You are at bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com.
She chewed up the moon and spit stars all over my night sky♥
Leave nothing but footsteps.
Take nothing else.
Lastly, enjoy your stay.
Janelle's Profile

Janelle. Born on 16th April.
I'm 80 this year, and I absolutely love knitting.
I love KPOP (yes I'm a hippie grandma)
Love my family and friends♥
Click here for more..
Don't feel like putting one anymore><
 Probably the last..
Posted by Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8/30/2006 10:46:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Yupps. hiies. Im bac. longlonglonglonglonglong time no post and update blahblah le. (= lol. niice song rite? niice blogg skiin rite? =D. juz changed. today went CCK wif yoyo. den met feei, chang and lo dere. Lo cut her hair shorter. all 3 gone chio-er. ^^ my shoulders nearly broke lor. -.- tomolo gotta wear claz tee. dun feel lyk wearin leh. bleahs. wadever. hahaa
ohs. yeas. `sha's mii jie now. =D. yayys. lol. tiis might be the loast post before mii exams finish. Mii exams startin on 28th of August. bleahs. stoopid. =\ lol. I so nervous. pray tt all goes well. ^^ mii blogg is like.. so DEAD? hahaa. l8ely have been very happiie duno whyy. =D. ohs wells, enjo life to its fullest. moii moral now. ^^
Tomolo goin bac to saps. by taxi.. yupps. (= hope tt I wunt see the ppl I dun wanna see and I will see the people I wanna see. the only one tt I really wanna see is nott in SAPS. lor. bleahs. get the hint? LOLOLOL. xomg. so l8 le. tis aei pretty short post. but nth to post. will post more if got the chance. see yaz.
^^ hope tt all goes well.. (I really needed tt noe.. LOL. =D)
 Im bac. ;))
Posted by Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8/22/2006 09:58:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
yupps. I noe I noe. Nvr update so long le. Cuz no time mah. Tomolo got science and malay tests leh. sumore one after another. wtf. But better. lol. haiizz. stoooopid history. Juz dun-geddit. bloody la. History test on Thursday. wtf. again. Den tomolo end at 3.30pm. hell la.
lets tok abt sth nice. Ohs. Last.. thursday. yupps. went cck wif Miao2. Den we ate lunch and went to buy cheryl bdae present. she buy one la. den I go buy mii markers. den go home. hahaas. budden cuz I nda chiong history mah. den tt time already lyk.. 5 plus le. So gotta reach home faster. Last few seconds den we rush onto the train. LOL. was so funny.
den.. yea. stooopid history. haiizzz. but still muz work harder. I dun wan fail thurs test. otherwise.. nott very nice. Friday art club was.. erm,.. okok baahs. last word. juz ONE-MORE-WORD den I complete mii drawin le. it SUX. =P lol. yupps. it realy sux. bloody hell. Everytym I draw until so plain la.
Monday was.. ok? yupps. ohs. Last wk got Maths common test 3. okok. nononono. nott ok. I dint do one qn. ahh. 3 marks gone. )= Out of tym le. stooopid. Today went home quite early. cuz caught an early bus wif miao2 and den the whole journey was pretty smooth. so reach at `bout 3.15-3.20 liddat. Den miao2 say dunno wad so early den take a photo "liu2 nian4" as second time so early reach home. oO. lol. budden of cuz nvr take la. So silly. But its a cute idea.
Saw Rama today at the MRT station. was wif her mum and bro. her bro can walk le. hahaas. but.. was pretty shocked to see her. cuz of 2 reasons. Cannot say. (= Privacyprivacyprivacy. I suddenly LOVE maths. Cuz.. I love setsquares. yupps. ^^
Im so damn hot here. no aircon. goin to off comp soon le baah. I tiink nowadays shld be postin lesser and lesser baahs. Cuz .. erm.. exams cumin. after sep hols. Den if dunstudy hard enuff, I'll die. yupps. lol. =D Dun lyk geog. dun understand a ting. bloody. den sumore lost mii file. hand in den *pooff* . gone. WTF.
haiizzz. I dunno whether tomolo can present RS nott. still havent gif dem the finished surveys. oO nvm. maybe gif tomolo. hope dey dun hate mii. ahhhs. hahaas.
haiizz. so borin. Hai shi qu sleep le. buh byye.
 Mii fav song (so far. (= )
Posted by Wednesday, August 16, 2006 8/16/2006 08:48:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
When there was me and you
It's funny when you find yourself Looking from the outside I'm standing here but all I want Is to be over there Why did I let myself believe Miracles could happen Cause now I have to pretend That I don't really care
I thought you were my fairytale A dream when I'm not sleeping A wish upon a star Thats coming true But everybody else could tell That I confused my feelings with the truth When there was me and you
I swore I knew the melody That I heard you singing And when you smiled You made me feel Like I could sing along But then you went and changed the words Now my heart is empty I'm only left with used-to-be's Once upon a song
Now I know your not a fairytale And dreams were meant for sleeping And wishes on a star Just don't come true Cause now even I tell That I confused my feelings with the truth Cause I liked the view When there was me and you
I can't believe that I could be so blind It's like you were floating While I was falling And I didn't mind Cause I liked the view Thought you felt it too When there was me and you
To listen, go Here(:
This song rox. rite? hahaa. =P. frm High School musical de.. (=
 Haahs! ;))
Posted by Tuesday, August 15, 2006 8/15/2006 09:51:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Okiies. First of all, sorry for nott postin for so long. Second of all, I've finally decided to post due to the nagging of the ppl around mii to update 9as uu can see frm mii tagg board). Third of all, I have nothing to do, so I came here.. =D
.. Well, the National Day hols were pretty good. hahaax. Tuesday (NDCelebration) we had a concert and played sum inter-claz games. pretty borin though. the whole ting. The mascott tiing.. damn borin de.. and we got delayed by 30 minutes. (!!) den after tt got history make-up lesson, combine wif Eliiot, at the AVT. okok baah. kindof enjoyed it.. hahaa. cuz finally we're doin sth. (=
After tt went Bugis Junction wif Char. Tt dongchen lor, wan to take neos wif her, den so stubborn, dun wan go.. URGHS. Mii and char were damn angry.. hahaa. yupps. so we went Bugis anden boguht 2 tickets for Click. tt movie's damn funnii. hahaa. =P. queued up for quite a LONG time for the drinks and nachos. When we went in its lyk,.. already dark? The ads were damn long lor. We were suppose to sit at 7 and 8. Den cuz too dark maah.. den no lights, and our seats are pretty front, so quickly sat down. After tt den found tt we sat at 9 and 10. hahaa.
After the movie we went to shop around for awhile. I bought mii MYUK pencilbox. pretty cool. satisfied. hahaa. ^^ Den we wanted to go Dong's house, den she so stubborn AGAIN, dun wan let us go, char's blood was boilin. hahaa. den we went to Paya Lebar. only 4 plus. we havent eat lunch yet, so went to KFC, the one in the Singapore Post one, and had our lunch. Mii meal got cheese fries. den after the burger I cant eat any cheese fries. Char was lyk," dun waste it, cannot waste food." Den she was lyk eating and eating (though she was full) the cheese fries. I was laughin, cuz she looked funny. ^^
After tt we juz sat dere for awhile to rest awhile la, cuz still got lots of time. Suddenly Char was lyk, laughin.. I said wad, den she kept on givin to signal to ask mii to look on her right (mii left). I looked on her right rite, den saw tis waitress (no offence budden I dunno whether the waiter/waitress a female or male). Cuz b4 tt we were laughin at sth mah.. so I dunno whyy, budden also burst out laughin. I tiink the waiter tiink Im laughing at him/her, cuz she/he was lyk, givin mii the *stare*. hahaa. I was tryin to control mii laughter. After tt Char told mii tt cuz he/she pulled her pants damn high. It did seem ridiculous. cuz he/she had a bulgy stomach. hahaa. The pants was lyk all the way nearly to the chest le.. damn high. hahaa. But its nott good to laugh at people, so I was controllin. Feel so sorry. hahaa.
It was only 5 plus lor. So we took a bus to Marine Parade. Den we walked and tok. we were laughin the whole way. I forgot abt wad le.. but was damn funny. (= We bought a blac hairband each and walked around (again). Den went bac to Paya Lebar cuz she lives dere and mii dad works dere, so can fetch mii wif car. Char was very nice. Though her bag was heavy rite, she still walked mii to Paya Lebar MRT station. So, I waited dere for abt 15-20 minutes den mii dad cum fetch le. It was damn tirin..
Wednesday I went to sha's house. her condo very niice. budden her room was shurnk by two-thirds. hahaa. She bcum chioer. (= So jealous of her. Cuz.. nvm. Anyways, yupps, so after much discussion and consideration, we finally decided tt we would go aorund the neighbourhood and see whether got any DVD/VCD rentals nott. If no, den go shoppin mall. In the end we found a rental shop. One DVD/VCD 2 bucks. So we rented "Mean Girls"(NC 16. baahs..), "The Forgotten" and "The Village".
The village is.. erm, ok baah. juz tt it was pretty diao in the end. and the story dint even make sense, okiies, it did make sense, but it was stoopid. But pretty scary at sum parts.. *shudders* LOL. Den we watched Mean Gurls. It was damn funny. hahaa. Budden got sum parts are NC16? dunno.. Nott really la. okok. Den sha gotta go to a BBQ. She's in NJC maah.. den got tis Korea Exchange prog.. den tt day was farewell party for dem. haiizzz. She asked mii a few times whether I wan go.. budden its lyk, over 20 JC ppl and Koreans.. I go dere also a fool wad.. so stay at "home" lor. she left at 6 plus, came bac at 9 plus. den watch The forgotten. nice. budden stoopid lor. its only 11 plus, den mii parents wan drag mii bac. a few minutes more only uu noe?! I was lyk, fumin lor. But luckily sha burnin.. so can watch again. ^^ 9I do hope she remembers though.. =D.
Thursday was nth much.. Friday.. hmmm. Art Club was fun.. yupps. hahaa. I had to finish the drawin.. heck la. Den got new rules. Muz wear art badge everyday, no hp/mp3s in the art rm and so on. Den dey gave everyone a badge free. cuz dey say the badge too ugly, so wan design new one.. and it will probably be nxt year baahs.. And we havin an art club overseas trip end of year. Wherever also can, juz dun go Malaysia or Thailand.. dun tink dey are goin dere anywaes.. hahaa. see first lor.
Saturday and Sunday was borin. Dman borin. Read sum bks, did sum assessments, and so on. bloody hell. Monday was.. okok. Today was.. nott very ok. Cuz we still havent do anytin for the A-star skit yet. Sure die one. and sumore tomolo A-star is lyk, rite after maths, which is the first 2 periods. S.H.I.T lor.. haiizzz. nvm.
Im longin to be in bed now. hahaa. so tired. Char was lyk yawnin all day lor, made mii wan yawn also. kks. shall end here. byee people! If uu are readin, den pls tagg. =D Mii blogg's pretty dead sumhow. Evil Cookie. hahaa. ><
 Probably the last..
Posted by Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8/30/2006 10:46:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Yupps. hiies. Im bac. longlonglonglonglonglong time no post and update blahblah le. (= lol. niice song rite? niice blogg skiin rite? =D. juz changed. today went CCK wif yoyo. den met feei, chang and lo dere. Lo cut her hair shorter. all 3 gone chio-er. ^^ my shoulders nearly broke lor. -.- tomolo gotta wear claz tee. dun feel lyk wearin leh. bleahs. wadever. hahaa
ohs. yeas. `sha's mii jie now. =D. yayys. lol. tiis might be the loast post before mii exams finish. Mii exams startin on 28th of August. bleahs. stoopid. =\ lol. I so nervous. pray tt all goes well. ^^ mii blogg is like.. so DEAD? hahaa. l8ely have been very happiie duno whyy. =D. ohs wells, enjo life to its fullest. moii moral now. ^^
Tomolo goin bac to saps. by taxi.. yupps. (= hope tt I wunt see the ppl I dun wanna see and I will see the people I wanna see. the only one tt I really wanna see is nott in SAPS. lor. bleahs. get the hint? LOLOLOL. xomg. so l8 le. tis aei pretty short post. but nth to post. will post more if got the chance. see yaz.
^^ hope tt all goes well.. (I really needed tt noe.. LOL. =D)
 Im bac. ;))
Posted by Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8/22/2006 09:58:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
yupps. I noe I noe. Nvr update so long le. Cuz no time mah. Tomolo got science and malay tests leh. sumore one after another. wtf. But better. lol. haiizz. stoooopid history. Juz dun-geddit. bloody la. History test on Thursday. wtf. again. Den tomolo end at 3.30pm. hell la.
lets tok abt sth nice. Ohs. Last.. thursday. yupps. went cck wif Miao2. Den we ate lunch and went to buy cheryl bdae present. she buy one la. den I go buy mii markers. den go home. hahaas. budden cuz I nda chiong history mah. den tt time already lyk.. 5 plus le. So gotta reach home faster. Last few seconds den we rush onto the train. LOL. was so funny.
den.. yea. stooopid history. haiizzz. but still muz work harder. I dun wan fail thurs test. otherwise.. nott very nice. Friday art club was.. erm,.. okok baahs. last word. juz ONE-MORE-WORD den I complete mii drawin le. it SUX. =P lol. yupps. it realy sux. bloody hell. Everytym I draw until so plain la.
Monday was.. ok? yupps. ohs. Last wk got Maths common test 3. okok. nononono. nott ok. I dint do one qn. ahh. 3 marks gone. )= Out of tym le. stooopid. Today went home quite early. cuz caught an early bus wif miao2 and den the whole journey was pretty smooth. so reach at `bout 3.15-3.20 liddat. Den miao2 say dunno wad so early den take a photo "liu2 nian4" as second time so early reach home. oO. lol. budden of cuz nvr take la. So silly. But its a cute idea.
Saw Rama today at the MRT station. was wif her mum and bro. her bro can walk le. hahaas. but.. was pretty shocked to see her. cuz of 2 reasons. Cannot say. (= Privacyprivacyprivacy. I suddenly LOVE maths. Cuz.. I love setsquares. yupps. ^^
Im so damn hot here. no aircon. goin to off comp soon le baah. I tiink nowadays shld be postin lesser and lesser baahs. Cuz .. erm.. exams cumin. after sep hols. Den if dunstudy hard enuff, I'll die. yupps. lol. =D Dun lyk geog. dun understand a ting. bloody. den sumore lost mii file. hand in den *pooff* . gone. WTF.
haiizzz. I dunno whether tomolo can present RS nott. still havent gif dem the finished surveys. oO nvm. maybe gif tomolo. hope dey dun hate mii. ahhhs. hahaas.
haiizz. so borin. Hai shi qu sleep le. buh byye.
 Mii fav song (so far. (= )
Posted by Wednesday, August 16, 2006 8/16/2006 08:48:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
When there was me and you
It's funny when you find yourself Looking from the outside I'm standing here but all I want Is to be over there Why did I let myself believe Miracles could happen Cause now I have to pretend That I don't really care
I thought you were my fairytale A dream when I'm not sleeping A wish upon a star Thats coming true But everybody else could tell That I confused my feelings with the truth When there was me and you
I swore I knew the melody That I heard you singing And when you smiled You made me feel Like I could sing along But then you went and changed the words Now my heart is empty I'm only left with used-to-be's Once upon a song
Now I know your not a fairytale And dreams were meant for sleeping And wishes on a star Just don't come true Cause now even I tell That I confused my feelings with the truth Cause I liked the view When there was me and you
I can't believe that I could be so blind It's like you were floating While I was falling And I didn't mind Cause I liked the view Thought you felt it too When there was me and you
To listen, go Here(:
This song rox. rite? hahaa. =P. frm High School musical de.. (=
 Haahs! ;))
Posted by Tuesday, August 15, 2006 8/15/2006 09:51:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Okiies. First of all, sorry for nott postin for so long. Second of all, I've finally decided to post due to the nagging of the ppl around mii to update 9as uu can see frm mii tagg board). Third of all, I have nothing to do, so I came here.. =D
.. Well, the National Day hols were pretty good. hahaax. Tuesday (NDCelebration) we had a concert and played sum inter-claz games. pretty borin though. the whole ting. The mascott tiing.. damn borin de.. and we got delayed by 30 minutes. (!!) den after tt got history make-up lesson, combine wif Eliiot, at the AVT. okok baah. kindof enjoyed it.. hahaa. cuz finally we're doin sth. (=
After tt went Bugis Junction wif Char. Tt dongchen lor, wan to take neos wif her, den so stubborn, dun wan go.. URGHS. Mii and char were damn angry.. hahaa. yupps. so we went Bugis anden boguht 2 tickets for Click. tt movie's damn funnii. hahaa. =P. queued up for quite a LONG time for the drinks and nachos. When we went in its lyk,.. already dark? The ads were damn long lor. We were suppose to sit at 7 and 8. Den cuz too dark maah.. den no lights, and our seats are pretty front, so quickly sat down. After tt den found tt we sat at 9 and 10. hahaa.
After the movie we went to shop around for awhile. I bought mii MYUK pencilbox. pretty cool. satisfied. hahaa. ^^ Den we wanted to go Dong's house, den she so stubborn AGAIN, dun wan let us go, char's blood was boilin. hahaa. den we went to Paya Lebar. only 4 plus. we havent eat lunch yet, so went to KFC, the one in the Singapore Post one, and had our lunch. Mii meal got cheese fries. den after the burger I cant eat any cheese fries. Char was lyk," dun waste it, cannot waste food." Den she was lyk eating and eating (though she was full) the cheese fries. I was laughin, cuz she looked funny. ^^
After tt we juz sat dere for awhile to rest awhile la, cuz still got lots of time. Suddenly Char was lyk, laughin.. I said wad, den she kept on givin to signal to ask mii to look on her right (mii left). I looked on her right rite, den saw tis waitress (no offence budden I dunno whether the waiter/waitress a female or male). Cuz b4 tt we were laughin at sth mah.. so I dunno whyy, budden also burst out laughin. I tiink the waiter tiink Im laughing at him/her, cuz she/he was lyk, givin mii the *stare*. hahaa. I was tryin to control mii laughter. After tt Char told mii tt cuz he/she pulled her pants damn high. It did seem ridiculous. cuz he/she had a bulgy stomach. hahaa. The pants was lyk all the way nearly to the chest le.. damn high. hahaa. But its nott good to laugh at people, so I was controllin. Feel so sorry. hahaa.
It was only 5 plus lor. So we took a bus to Marine Parade. Den we walked and tok. we were laughin the whole way. I forgot abt wad le.. but was damn funny. (= We bought a blac hairband each and walked around (again). Den went bac to Paya Lebar cuz she lives dere and mii dad works dere, so can fetch mii wif car. Char was very nice. Though her bag was heavy rite, she still walked mii to Paya Lebar MRT station. So, I waited dere for abt 15-20 minutes den mii dad cum fetch le. It was damn tirin..
Wednesday I went to sha's house. her condo very niice. budden her room was shurnk by two-thirds. hahaa. She bcum chioer. (= So jealous of her. Cuz.. nvm. Anyways, yupps, so after much discussion and consideration, we finally decided tt we would go aorund the neighbourhood and see whether got any DVD/VCD rentals nott. If no, den go shoppin mall. In the end we found a rental shop. One DVD/VCD 2 bucks. So we rented "Mean Girls"(NC 16. baahs..), "The Forgotten" and "The Village".
The village is.. erm, ok baah. juz tt it was pretty diao in the end. and the story dint even make sense, okiies, it did make sense, but it was stoopid. But pretty scary at sum parts.. *shudders* LOL. Den we watched Mean Gurls. It was damn funny. hahaa. Budden got sum parts are NC16? dunno.. Nott really la. okok. Den sha gotta go to a BBQ. She's in NJC maah.. den got tis Korea Exchange prog.. den tt day was farewell party for dem. haiizzz. She asked mii a few times whether I wan go.. budden its lyk, over 20 JC ppl and Koreans.. I go dere also a fool wad.. so stay at "home" lor. she left at 6 plus, came bac at 9 plus. den watch The forgotten. nice. budden stoopid lor. its only 11 plus, den mii parents wan drag mii bac. a few minutes more only uu noe?! I was lyk, fumin lor. But luckily sha burnin.. so can watch again. ^^ 9I do hope she remembers though.. =D.
Thursday was nth much.. Friday.. hmmm. Art Club was fun.. yupps. hahaa. I had to finish the drawin.. heck la. Den got new rules. Muz wear art badge everyday, no hp/mp3s in the art rm and so on. Den dey gave everyone a badge free. cuz dey say the badge too ugly, so wan design new one.. and it will probably be nxt year baahs.. And we havin an art club overseas trip end of year. Wherever also can, juz dun go Malaysia or Thailand.. dun tink dey are goin dere anywaes.. hahaa. see first lor.
Saturday and Sunday was borin. Dman borin. Read sum bks, did sum assessments, and so on. bloody hell. Monday was.. okok. Today was.. nott very ok. Cuz we still havent do anytin for the A-star skit yet. Sure die one. and sumore tomolo A-star is lyk, rite after maths, which is the first 2 periods. S.H.I.T lor.. haiizzz. nvm.
Im longin to be in bed now. hahaa. so tired. Char was lyk yawnin all day lor, made mii wan yawn also. kks. shall end here. byee people! If uu are readin, den pls tagg. =D Mii blogg's pretty dead sumhow. Evil Cookie. hahaa. ><
 J A N E L L E
 Like fire and rain, you drive me insane♥
NAME: Janelle
AGE: 80
DATE OF BIRTH:16th April
NATIONALITY: Singaporean
COUNTRY: Singapore
STATUS: I'm gay
1. Foods: Mum's cooking, pastries, KOI, ice cream, plums, and basically everything.
2. Drinks: Non-carbonated ><
3. Fruits: ALL!♥
4. Deserts: none that I don't like.
5. Colours: Pink, blue, purple.
6. Pet: None
7. Singer: 2AM, SJ, SNSD, B2ST, MISS A, F(x), BIG BANG. (this list is endless~)
1. Taking photos
2. Hanging out with friends, shopping
3. Singing
4. Movies
5. Cute stuffs
1. BUGS, especially butterflies.
2. Hypocrites
3. Heights
4. Darkness
Things I currently do
1. Going to school and mugging my brains out
2. Keeping in contact with friends ♥
3. Enjoying life (minus the studying part)
4. Growing up
5. Playing Piano and guitar (for fun)
Wish Lists
1. Change my hairstyle
2. *secret*
3. Get good grades
4. Fly to Korea and Taiwan to meet my husbands (HAHAHA)
5. Shopping
6. For all these to be over.
 My Affiliates
 click click click to other world.
1. Tell me if you changed blog URL.
2. I will erase those inactive links/removed me from your blog
3. Link exchange for those who always view my blog, comment my post and dropped message on my tagboard.
 My History
 saving my memories.
Site name: Diary
Site link: http://bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com/
Site opened: May 2006
About this site:
I have been blogging since 2006. It's kind of like an on-off thing cause I don't blog regularly. It didn't start off with this name. I changed it to this one cause I wanted to be funny. But I guess I wanna keep it this way now. Haha
yeah I have a tumblr. But it's dead too. hahaha.
Designed by Mary.
Background by Chocolaterie
Materials by ChocoGoodies, Sorahana & Rebecca
Banner by TheFadingNight
Tell me nicely if I forgotten to credit you. Do not complain anything here cause it's 100% belongs to me.