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She chewed up the moon and spit stars all over my night sky♥
Leave nothing but footsteps.
Take nothing else.
Lastly, enjoy your stay.
Janelle's Profile

Janelle. Born on 16th April.
I'm 80 this year, and I absolutely love knitting.
I love KPOP (yes I'm a hippie grandma)
Love my family and friends♥
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Don't feel like putting one anymore><
Posted by Tuesday, May 29, 2007 5/29/2007 09:12:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Yesterday was fun!(: lols. went our wif vivian, shanchuan, hengfei and ruinan. ruinan was so high loh. he wanted to go Kbox-ing. his only suggestion is to go sing. hahaa! so. we met up at Bugis at around 1 sth. den we bought tickets for the 7.30pm show-.- lols. Pirates 3 la. Went shopping around. den hengfei treated everyone drinks^^ heh heh. sabo him. lols. thx anywae(:
We walked and walked and walked. den wasted 1 hour doin nth. strolling around bugis. lols. Actually dey wanted to go play pools. But I was under aged. lol. [sorry! =P] So decided to go library=.= lol. We were strolling around. den settled in the children's section. we finally decided to leave, den a security guard came over and told us to sit on the chairs, not ground. [we were gonna leave anyway. lol] so we went. we took the left all the way up to the 14th floor [top floor liao] den we came down one level by one level using the escaltors. ya, I noe, we really really had nth to do. hehe^^ the guys were playing wif the sensors of the escalators. so funny. hahaa.
We visited a few levels. one was wif the garden one. den we went dere, sat down and decided to cum bac in cuz it was hot-.- hahaa. Got one level was dat, the only 'room' /place dere was the "studying room". we went in. den it was damn damn damn damn quiet. was so paiseh loh. lols. den we got out quickly. den went to a level and sat dere. were playing half way den suddenly tis security guard came over and told us tt we werent suppose to sit dere. den he told us tt he found us sitting dere cuz dere were cameras dere-.- okiie. so we went. lol
went out of the library den headed for a Macs sumwhere near dere. had a late lunch dere. We were eating and chatting. looking at each other's handphones. hehe. den around 4/5 sth(?) we went bac to bugis junction den went to take neos^^ dere was tis 'stage" tingy and it moved up and down suddenly when we were takin neos. so veh funny. so we took 8 photos and chose 4. vivian and mii decorated. budden "my" pen was spoilt. so couldnt use. den got time limit sumore. so use Vivian's pen and decorate loh. it was so fun. den we decorated and divided among us. I den found out tt all the neos I took were stickers-.- lol. so chi2 dun4 rite? hehe. so after tt we went kinokuniya and looked at the comics den tok tok. den we went toilet and all. den went up to the cinema to buy the popcorn and drinks. 5 of us shared 2 cups of regular-sized drinks and one large-sized popcorn. heh heh.
We went into the cinema at around 715/720? lols. den we settle down. Hengfei was at the side to the right, den mii, ruinan, vivian and the one at the left was shanchuan. lols. vivian and shanchuan were sharing jacket! ^^ hehe. The movie was pretty boring la. not veh veh interesting. nearly fell asleep. and vivian wan mii choose the row. den I asked her, row E or G? den she said anytin. so I chose E. in the end, it sucks. lol. nxt time better choose G or H liddat. my neck was so sore la.
the movie ended at about 10.30 plus bah. all the shops were closed by den. We went out den discussed. lols. den after tt decided to go home. [ruinan wanted to go singing. hahaa.] Vivian took bus 12 bac to Dunman High Hostel [yayy!(: ] den I went wif the guys. Ruinan went bac home and hengfei and shanchuan accompanied mii home. lol. so nice(: dey were chatting on the mrt train. den so funny. hahaa. so. dey pei mii until Bukit Gombak den dey went home. thxthx guys(:
reached home at abt..11.20? lols. den it was so hot la. couldnt sleep. was sms-ing hengfei and shanchuan. den hengfei say he want sleep so I smsed shanchuan. lols. den he smsed mii, I fell asleep. den when I suddenly woke up cuz I really cant stand the weather, I smsed him bac. den he fell asleep. lols. so funny. den woke up today at around 8/9 sth? lol. den chiiong my geog wb. den in the afternoon went sph to pei siting cuz she dun wan be wif hf alone. =.= okiie. lols.
den reached home at about 7.45 den now posting mii blogg here. hahaa. post the picts sum other day bah. lol. maybe tomolo. c yaz!(:
luvs, mii(: [hehee]Labels: friendship(:
 Invisible Angels..~
Posted by Saturday, May 26, 2007 5/26/2007 07:28:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
每个人都是个天使. 但是, 再快乐的天使, 心里总会有阴影, 与不愉快地过去... 谁不想快乐?
有些事, 如果永远憋在心里, 会很难受,很痛苦的... 等到错失机会时, 再后悔是没有用的..
有些人伸手, 就能得到自己渴望的东西. 但是有些人却不能.. 因为世界对他们, 永远是不公平的..
也许, 在这世界上还是存在快乐与爱的. 也许, 他们已经拥有过, 只是没发现而已. 也许, 他们曾经拥有过; 但却没有好好地珍惜.
这就是真正的世界. 充满着爱, 恨, 快乐与痛苦. 很多人选择逃避真实的世界. 但我却选择了面对. 因为我知道你能逃过一时, 但逃不过永远. 你能骗得了别人, 但你能骗得了自己吗? 难道你要永远都活在一个不真实的世界吗? 不可能的... 为自己找的种种理由, 最后还不是借口; 而你也不是在逃避吗?
你改不了命运, 但你改得了明天. 你有选择与策划明天的权利..
所以, 趁现在把所有憋在心里要说的话都说出来吧. 因为等到后悔时, 就来不及了..
"世上最远的距离, 不是生死的距离; 而是我就在你面前, 但你却不知道我爱你..." quoted from a drama. heh heh^^ and sorry for being so emo. lols.
Posted by Friday, May 25, 2007 5/25/2007 10:18:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
okiie. 文化营was ultra fun. except tt the last (second) nite I only slept for 1 hour cuz of tt 猪头hengfei. woke mii up at 6.20 when I slept at 5 sth loh. wah lau. but it was fun. especially the second nite. we play until crazy le loh. hahaa. Everyone in my group was SOOO DAMN NICE(: and Jiahui's in 小琼.. so we same "group" de. heh heh^^
 The back of Hengfei's shirt [hahaa. not he draw one. he draw not so nice (x ]
 Pingli and Qiao Dan, our ZUZHANG!!! heh heh^^
 Pingli (again. hahaa) and Wen2!! ^^ lols.
 sicko and the chiio bu, Christine! (: lols. [the sicko is HF. hahahaa! no la.]
 Guys are sickos. lols. the one lying on a pillow is PINGLI. den the short hair gal is our Zuzhang, QIAODAN. followed by the chiio bu, VIVIAN. and den MII! lols. den HENGFEI. Tis is the guys' room. but as we [Mi, Qiaodan, esther and chrislyn; but esther and chrislyn not here )= ] got the "connecting" doors wif the guys, so we went to their room and play play, chitchat chitchat. heh^^
 The one hiding behind the pillow's QIAODAN. The guy wif the "Cheese!" pose is PINGLI. den the chiio bu in green [it was sea green. but I argued wif her tt it's blue(: ], VIVIAN. den MII [veh ugly eh.. LOL]! lastly, the sicko, HENGFEI [heh heh. jokin.]!
 MII! [ugly rite. hahaa]. the guy lying down on another guy is RUINAN. and the "another guy" is PINGLI. den the gal beside mii is VIVIAN. and lastly, HENGFEI.
 PYRAMID! lols. so lame. the one at the top of the pyramid is HENGFEI. den MII and VIVIAN. den its RUINAN and QIAODAN [look like couple?? LOL!]
 VIVIAN and QIAODAN. 搞LES! hahahaa!
 VIVIAN and QIAODAN. oh my gosh, wad happened to you, qiaodan? [heh heh^^]
 The retarded look of HENGFEI. hahahaa!
 RUINAN.. wif a.. cool pose? lol!
 another retarded picture of HENGFEI. hahaa!
 we're so ZI LIAN. Take photo of ourselves in the mirror. heh heh^^
 Art of QIAODAN. heh heh. I purposely move away to get out of the photo =D
okiie. tts all. shall post the details sum other day. so tired. wan go watch <<天使情人>> on Channel U(: but dunno whether can anot.. =/ lol!
luvs, mii(:
 Quizz! (x
Posted by Wednesday, May 16, 2007 5/16/2007 06:23:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
okiie. Im bac-.- lol. tt post was too long so I decided to do the quiz I saw on sum1 else's blogg in tis post(:
NAME 20 random people you can think of now: 1.Charmiane 2.Jia Hui 3.Yanci 4.Siting 5.Loyee 6.Chang 7.Feei 8.Kailun 9.Theresa 10.Liyi 11.Kaiwen 12.Lishan 13.Angela 14.Joel 15.Miao 16.Jinxin 17.Rebe 18.Patricia 19.Yifan 20.GuoXin
1. What is 14's usual habit? - erm... smile? lol! 2. Would you hug 5? - Lo? why nott? (: 3. What if 7 breaks down and cries one day? - Feei? hmm.. I'll comfort her(: 4. Who's 10 to you? - LIYI!<3 lol. she rawks(: she's number4(: 5. How about 18? - My great senior(: 6. If you ever kiss 9 one day, what would be the perfect reason? - ERMMM... tts hard.. x) 7. Do you and 20 have anything in common? - err, yupp. we're both in CS(: 8. What would you say to 3 if she buys you your favourite thing? - I LUF UU! x) she already bought my fav ting for bdae(: 9. Do you think you will remember 11 after 5 years? - Kaiwen? yupp. she's one cute junior. 10. How about 17? - yupp. my great senior tooo!(: 11. What do you think you will do if 4 is going to die? - Siting? lol. I'll be veh sad): 12. Do you think 8 is mature? - ERM. hemhems.. nope? LOL! 13. What do you think about 12 generally? - Lishan? cool! we're doin geog project together(: 14. If you were to choose to make out with 13 and 19, who would you choose? - dunno. none? cuz Im not les x) 15. Who is 2 to you? - twin! x) my good CS frenn(: 16. How about 1? - best fwen!(: even though she always toks abt ____. XD lol! 17. Do you think 6 and 15 are compatible? - Chang and Miao? hahaa. if dey wanna, Im ok wif it(: 18. Does 16 laugh loudly? - YES. DEFINITELY. lol!
okiie. lame mii. x) anywae, Im so tired now. haiz. posting for so longg. oh yea, JIA YOU TO ALL QINGCHUN PPL!(:
 CAMP&crap! ;D
Posted by 5/16/2007 03:35:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Helloo! okiie.. erm, juz came bac from level camp which was from 8th-11th may. FUN! and SOTONGs are juz simply GRRREAT ppl to hang out wif. lol! made new frenz.
SOTONG! [in NO particular order(: ]: 1) Huihan [LEADER! outgoing. was one of my roommates for the chalet nite(: ] 2) Peishan [Cool gal from 2C. outgoing(: ] 3) Huijing [chiio gal! got big big eyes. lol. was one of my roommates tooo!(: ] 4) Hwee Chian [the clever and cute gurl from 2L! was one of my roommates! COOL(: ] 5) Glada [the cute gal! outgoing(: ] 6) Teo Ee [the GUIDE! outgoing and cute(: ] 7) Mii [duh! LOL] 8) Jesslyn [the chiio gal from 2A. always sit beside me for meals(: ] 9) Jiahui [the cute gal from 2B. mii twin for CS too!(: ] 10) Nyien Nyien [the cute gal from 2D! was my partner for night walk when we returnin tt tym. COOL!(: ] 11) Rebecca [chiio gal. shared the same chalet for the last nite(: ] 12) Xiao Wei [cute gal. nice name(: heh heh] 13) Cherise [sorry. dunno how to spell ur name. paiseh>.<> 14) Jiahui [the SCOUT. helped a LOT durin the raft activity(: ] 15) Junrong [always get sabooed by the other jiahui-the gal. veh thin! and quiet(: ] 16) Vincent [the bdae guy hu's bdae was on campfire day/nite. wave 2 sang him bdae song. lucky guy(: ] 17) Han Bing [the 2B guy. nvr really tok to him b4 but still part of SOTONG(: ] 18) Caleb [the 2A guy. nvr really tok to him b4 but also, he's part of SOTONG(: ]
okiiee. tts bout it. heres the camp(:
We assembled in the sku gym early in the morning at the same time. Went for flag raising. den went bac to gym. dey distributed the camp shirt. It's YELLOW in colour. but turned out to be quite a nice colour(: so, we met our instructor. he's name is jonathon. he say can call him anytin we wan. lol. so we sat in a circle and introduced. den gtg le. we went to the jetty in buses. when we reached dere, we sat down and had a borin icebreaking game. lol. so, after tt we proceeded towards PULAU UBIN!(: So nice dere can. lol. XD so, we pitched our tents and blahblah. oh yea, our group is 22 and we are SOTONG! Generally, it was a boring day. Durin bath time, it was like.. at first, it was individual baths. den gradually, it bcame 2 to 1 cubicle. den bczm 3 to 1 cubicle. WAD THE. lol. Mii and Theresa went into the boys' toilet so we got 2 to 1(: At nite it was so HOT la. but I managed to fall asleep cuz I was veh veh tired =P heh heh.
did high elements today. I was freaked out up dere can. but I never say anytin. lol. brave mii!(: hahahaa. anywae, den after lunch we were suppose to go for Ubin Explorer but it rained. and dere was lightning. damnit. lol. so we missed the ubin explorer): everyone went bac to the tents area to zip up their tents in case their luggages and tents got wet. Den, the whole year 2s had a "disco" time under the white tentage where we have our meals. btw the meals or rather the food were MORE DAN ENUFF and dey taste grreat!(: so we had a FUN FUN FUN TIME despite the HEAVY rain! so... after tt, the weather was slightly better, so we went out to have outdoor activities. we played telematch. the first game was the "shoe game". everyone had to pile their shoes at the end of the other side. den, the first person has to run over, wear his/her shoes and run bac wif the second person's shoes. muz be correct la of cuz. lol. was fun. we had the "entaglement" next. we had to hold on to sumone's hand and the other hand muz be connected to another person. the ppl muz be sum1 opposite of uu [we were standin in a circle]. we cheated a lil. lol. but still managed to entangle ourselves. we were the slowest. After the entaglement, we had the "balloon caterpillar". it was drizzling quite heavily. we were all drenched. we had to blow a balloon and "kiap" it in between uu and the person in front of uu. den ur suppose to put ur hands on ur own shoulder. We have to walk slowly and it'll only be considered complete when everyone in the group crossed the finishing line. we kept on returning and returning to the beginning point. lol. but in the end, we passed the game first! lol. yayy sotongs! hahaa. okiie. the last station. the "holey" pail. it's HOLEY, NOT HOLY. lol. so, we were suppose to block the holes in the pails using whatever we have on us. so we decided to use our fingers. the gurls help block the holes. and my position was so nice tt when the guys use their shoes to carry the water to the pail, I got splashed wif shoe water-.- lol. luckily I never tasted it. =P hahaa. Jess and a few other gurls tasted it.. but I was drenched wif shoe water can. XD lol. after dinner went for night walk. at first Teo Ee and Junrong were leading. den after tt half way became jess and glada lead. it was scary la. I was walking beside nyien nyien. she had tis extremely bright and freaky lightstick. we walked and walked and walked. finally reached tis temple. den we stopped dere and jonathon gave us a little tok and had a lil chat. when we're returning he dared us to return w/o lights. okiie. great. and to top it all, nyien nyien and mii were leading. I was a lil freaked. den nyien nyien walk halfway suddenly tell mii the place on my rite is a cemetry. I was like.. O.O!! lol. but it wasn't lor. it's actually when we're goin, dere were two routes. If you took the rite route, you would go to the temple. but if uu took the wrong one, uu would go to the cemetry. frreaky. luckily we never take wrong paths. our walk was pretty smooth. THANX Jess, Teo, Glada and Jun rong!! at nite it was veh cold lor. den when I woke up it was lyk.. brr.. freeezing~. lol. But was a pretty fun day. oh yea, our tent was completely flattened and was lying on the ground when we came bac after the nite walk and all. lol
we did low elements today. we tried the balancing ting first. mii, jiahui, cherise, hwee chian and the guys were the supporters. we were in the 2nd group. the girst group [9 gurls] went first. it looked veh difficult. but dey still managed to pass. den was us. we walked kinda faster dan the first group. cuz the guys took big steps. BIG BIG steps. we dint manage to pass cuz jonathon wanted us to rest more. anyway, it was fun fun fun! after tt was the spiderweb tingy. no funn.. lol. but we showed our grreat TEAMWORK!(: we also did rafting. even though the whole raft collapsed and jess fell on mii... it was pretty fun. after tt we splashed around in the water. ohh.. and.. oh yea, SUPERB GOOD NEWS! The tchers spent money and let everyone stayed in chalet for the last nite!!! Woohs~! THREE CHEERS AND THREE CHEERS AND THREE CHEERS FOR TCHERS *clap clap clap clap clap, clap clap clap clap clap clap* so we all moved into the chalets. the chalet dere is one chalet $80/nite. so for the big chalets, 10 people share one chalet. for the small chalets, 5 people to 1. and it was... CAMPFIRE NIGHT! It was damn nice. the tchers also bought everyone ice cream! woohs~! the tchers rox! x)
cheer one: SHA! clap clap clap clap SHA! clap clap clap clap SHA! SHA! SHA! SHA!
cheer two: [food cheer] hungry hungry clap clap very very clap clap hungry very clap clap very hungry clap clap cihgehlang-gah piyapiya cihgeglang-gah piyapiya JIA!
cant seem to remember any others. shall post them when I remebered(: anywae, we sang zhi zu and watched the camp video and blahblah. everyone danced the mass dance tooo! lol. den after tt we were allowed to get into our classes and everyone was SO HIGH!! and so was FAHRION! lol. everyone was so happy to see each other. we cheered and cheered. but Ms Tang wanted to tok so we listened and had our supper. den we went bac to our chalet. it was so cool la. and I was the stoopid group leader for the chalet ting. and the instructor read my name wrongly k. so embarrassing la. wah lau. x) so we went bac and took our own sweet time to bathe. Poor huijing was sick so she slept first. we watched "yu le bai fen bai" on Channel U tt tym. lol.
chalet mates: HuiJing HuiHan Hwee Chian Cherise Rebecca Xiao Wei Gui Wanying Chen Wanying Laiping
Those in pink were my roomates. Those in orange slept upstairs. the aircon was damn nice. but poor Hwee Chian had to sleep on the floor):
we woke up late and rushed to the assembling ground. lol. Wave 2 got to go bac first(: so we went bac.. and I brought a pebble home!(: I picked it up from the white tentage dere before we left. lol. souvenier. and we got the group photo ting. But our photo was blurr): oh wells. ENJOYED THE CAMP! missed the HIGH instructors dere): we went bac to sku. met miao and siting dere. sat and toked. den went home>.<>
okiie. end of camp post. these two weeks Im gonna be veh busy>.<
Thursday (17thMay) : QINGCHUN REHEARSAL. leaving claz at 11.45am. gonna be dismissed at 10.30 Friday (18thMay) : QINGCHUN!! Leaving claz at 12pm. gonna be dismissed at 10.30 [or maybe later] Saturday (19thMay) : PTM in the morning and den at nite is EDS nite concert. goin wif char. Sunday (20th May) : Guitar lesson. nth much. Monday (21st May) : MANY tings to hand in 1)Maths assgnmnt 1 2)Maths clinometer [or however uu spell it] 3)history assgnmnt 4)chinese photo ting
so far can only remember these.. Tuesday(22ndMay) --Thursday(24thMay): WEN HUA YING at DOWNTOWN EAST. so wont be goin sku(: Friday(25thMay) : LAST DAY OF SKU TERM!!(:
okiie. so tts all. post the others nxt tym.
Labels: friends, schedule, teamwork, trust
Posted by Tuesday, May 15, 2007 5/15/2007 07:19:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
shall post abt camp another day... Im feelin freaking pissed now... I feel like slapping alot of ppl... Maybe what I chose tt tym was a mistake. a BIG mistake. I regretted. But what can I do? ha. funny about how I always regret things that I've done. I dunno.. and dun care. I dun even noe why Im living here... =/ freaking pissed now. feels sucky.
maybe I was really wrong...
Posted by Tuesday, May 29, 2007 5/29/2007 09:12:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Yesterday was fun!(: lols. went our wif vivian, shanchuan, hengfei and ruinan. ruinan was so high loh. he wanted to go Kbox-ing. his only suggestion is to go sing. hahaa! so. we met up at Bugis at around 1 sth. den we bought tickets for the 7.30pm show-.- lols. Pirates 3 la. Went shopping around. den hengfei treated everyone drinks^^ heh heh. sabo him. lols. thx anywae(:
We walked and walked and walked. den wasted 1 hour doin nth. strolling around bugis. lols. Actually dey wanted to go play pools. But I was under aged. lol. [sorry! =P] So decided to go library=.= lol. We were strolling around. den settled in the children's section. we finally decided to leave, den a security guard came over and told us to sit on the chairs, not ground. [we were gonna leave anyway. lol] so we went. we took the left all the way up to the 14th floor [top floor liao] den we came down one level by one level using the escaltors. ya, I noe, we really really had nth to do. hehe^^ the guys were playing wif the sensors of the escalators. so funny. hahaa.
We visited a few levels. one was wif the garden one. den we went dere, sat down and decided to cum bac in cuz it was hot-.- hahaa. Got one level was dat, the only 'room' /place dere was the "studying room". we went in. den it was damn damn damn damn quiet. was so paiseh loh. lols. den we got out quickly. den went to a level and sat dere. were playing half way den suddenly tis security guard came over and told us tt we werent suppose to sit dere. den he told us tt he found us sitting dere cuz dere were cameras dere-.- okiie. so we went. lol
went out of the library den headed for a Macs sumwhere near dere. had a late lunch dere. We were eating and chatting. looking at each other's handphones. hehe. den around 4/5 sth(?) we went bac to bugis junction den went to take neos^^ dere was tis 'stage" tingy and it moved up and down suddenly when we were takin neos. so veh funny. so we took 8 photos and chose 4. vivian and mii decorated. budden "my" pen was spoilt. so couldnt use. den got time limit sumore. so use Vivian's pen and decorate loh. it was so fun. den we decorated and divided among us. I den found out tt all the neos I took were stickers-.- lol. so chi2 dun4 rite? hehe. so after tt we went kinokuniya and looked at the comics den tok tok. den we went toilet and all. den went up to the cinema to buy the popcorn and drinks. 5 of us shared 2 cups of regular-sized drinks and one large-sized popcorn. heh heh.
We went into the cinema at around 715/720? lols. den we settle down. Hengfei was at the side to the right, den mii, ruinan, vivian and the one at the left was shanchuan. lols. vivian and shanchuan were sharing jacket! ^^ hehe. The movie was pretty boring la. not veh veh interesting. nearly fell asleep. and vivian wan mii choose the row. den I asked her, row E or G? den she said anytin. so I chose E. in the end, it sucks. lol. nxt time better choose G or H liddat. my neck was so sore la.
the movie ended at about 10.30 plus bah. all the shops were closed by den. We went out den discussed. lols. den after tt decided to go home. [ruinan wanted to go singing. hahaa.] Vivian took bus 12 bac to Dunman High Hostel [yayy!(: ] den I went wif the guys. Ruinan went bac home and hengfei and shanchuan accompanied mii home. lol. so nice(: dey were chatting on the mrt train. den so funny. hahaa. so. dey pei mii until Bukit Gombak den dey went home. thxthx guys(:
reached home at abt..11.20? lols. den it was so hot la. couldnt sleep. was sms-ing hengfei and shanchuan. den hengfei say he want sleep so I smsed shanchuan. lols. den he smsed mii, I fell asleep. den when I suddenly woke up cuz I really cant stand the weather, I smsed him bac. den he fell asleep. lols. so funny. den woke up today at around 8/9 sth? lol. den chiiong my geog wb. den in the afternoon went sph to pei siting cuz she dun wan be wif hf alone. =.= okiie. lols.
den reached home at about 7.45 den now posting mii blogg here. hahaa. post the picts sum other day bah. lol. maybe tomolo. c yaz!(:
luvs, mii(: [hehee]Labels: friendship(:
 Invisible Angels..~
Posted by Saturday, May 26, 2007 5/26/2007 07:28:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
每个人都是个天使. 但是, 再快乐的天使, 心里总会有阴影, 与不愉快地过去... 谁不想快乐?
有些事, 如果永远憋在心里, 会很难受,很痛苦的... 等到错失机会时, 再后悔是没有用的..
有些人伸手, 就能得到自己渴望的东西. 但是有些人却不能.. 因为世界对他们, 永远是不公平的..
也许, 在这世界上还是存在快乐与爱的. 也许, 他们已经拥有过, 只是没发现而已. 也许, 他们曾经拥有过; 但却没有好好地珍惜.
这就是真正的世界. 充满着爱, 恨, 快乐与痛苦. 很多人选择逃避真实的世界. 但我却选择了面对. 因为我知道你能逃过一时, 但逃不过永远. 你能骗得了别人, 但你能骗得了自己吗? 难道你要永远都活在一个不真实的世界吗? 不可能的... 为自己找的种种理由, 最后还不是借口; 而你也不是在逃避吗?
你改不了命运, 但你改得了明天. 你有选择与策划明天的权利..
所以, 趁现在把所有憋在心里要说的话都说出来吧. 因为等到后悔时, 就来不及了..
"世上最远的距离, 不是生死的距离; 而是我就在你面前, 但你却不知道我爱你..." quoted from a drama. heh heh^^ and sorry for being so emo. lols.
Posted by Friday, May 25, 2007 5/25/2007 10:18:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
okiie. 文化营was ultra fun. except tt the last (second) nite I only slept for 1 hour cuz of tt 猪头hengfei. woke mii up at 6.20 when I slept at 5 sth loh. wah lau. but it was fun. especially the second nite. we play until crazy le loh. hahaa. Everyone in my group was SOOO DAMN NICE(: and Jiahui's in 小琼.. so we same "group" de. heh heh^^
 The back of Hengfei's shirt [hahaa. not he draw one. he draw not so nice (x ]
 Pingli and Qiao Dan, our ZUZHANG!!! heh heh^^
 Pingli (again. hahaa) and Wen2!! ^^ lols.
 sicko and the chiio bu, Christine! (: lols. [the sicko is HF. hahahaa! no la.]
 Guys are sickos. lols. the one lying on a pillow is PINGLI. den the short hair gal is our Zuzhang, QIAODAN. followed by the chiio bu, VIVIAN. and den MII! lols. den HENGFEI. Tis is the guys' room. but as we [Mi, Qiaodan, esther and chrislyn; but esther and chrislyn not here )= ] got the "connecting" doors wif the guys, so we went to their room and play play, chitchat chitchat. heh^^
 The one hiding behind the pillow's QIAODAN. The guy wif the "Cheese!" pose is PINGLI. den the chiio bu in green [it was sea green. but I argued wif her tt it's blue(: ], VIVIAN. den MII [veh ugly eh.. LOL]! lastly, the sicko, HENGFEI [heh heh. jokin.]!
 MII! [ugly rite. hahaa]. the guy lying down on another guy is RUINAN. and the "another guy" is PINGLI. den the gal beside mii is VIVIAN. and lastly, HENGFEI.
 PYRAMID! lols. so lame. the one at the top of the pyramid is HENGFEI. den MII and VIVIAN. den its RUINAN and QIAODAN [look like couple?? LOL!]
 VIVIAN and QIAODAN. 搞LES! hahahaa!
 VIVIAN and QIAODAN. oh my gosh, wad happened to you, qiaodan? [heh heh^^]
 The retarded look of HENGFEI. hahahaa!
 RUINAN.. wif a.. cool pose? lol!
 another retarded picture of HENGFEI. hahaa!
 we're so ZI LIAN. Take photo of ourselves in the mirror. heh heh^^
 Art of QIAODAN. heh heh. I purposely move away to get out of the photo =D
okiie. tts all. shall post the details sum other day. so tired. wan go watch <<天使情人>> on Channel U(: but dunno whether can anot.. =/ lol!
luvs, mii(:
 Quizz! (x
Posted by Wednesday, May 16, 2007 5/16/2007 06:23:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
okiie. Im bac-.- lol. tt post was too long so I decided to do the quiz I saw on sum1 else's blogg in tis post(:
NAME 20 random people you can think of now: 1.Charmiane 2.Jia Hui 3.Yanci 4.Siting 5.Loyee 6.Chang 7.Feei 8.Kailun 9.Theresa 10.Liyi 11.Kaiwen 12.Lishan 13.Angela 14.Joel 15.Miao 16.Jinxin 17.Rebe 18.Patricia 19.Yifan 20.GuoXin
1. What is 14's usual habit? - erm... smile? lol! 2. Would you hug 5? - Lo? why nott? (: 3. What if 7 breaks down and cries one day? - Feei? hmm.. I'll comfort her(: 4. Who's 10 to you? - LIYI!<3 lol. she rawks(: she's number4(: 5. How about 18? - My great senior(: 6. If you ever kiss 9 one day, what would be the perfect reason? - ERMMM... tts hard.. x) 7. Do you and 20 have anything in common? - err, yupp. we're both in CS(: 8. What would you say to 3 if she buys you your favourite thing? - I LUF UU! x) she already bought my fav ting for bdae(: 9. Do you think you will remember 11 after 5 years? - Kaiwen? yupp. she's one cute junior. 10. How about 17? - yupp. my great senior tooo!(: 11. What do you think you will do if 4 is going to die? - Siting? lol. I'll be veh sad): 12. Do you think 8 is mature? - ERM. hemhems.. nope? LOL! 13. What do you think about 12 generally? - Lishan? cool! we're doin geog project together(: 14. If you were to choose to make out with 13 and 19, who would you choose? - dunno. none? cuz Im not les x) 15. Who is 2 to you? - twin! x) my good CS frenn(: 16. How about 1? - best fwen!(: even though she always toks abt ____. XD lol! 17. Do you think 6 and 15 are compatible? - Chang and Miao? hahaa. if dey wanna, Im ok wif it(: 18. Does 16 laugh loudly? - YES. DEFINITELY. lol!
okiie. lame mii. x) anywae, Im so tired now. haiz. posting for so longg. oh yea, JIA YOU TO ALL QINGCHUN PPL!(:
 CAMP&crap! ;D
Posted by 5/16/2007 03:35:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Helloo! okiie.. erm, juz came bac from level camp which was from 8th-11th may. FUN! and SOTONGs are juz simply GRRREAT ppl to hang out wif. lol! made new frenz.
SOTONG! [in NO particular order(: ]: 1) Huihan [LEADER! outgoing. was one of my roommates for the chalet nite(: ] 2) Peishan [Cool gal from 2C. outgoing(: ] 3) Huijing [chiio gal! got big big eyes. lol. was one of my roommates tooo!(: ] 4) Hwee Chian [the clever and cute gurl from 2L! was one of my roommates! COOL(: ] 5) Glada [the cute gal! outgoing(: ] 6) Teo Ee [the GUIDE! outgoing and cute(: ] 7) Mii [duh! LOL] 8) Jesslyn [the chiio gal from 2A. always sit beside me for meals(: ] 9) Jiahui [the cute gal from 2B. mii twin for CS too!(: ] 10) Nyien Nyien [the cute gal from 2D! was my partner for night walk when we returnin tt tym. COOL!(: ] 11) Rebecca [chiio gal. shared the same chalet for the last nite(: ] 12) Xiao Wei [cute gal. nice name(: heh heh] 13) Cherise [sorry. dunno how to spell ur name. paiseh>.<> 14) Jiahui [the SCOUT. helped a LOT durin the raft activity(: ] 15) Junrong [always get sabooed by the other jiahui-the gal. veh thin! and quiet(: ] 16) Vincent [the bdae guy hu's bdae was on campfire day/nite. wave 2 sang him bdae song. lucky guy(: ] 17) Han Bing [the 2B guy. nvr really tok to him b4 but still part of SOTONG(: ] 18) Caleb [the 2A guy. nvr really tok to him b4 but also, he's part of SOTONG(: ]
okiiee. tts bout it. heres the camp(:
We assembled in the sku gym early in the morning at the same time. Went for flag raising. den went bac to gym. dey distributed the camp shirt. It's YELLOW in colour. but turned out to be quite a nice colour(: so, we met our instructor. he's name is jonathon. he say can call him anytin we wan. lol. so we sat in a circle and introduced. den gtg le. we went to the jetty in buses. when we reached dere, we sat down and had a borin icebreaking game. lol. so, after tt we proceeded towards PULAU UBIN!(: So nice dere can. lol. XD so, we pitched our tents and blahblah. oh yea, our group is 22 and we are SOTONG! Generally, it was a boring day. Durin bath time, it was like.. at first, it was individual baths. den gradually, it bcame 2 to 1 cubicle. den bczm 3 to 1 cubicle. WAD THE. lol. Mii and Theresa went into the boys' toilet so we got 2 to 1(: At nite it was so HOT la. but I managed to fall asleep cuz I was veh veh tired =P heh heh.
did high elements today. I was freaked out up dere can. but I never say anytin. lol. brave mii!(: hahahaa. anywae, den after lunch we were suppose to go for Ubin Explorer but it rained. and dere was lightning. damnit. lol. so we missed the ubin explorer): everyone went bac to the tents area to zip up their tents in case their luggages and tents got wet. Den, the whole year 2s had a "disco" time under the white tentage where we have our meals. btw the meals or rather the food were MORE DAN ENUFF and dey taste grreat!(: so we had a FUN FUN FUN TIME despite the HEAVY rain! so... after tt, the weather was slightly better, so we went out to have outdoor activities. we played telematch. the first game was the "shoe game". everyone had to pile their shoes at the end of the other side. den, the first person has to run over, wear his/her shoes and run bac wif the second person's shoes. muz be correct la of cuz. lol. was fun. we had the "entaglement" next. we had to hold on to sumone's hand and the other hand muz be connected to another person. the ppl muz be sum1 opposite of uu [we were standin in a circle]. we cheated a lil. lol. but still managed to entangle ourselves. we were the slowest. After the entaglement, we had the "balloon caterpillar". it was drizzling quite heavily. we were all drenched. we had to blow a balloon and "kiap" it in between uu and the person in front of uu. den ur suppose to put ur hands on ur own shoulder. We have to walk slowly and it'll only be considered complete when everyone in the group crossed the finishing line. we kept on returning and returning to the beginning point. lol. but in the end, we passed the game first! lol. yayy sotongs! hahaa. okiie. the last station. the "holey" pail. it's HOLEY, NOT HOLY. lol. so, we were suppose to block the holes in the pails using whatever we have on us. so we decided to use our fingers. the gurls help block the holes. and my position was so nice tt when the guys use their shoes to carry the water to the pail, I got splashed wif shoe water-.- lol. luckily I never tasted it. =P hahaa. Jess and a few other gurls tasted it.. but I was drenched wif shoe water can. XD lol. after dinner went for night walk. at first Teo Ee and Junrong were leading. den after tt half way became jess and glada lead. it was scary la. I was walking beside nyien nyien. she had tis extremely bright and freaky lightstick. we walked and walked and walked. finally reached tis temple. den we stopped dere and jonathon gave us a little tok and had a lil chat. when we're returning he dared us to return w/o lights. okiie. great. and to top it all, nyien nyien and mii were leading. I was a lil freaked. den nyien nyien walk halfway suddenly tell mii the place on my rite is a cemetry. I was like.. O.O!! lol. but it wasn't lor. it's actually when we're goin, dere were two routes. If you took the rite route, you would go to the temple. but if uu took the wrong one, uu would go to the cemetry. frreaky. luckily we never take wrong paths. our walk was pretty smooth. THANX Jess, Teo, Glada and Jun rong!! at nite it was veh cold lor. den when I woke up it was lyk.. brr.. freeezing~. lol. But was a pretty fun day. oh yea, our tent was completely flattened and was lying on the ground when we came bac after the nite walk and all. lol
we did low elements today. we tried the balancing ting first. mii, jiahui, cherise, hwee chian and the guys were the supporters. we were in the 2nd group. the girst group [9 gurls] went first. it looked veh difficult. but dey still managed to pass. den was us. we walked kinda faster dan the first group. cuz the guys took big steps. BIG BIG steps. we dint manage to pass cuz jonathon wanted us to rest more. anyway, it was fun fun fun! after tt was the spiderweb tingy. no funn.. lol. but we showed our grreat TEAMWORK!(: we also did rafting. even though the whole raft collapsed and jess fell on mii... it was pretty fun. after tt we splashed around in the water. ohh.. and.. oh yea, SUPERB GOOD NEWS! The tchers spent money and let everyone stayed in chalet for the last nite!!! Woohs~! THREE CHEERS AND THREE CHEERS AND THREE CHEERS FOR TCHERS *clap clap clap clap clap, clap clap clap clap clap clap* so we all moved into the chalets. the chalet dere is one chalet $80/nite. so for the big chalets, 10 people share one chalet. for the small chalets, 5 people to 1. and it was... CAMPFIRE NIGHT! It was damn nice. the tchers also bought everyone ice cream! woohs~! the tchers rox! x)
cheer one: SHA! clap clap clap clap SHA! clap clap clap clap SHA! SHA! SHA! SHA!
cheer two: [food cheer] hungry hungry clap clap very very clap clap hungry very clap clap very hungry clap clap cihgehlang-gah piyapiya cihgeglang-gah piyapiya JIA!
cant seem to remember any others. shall post them when I remebered(: anywae, we sang zhi zu and watched the camp video and blahblah. everyone danced the mass dance tooo! lol. den after tt we were allowed to get into our classes and everyone was SO HIGH!! and so was FAHRION! lol. everyone was so happy to see each other. we cheered and cheered. but Ms Tang wanted to tok so we listened and had our supper. den we went bac to our chalet. it was so cool la. and I was the stoopid group leader for the chalet ting. and the instructor read my name wrongly k. so embarrassing la. wah lau. x) so we went bac and took our own sweet time to bathe. Poor huijing was sick so she slept first. we watched "yu le bai fen bai" on Channel U tt tym. lol.
chalet mates: HuiJing HuiHan Hwee Chian Cherise Rebecca Xiao Wei Gui Wanying Chen Wanying Laiping
Those in pink were my roomates. Those in orange slept upstairs. the aircon was damn nice. but poor Hwee Chian had to sleep on the floor):
we woke up late and rushed to the assembling ground. lol. Wave 2 got to go bac first(: so we went bac.. and I brought a pebble home!(: I picked it up from the white tentage dere before we left. lol. souvenier. and we got the group photo ting. But our photo was blurr): oh wells. ENJOYED THE CAMP! missed the HIGH instructors dere): we went bac to sku. met miao and siting dere. sat and toked. den went home>.<>
okiie. end of camp post. these two weeks Im gonna be veh busy>.<
Thursday (17thMay) : QINGCHUN REHEARSAL. leaving claz at 11.45am. gonna be dismissed at 10.30 Friday (18thMay) : QINGCHUN!! Leaving claz at 12pm. gonna be dismissed at 10.30 [or maybe later] Saturday (19thMay) : PTM in the morning and den at nite is EDS nite concert. goin wif char. Sunday (20th May) : Guitar lesson. nth much. Monday (21st May) : MANY tings to hand in 1)Maths assgnmnt 1 2)Maths clinometer [or however uu spell it] 3)history assgnmnt 4)chinese photo ting
so far can only remember these.. Tuesday(22ndMay) --Thursday(24thMay): WEN HUA YING at DOWNTOWN EAST. so wont be goin sku(: Friday(25thMay) : LAST DAY OF SKU TERM!!(:
okiie. so tts all. post the others nxt tym.
Labels: friends, schedule, teamwork, trust
Posted by Tuesday, May 15, 2007 5/15/2007 07:19:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
shall post abt camp another day... Im feelin freaking pissed now... I feel like slapping alot of ppl... Maybe what I chose tt tym was a mistake. a BIG mistake. I regretted. But what can I do? ha. funny about how I always regret things that I've done. I dunno.. and dun care. I dun even noe why Im living here... =/ freaking pissed now. feels sucky.
maybe I was really wrong...
 J A N E L L E
 Like fire and rain, you drive me insane♥
NAME: Janelle
AGE: 80
DATE OF BIRTH:16th April
NATIONALITY: Singaporean
COUNTRY: Singapore
STATUS: I'm gay
1. Foods: Mum's cooking, pastries, KOI, ice cream, plums, and basically everything.
2. Drinks: Non-carbonated ><
3. Fruits: ALL!♥
4. Deserts: none that I don't like.
5. Colours: Pink, blue, purple.
6. Pet: None
7. Singer: 2AM, SJ, SNSD, B2ST, MISS A, F(x), BIG BANG. (this list is endless~)
1. Taking photos
2. Hanging out with friends, shopping
3. Singing
4. Movies
5. Cute stuffs
1. BUGS, especially butterflies.
2. Hypocrites
3. Heights
4. Darkness
Things I currently do
1. Going to school and mugging my brains out
2. Keeping in contact with friends ♥
3. Enjoying life (minus the studying part)
4. Growing up
5. Playing Piano and guitar (for fun)
Wish Lists
1. Change my hairstyle
2. *secret*
3. Get good grades
4. Fly to Korea and Taiwan to meet my husbands (HAHAHA)
5. Shopping
6. For all these to be over.
 My Affiliates
 click click click to other world.
1. Tell me if you changed blog URL.
2. I will erase those inactive links/removed me from your blog
3. Link exchange for those who always view my blog, comment my post and dropped message on my tagboard.
 My History
 saving my memories.
Site name: Diary
Site link: http://bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com/
Site opened: May 2006
About this site:
I have been blogging since 2006. It's kind of like an on-off thing cause I don't blog regularly. It didn't start off with this name. I changed it to this one cause I wanted to be funny. But I guess I wanna keep it this way now. Haha
yeah I have a tumblr. But it's dead too. hahaha.
Designed by Mary.
Background by Chocolaterie
Materials by ChocoGoodies, Sorahana & Rebecca
Banner by TheFadingNight
Tell me nicely if I forgotten to credit you. Do not complain anything here cause it's 100% belongs to me.