shall nott mention here cuz.. nvm. .. maybe shld cheer up abit larz horr.. haha. ... Mii an mii two "sisters" are goin out for movie (maybe) and pai1 neoprints. (= Deres sth... nvm.
I guess life aint any perfect eh. People change. and sumtimes, dey change soo much tt uu can hardly recognise dem anymore. Dey can change frm good to bad. or the other way round. It depends.. on demselves. On uu can change urself. no one can control uu unless uu let dem. ... Well, maybe tts how life's suppose to be..
okiies. maybe I will be crappin a lot frm now onwards. uu could go other websites or wadever, up to uu.
Wad are frenz for? how do uu define "best friend"? Whyy do everyone thinks tt dey can only have one best friend? I juz dun geddit. frenz are those hu are dere when uu nd dem. no matter wad happens, dey will always be by ur side and be supportin uu. Dey will never say sth bad to uu, or curse uu behind ur bacs, or befren wif sumone else and dump uu immediately and say bac words to get rid of uu, or LAME, unreasonable reasons.
Its hard to find true frenz. And if uu do find one or so, dun let dem go. Do wad a true fren shld do. Dun betray. betrayers are the worst hell of all living natures. and so are Liers. People wif ap shld try to improve on their attitude. sum people might be annoying, but dey are those hu are truly "loyal" and will never betray uu. Now I noe how she felt tt time.. Now den I noe. It was a kindof feeling. A frightened feeling. afraid tt she might be gone from uu forever. Now I noe whyy she cried. It wasnt an act to get mii bac to her. It was a true feeling deep down her. It wasnt fake, at least..
If uu take frenz for granted, one dae, when everyone leaves uu, uu will feel lonely. Uu are unbelievable. tts all I can say abt uu. Uu never quit tt old habit of urs. One dae, when everyone saw the real uu, dey will get sick of uu and dump uu.
kks. thx for ur patience. (= It was damn borin durin all the lessons today. hahaax. after tokin to kor feel better. (=. at least sumone understands mii. =D xiexie ni kor.
Found tis at sumone's blogg. kinda interestin. hahaax. huever wants den take. (=
>MY.... >:x: name = Wang Junyan Janelle >:x: piercings = Want to.. budden cant. hahaax. >:x: tattoos = Nope. scared of pain. and dey look kinda.. gross. so never. (= >:x: height = forget le.. >:x: shoe size = Forgot too. yes I hv bad memory. (= >:x: hair color = erm.. brownish black. dey say look lyk rebond. really meh? hahaax. >:x: siblings = One younger sister. 1 god sister and 1 god brother. (= and plus in claz got 2 sisters. yayys. hahaax.
>LAST... >:x: movie you rented = hmm.. Madagascar? hahaax. tt movie's damn cute and funny. (= >:x: movie you bought = I dun buy movies.. I tiink. hahaax. dunno lehz.. >:x: song you listened to = erm.. hao3 ai4 ta1, hao3 xiang3 ta1 by 183 club/7 flowers. aiyah.. for the Wang zi bian qing wa show larz.. LOLz. >:x: song that was stuck in your head = ehh.. same as previous qn one. (= >:x: cd you bought = ermm.. Ashlee Simpson's I am Me. (= No time buy new ones. Maybe this sat.. >:x: cd you listened to = JJ Lin de Caocao. =D >:x: person you've called = erm.. dad? hahaax. ask hiim piik mii up. (= >:x: person that's called you = Mum? hahaax. ask mii where I was juz now. >:x: tv show you've watched = Green Forest, My home! Tt show rox. (= >:x: person you were thinking of = Mii idol! (shall keep as secret. =D)
>DO... >:x: you have a crush on someone = hmmm.. yupp. =P >:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = Definitely. I want a place near the beach and has a big shoppin mall and mii skool's near. (= Condo's even better. >< >:x: you think about suicide = When Im really stressed out, yupp. =P >:x: you believe in online dating = erm.. Nott really.. hahaax. >:x: others find you attractive = nahs. =) >:x: you want more piercings = I terribly afraid of pain. So.. wait till I get mii two earholes zai shuo ba. (= >:x: you like cleaning = House? sumtimes.. kinda fun. hahaax. room? Nott at all. too lazy to keep those junk of mine. =D >:x: you like roller coasters = Yupp. those really exciting and thrilling ones. hahaax. >:x: you write in cursive or print = print.. dun lyk cursive writings. (=
>FOR OR AGAINST... >:x: long distance relationships = Against baah.. dunnos hahaax. (= >:x: using someone = AGAINST larz. duh. XD >:x: suicide = Usually against.. hahaax. ^^ >:x: killing people = oO Unless I ahte sumone a lot and I dunt hv to go to jail for murders, den okiies. =D >:x: teenage smoking = Against.. the smoke smells terrible anywaes.. and uu could die frm smokiin.. >< >:x: driving drunk = Agianst.. wad if tt person kills mii or mii family or frenz.. enemies, I dunt care. (= >:x: gay/lesbian relationships = erm.. if its for REAL, den against. if playplay den for lorz. =D. I bcumin very les le.. >:x: soap operas = If its wad I tiink.. den against. Im anti-opera. (=
>HAVE YOU... >:x: ever cried over a girl = dunt tiink so.. >:x: ever cried over a boy = nahs.. Nth to cry abt also.. LOLz. >:x: ever lied to someone = Nope. (Im lyin. (= ) >:x: ever been in a fist fight = would love to.. but no. >:x: ever been arrested = Cool. the cells have comps in dem.. (=
>WHAT... >:x: shampoo do you use = dunno. propably pantene. (= >:x: shoes do you wear = Converse (last time) and OP.. >:x: are you scared of = Insects, heights, mirrors (nott scared of, juz dun lyk lookin into a mirror.. especially big ones.)
>NUMBER... >:x: of times I have been in love? = Sadly, none. >:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = Luckily, none. (= >:x: of girls I have kissed? = For real, nope. fake one.. yea.. quite a lot of times. (= >:x: of boys I have kissed? = want to say a number abbove zero but sadly, none. LOLz. >:x: of girls I've slept (in a bed) with? = Tons of times. chalets, camps, blahblah.. >:x: of boys I've slept (in a bed) with? = Nearly slept wif a guy last year chalet.. but was saved by sumone else. hahaax. she slept wif him. budden wif a BIG space btwn dem. (= ) >:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends = Actually, one. budden she turned on mii. well, actually, we so-called broke. (= .. Budden now got new ones. quite a few. ^^ >:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = None. sad rite. hahaax. >:x: of scars on my body? = 4 or 5.. dunno. LOLz. >< >:x: of things in my past that I regret? = Hmm.. kiinda alot. one of dem is dumpin a fren tt was really true to mii. (gurl ah.. dun tiink *coughs* hahaax)
>DO YOU THINK YOU ARE... >:x: pretty = nope. deres quite a LOT of pretty gurls tt I've seen. (= >:x: funny = Sortof. Everytym I sae a jk, mii frenz would laugh lyk shit. does tt counts? >< >:x: hot = DUH NO. never lorz. unless Im a bitch, yes. But Im nott a bitch. so no. (= >:x: friendly = I tiink mii frenz hv to answer tiis qn for mii. =D >:x: amusing = yupp. sumtyms. Lyk tt charmina lorz, sae wad everytym I have to find a w/s den so ma2 fan2 one den laugh lyk hell. oO. EVIL. ahahaax. (= >:x: ugly = probably nott. Average la horr. HAHAax. =X >:x: loveable = nope. probably the opposite. ahahaax. >:x: caring = should be yes baah.. =D >:x: sweet = tiis is up to mii dear frenz. (= >:x: dorky = Eh.. oO
>FAVORITE: >:x: 6 letter word: bloody >:x: actor/actress: Johnny Depp! =D and sum ppl frm Taiwan. (= >:x: Candy: Hmmm.. chocolates? or maybe apple flavoured candies also can. XD >:x: Cartoon: Mr Bean animated series. hahaax. =D >:x: Cereal: Erm,.. LONG time never eat le.. hahaax. >:x: Chewing gum: ?? got flavour one ah.. I still prefer mint. (= >:x: Color(s): at the moment? black and white. ^^ >:x: Color nail polish: I dun use tt often.. budden I prefer the transparent one. (= >:x: Day of week: Friday! cuz last day of sku, got art club, one more reason cant say, and got ghost whispers. (= >:x: Least fave day: Wednesday.. cuz its the dreadest day of ALL. LOL >:x: Flowers : For ice-cream? Choco chiip! =D and ripple. niice. =P >:x: Jello flavor: Orange. >:x: Jewelry: If Im rich enuff, diamond. cuz its mii birthstone. =D >:x: Special skills/talents: =X Tiis is a difficult qn.. LOL >:x: Summer/Winter: Definitely Winter. Winter rox! budden I dun lyk to be in a place durin winter. cuz tis damn freezin cold. ahaha. >:x: Trampolines or swimming pools: swimming pools..
> PERSON WHO LAST.. >:x: Slept in your bed: Mii? -.- >:x: Saw you cry: ... haha dunno. >:x: Made you cry: sumone hoom I shall nott mention .. >:x: Went to the movies with: Mii deardear Yoyo! hahaax. went to watch Pirates 2. ROX. budden gotta wait for Pirates 3.. haiizzz.. LOL >:x: Yelled at you: Obviously, tt would be mii mom. I tiink. yea. LOL. =P >:x: Sent you an email: Eh.. lemmi check..Huang Ching..
> Have you ever.. >:x: Said "I love you" and meant it?: =X Want to but nope. >:x: Gone out in public in your pajamas: Mii pj is tee and shorts. (= >:x: Kept a secret from everyone: DUH. I nd privacy kaes. LOL >:x: Cried during a movie: yupp. forgot which movie budden I tiink only one or two.. hahaax. =D >:x: Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block stuff: ERM. oO. ?? >:x: Planned your week based on the TV Guide: Nott week.. sum days maybe yupp. =P >:x: Been on stage: DUH. like hu dint? >:x: Been to New York: If I was tt rich, yupp. But up todate, nope. >:x: Been to California: would luv to but nope. >:x: Hawaii: I would definitely go dere soon. But I dunno how soon. LOLz.. >:x: China: yupp >:x: Canada: Nope. sad rite? I so pathetic. >:x: Asia: oohs. If uu havent notice, Im livin IN Asia.. Singapore. =) >:x: Wished you were the opposite sex: Sumtimes.. But gurls are niicer. (= >:x: What time is it now?: erm.. 10.40pm.. =D >:x: Apples or bananas?: Apples.. bananas.. dunno la. Now, maybe bananas. (= >:x: Blue or red?: Red. >:x: Walmart or target?: Eh.. *shrugs* =D >:x: Spring or Fall?: hmm.. Fall.. I hate springs.. (= >:x: What are you gonna do after you finish this? : Bathe and sleep? it damn hot anyways.. (= >:x: What was the last meal you ate? : Dinner?? 0O >:x: High school or college? : High School.. sadly. I wanna be in college now.. cuz of 2 reasons. =P >:x: Are you bored? : DUH. Obviously..?! -.- >:x: Last noise you heard? : noise ah.. hmm.. I think its the music Im listenin to? High Sku musical's soundtracks.. =D >:x: Last smell you sniffed? : hmm.. air? LOL. maybe mii dinner? =P >:x: Last time you went out of state/province? : This year march.. nottt a very pleasant trip though.. hated it.. haiizzz.. hahaa
> FRIENDSHIP/LOVE >:x: Do you believe in love at first sight? : yupp. =D >:x: Do you want children one day & if so, how many? : never tout of tt.. hahaa. hmm.. maybe 1? dunno. (= >:x: Most important thing to you in a friendship is: trust. Wifout trust, there cant be any friendship. (=
> Other Info >:x: Criminal record? : Luckily.. nope. >:x: Do you speak any other languages? : A teeny weeny bit of malay, english, chinese, hmmm.. a FEW (which means very few) words of Jap and one Korea word. pathetic rite? ahahaa. (= >:x: Last book you read: hmm.. Animal Farm? hahaa.. >:x: Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom? : Mii soft toys, radio, hmm.. comics.. yupp. ^^ >:x: Thing you dislike about yourself the most: mii eyes.. I wan double eye-lids! )= *sobsob* hahaa >:x: Worst feeling in the world: ... To feel so lonely even though you are in the middle of a big crowd.. lol. >:x: Who you love: Love ah.. Mii family, mii frenz, mii kor and lastly FSquare! ^^ >:x: Who you miss: erm.. rite now? no one..
> You >:x: Nickname(s): dun tiink got any.. )= LOL >:x:Initials: Jan, elle, ellie, Jy, yan2 (nott much people call mii tt..LOL). >:x: How old do you look? : Pretty old baah.. cuz Im pretty tall.. LOL. =D >:x: How old do you act? : I juz be miiself.. (= >:x: Glasses/Contacts: Glaasses. O-O hahaa. ^^ >:x: Braces?: nope. =) >:x: Do you have any pets?: no.. I wann a dog! so pathetic rite.. LOL =p >:x: What makes you happy?: People makiin mii laugh or smile, presents and to be in a nice place wif a beautiful scenery.. (= >:x: What upsets you?: People givin mii comands and gif mii tthe "I-dun-lyk-uu" look and ppl hu go bac on their promises. ...
> Finish the sentence: >:x: I Love to... sleep, eat, surf the net, chattin on msn, listen to music.. >< >:x: I Miss.. the people hu love mii. (= >:x: I Wish... ooh.. many ting >:x: I'm Annoyed by... People calling stoopid names and rite now, this quiz. >:x: I Am.. .. a gurl? hahaa. but tts true. (= >:x: I Want to Be... If uu noe mii WELL, and I really mean very well, den uu should noe. (= >:x: I Would Never... betray, abandon mii frenz and.. hmm,.. tts abt it? >:x: I'd Rather... surf the net dan watch tv? >< >:x: I Am Tired of... OVER-enthu people.. which so far, I only met one and shes in other sku.. =) >:x: I Will Always be... a gurl? hahaa. kdkd.. erm, loyal? to mii frenz la.. ^^
> Have you ever.. >:x: Thought you were going to die: yupps. nope.. I dunno.. dun tiink so.. haha(= >:x: Wanted to Run away: yupps. pathetic rite? >:x: Flunked a grade: grade no.. but tests.. a definite yes. >:x: Skipped a grade: I'm no genius uu noe..
Im SOO happiie. FINALLY finished. phews. gtg. c yaz. =P
 J A N E L L E
 Like fire and rain, you drive me insane♥
NAME: Janelle
AGE: 80
DATE OF BIRTH:16th April
NATIONALITY: Singaporean
COUNTRY: Singapore
STATUS: I'm gay
1. Foods: Mum's cooking, pastries, KOI, ice cream, plums, and basically everything.
2. Drinks: Non-carbonated ><
3. Fruits: ALL!♥
4. Deserts: none that I don't like.
5. Colours: Pink, blue, purple.
6. Pet: None
7. Singer: 2AM, SJ, SNSD, B2ST, MISS A, F(x), BIG BANG. (this list is endless~)
1. Taking photos
2. Hanging out with friends, shopping
3. Singing
4. Movies
5. Cute stuffs
1. BUGS, especially butterflies.
2. Hypocrites
3. Heights
4. Darkness
Things I currently do
1. Going to school and mugging my brains out
2. Keeping in contact with friends ♥
3. Enjoying life (minus the studying part)
4. Growing up
5. Playing Piano and guitar (for fun)
Wish Lists
1. Change my hairstyle
2. *secret*
3. Get good grades
4. Fly to Korea and Taiwan to meet my husbands (HAHAHA)
5. Shopping
6. For all these to be over.
 My Affiliates
 click click click to other world.
1. Tell me if you changed blog URL.
2. I will erase those inactive links/removed me from your blog
3. Link exchange for those who always view my blog, comment my post and dropped message on my tagboard.
 My History
 saving my memories.
Site name: Diary
Site link: http://bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com/
Site opened: May 2006
About this site:
I have been blogging since 2006. It's kind of like an on-off thing cause I don't blog regularly. It didn't start off with this name. I changed it to this one cause I wanted to be funny. But I guess I wanna keep it this way now. Haha
yeah I have a tumblr. But it's dead too. hahaha.
Designed by Mary.
Background by Chocolaterie
Materials by ChocoGoodies, Sorahana & Rebecca
Banner by TheFadingNight
Tell me nicely if I forgotten to credit you. Do not complain anything here cause it's 100% belongs to me.