You are at bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com.
She chewed up the moon and spit stars all over my night sky♥
Leave nothing but footsteps.
Take nothing else.
Lastly, enjoy your stay.
Janelle's Profile

Janelle. Born on 16th April.
I'm 80 this year, and I absolutely love knitting.
I love KPOP (yes I'm a hippie grandma)
Love my family and friends♥
Click here for more..
Don't feel like putting one anymore><
Posted by Sunday, June 14, 2009 6/14/2009 10:07:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Yoh~ It's been like what, god knows how long since I've last posted. xD Because of my laziness hahahahaha.
School holidays are not any better than normal school days. I mean, the work load this time round is crazy. >_> I'm on the verge of going crazy. hahas. Lee Min Ho is cute! Nice! Handsome! Simple perfect! Omg! :D
BBF has become my daily routine heh heh~
Went out with yitian, siting and ak to study today. Siting left at 12 and ak came at abt 1+? yep. Studied at Bugis Bras Basah Macs. Hahas. Me and yitian crapped for so long. Pranked some senior. hahas. Ps :P
Then siting came at abt 3+? And we went inside Bugis Mall to walk around and stuff. Then this guy and his friend came over to 搭讪. At first I thought was someone doing survey. But obviously that's not the case. He said all kinds of stuff like what,"我如果不说出来我可能会后悔的" and stuff. haha. Whoa I was so scared sia. I thought 老妈 gonna get kidnapped away by him cuz he kept on asking her for 3 minutes-,- crazy guy. lol
Then ak pretended to be the bf, but apparently they didn't believe. And wth he's 27 years old. And I thought he was, or rather should be younger than that. like rofl? I nearly spit blood on him...
Well anw in the end we gave ak's number. haha funny~
Me yitian and ak went to eat the 台湾雪花冰. haha. Not bad~
如果可以,我想要回到那时候的我们。 那个不曾为任何事情烦恼过的我们; 那个坚信会与彼此一直走下去的我们; 那个曾经以真心来对待彼此的我们; 那个曾经喜欢一起疯的我们;
曾经拥有过的快乐,为什么要找回来却是那么的难? 大家都在变。 我不想我们的友谊变质了。 为什么这么看不起自己? 虽然我们不是那么地要好,但是我还是很珍惜你的。 看到你的照片,我会很怀念那个时候。 是啊。 我应该明白你的做法,因为我自己也不是说没想过。 但是,不要把我们避在门外好么?
一个个的。 大家一个个的都离开了。 当初的誓言呢? 当初的承诺呢? 当初的欢乐呢? 我知道,以前的快乐是真实的。 但是为什么此时的我,却感觉不到那个真实感?
Posted by Sunday, June 14, 2009 6/14/2009 10:07:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Yoh~ It's been like what, god knows how long since I've last posted. xD Because of my laziness hahahahaha.
School holidays are not any better than normal school days. I mean, the work load this time round is crazy. >_> I'm on the verge of going crazy. hahas. Lee Min Ho is cute! Nice! Handsome! Simple perfect! Omg! :D
BBF has become my daily routine heh heh~
Went out with yitian, siting and ak to study today. Siting left at 12 and ak came at abt 1+? yep. Studied at Bugis Bras Basah Macs. Hahas. Me and yitian crapped for so long. Pranked some senior. hahas. Ps :P
Then siting came at abt 3+? And we went inside Bugis Mall to walk around and stuff. Then this guy and his friend came over to 搭讪. At first I thought was someone doing survey. But obviously that's not the case. He said all kinds of stuff like what,"我如果不说出来我可能会后悔的" and stuff. haha. Whoa I was so scared sia. I thought 老妈 gonna get kidnapped away by him cuz he kept on asking her for 3 minutes-,- crazy guy. lol
Then ak pretended to be the bf, but apparently they didn't believe. And wth he's 27 years old. And I thought he was, or rather should be younger than that. like rofl? I nearly spit blood on him...
Well anw in the end we gave ak's number. haha funny~
Me yitian and ak went to eat the 台湾雪花冰. haha. Not bad~
如果可以,我想要回到那时候的我们。 那个不曾为任何事情烦恼过的我们; 那个坚信会与彼此一直走下去的我们; 那个曾经以真心来对待彼此的我们; 那个曾经喜欢一起疯的我们;
曾经拥有过的快乐,为什么要找回来却是那么的难? 大家都在变。 我不想我们的友谊变质了。 为什么这么看不起自己? 虽然我们不是那么地要好,但是我还是很珍惜你的。 看到你的照片,我会很怀念那个时候。 是啊。 我应该明白你的做法,因为我自己也不是说没想过。 但是,不要把我们避在门外好么?
一个个的。 大家一个个的都离开了。 当初的誓言呢? 当初的承诺呢? 当初的欢乐呢? 我知道,以前的快乐是真实的。 但是为什么此时的我,却感觉不到那个真实感?
 J A N E L L E
 Like fire and rain, you drive me insane♥
NAME: Janelle
AGE: 80
DATE OF BIRTH:16th April
NATIONALITY: Singaporean
COUNTRY: Singapore
STATUS: I'm gay
1. Foods: Mum's cooking, pastries, KOI, ice cream, plums, and basically everything.
2. Drinks: Non-carbonated ><
3. Fruits: ALL!♥
4. Deserts: none that I don't like.
5. Colours: Pink, blue, purple.
6. Pet: None
7. Singer: 2AM, SJ, SNSD, B2ST, MISS A, F(x), BIG BANG. (this list is endless~)
1. Taking photos
2. Hanging out with friends, shopping
3. Singing
4. Movies
5. Cute stuffs
1. BUGS, especially butterflies.
2. Hypocrites
3. Heights
4. Darkness
Things I currently do
1. Going to school and mugging my brains out
2. Keeping in contact with friends ♥
3. Enjoying life (minus the studying part)
4. Growing up
5. Playing Piano and guitar (for fun)
Wish Lists
1. Change my hairstyle
2. *secret*
3. Get good grades
4. Fly to Korea and Taiwan to meet my husbands (HAHAHA)
5. Shopping
6. For all these to be over.
 My Affiliates
 click click click to other world.
1. Tell me if you changed blog URL.
2. I will erase those inactive links/removed me from your blog
3. Link exchange for those who always view my blog, comment my post and dropped message on my tagboard.
 My History
 saving my memories.
Site name: Diary
Site link: http://bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com/
Site opened: May 2006
About this site:
I have been blogging since 2006. It's kind of like an on-off thing cause I don't blog regularly. It didn't start off with this name. I changed it to this one cause I wanted to be funny. But I guess I wanna keep it this way now. Haha
yeah I have a tumblr. But it's dead too. hahaha.
Designed by Mary.
Background by Chocolaterie
Materials by ChocoGoodies, Sorahana & Rebecca
Banner by TheFadingNight
Tell me nicely if I forgotten to credit you. Do not complain anything here cause it's 100% belongs to me.