You are at bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com.
She chewed up the moon and spit stars all over my night sky♥
Leave nothing but footsteps.
Take nothing else.
Lastly, enjoy your stay.
Janelle's Profile

Janelle. Born on 16th April.
I'm 80 this year, and I absolutely love knitting.
I love KPOP (yes I'm a hippie grandma)
Love my family and friends♥
Click here for more..
Don't feel like putting one anymore><
Posted by Friday, August 24, 2007 8/24/2007 08:34:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
okie. seriously, I haf to update. lol. cuz lately veh busy and veh tired.. zz... lol. Las sunday was my last guitar lesson at hark]: miss everyting and everyone dere. lyk charmaine[hint hint] LOL =P
took photos wif dem but shant post cuz I look duper weird ._. haha. but I shall post the pics of HARK MUSIC[:
 MY CLAZ ROOM[: cuz veh small space so I could only take tis part of the claz. but the clazrm aint big luh-.- lol
 the staircase. sorry. pls tilt ur head to the right[:
 HARK MUSIC<3 hehe. yup. the main door/gate[:
 DHOBY! I got nth to do and was bored. lol. was waiting for raymond cuz apparently he's late and its raining and he has an umbrella while I dont ._. lol
o anddddd, GOOD NEWS! 2F IS PERFORMING FOR TCHERS' DAY CONCERT NXT FRIDAYYYY[: hehe. mii, charmaine, sherlyn and elizabeth are playing e guitar[: sherlyn and elizabeth are catching up veh fast[: I tink if I were dem I cant even play luh-.- lol
anywae, dey say tt we're gonna haf tis YEAR 2 GRADUATION NIGHT or sth. O.O and dey say the dress code is formal. and we haf to pay 25 bucks. and the venue is gonna be at the Ulu Pandan CC ball room dere. ._. erm... I shall see bah. see hu goin. lol. yvonne wants to go shopping wif mii. haha. but... its AFTER EOYs... hai~ not TOO long away.........
okie. so, Im retarded-.- I tout I lost my pick. den my dad said he tink he threw it away. den after tt my sis found it. I was happie, yea, but the next day, I brought it to sku, and I lost it-.- GREAT luh-.- lol
Im so scared of my EOYs.. =X CAN SUMONE COACH MII? ._.
lol. shall go do my hw now... still got so many... >< WAHHHHH>< and today saw setsquare~ [: hehe
kkk. shall go now. bbbbbbb[:
 stressedddddd ]:
Posted by Sunday, August 12, 2007 8/12/2007 09:05:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
lol. On weds, we celebrated national day in sku[: and and AND, Nurul sthsth [sorry! forgot the name... ><] came to our sku. KEELY, THE CAMPUS SUPERSTAR, CAME TOOOOO! [: we took photo wif her. yupppp. haha. sorry yvonne, I lazy to send uu.. =P hehe. will send later later laterrrr la. hehe
yup. and so I slacked and slacked. urgh. juz damn freaking stressed now larrr. >< tml got to hand in chinese file. haven file finish and do the corrections yet, and Im here bloggin. damn-.-
Weds after the celebration tingy, mii and charmaine did history project wif sumei and eunice. SO FUN[: lol. but was veh tired though. haha. den I followed charmaine all the way to paya lebar [see, I so nice:D] cuz she got piano and we haven eat lunch yet. so we ate at the Post Office. yuppp[: haha. den after tt she tempt mii into buyin bubble tea wif her-.- wah lau. I was damn full lor. haha
den raymond say he end exam early. den I juz reached charmaine's house den I gtg le. -.- lol. den since charmaine is like, goin for her piano lesson, I meet raymond first. yup. so met him at bugis. den went to buy the tickets for 'SECRET'. IT ROX KAYSSS[: GO WATCH, PPL!! hehe
den raymond went to eat at food court. obviously I cant eat anytin after pei-ing charmaine eat LOADS before tt.. haha~ yup. so he ate for 45 mins. lol. den he taught mii how to fold straw heart and star. THANXX[: but I forgot liao-.- haha
den went to the arcade. yup. watch ppl play luh. and raymond played the bball game. dint feel lyk plain.. sorry =X and FINALLY, AT 6+++, CHARMAINE FINALLY CAME. haha. yup. and our movie is 7.40pm de. aiyah, den we walk arnd, waste time here and dere. even went to the bkshop luh-.- haha
anywae, the main point isssss, 不能说的秘密 ROX!!!!!! GO WATCH LEHH!! 叶湘伦 + 路小雨 = LOVE! so sad lor. charmaine cried and cried. haha. I was goin to cry, but see her den I feel lyk laughin... lol.. sorry =X
haha. yup. so today's my second last lesson at hark. SO SAD LARR]: den I took pictures of the sku[: shall take more next week, which is my last lessonnn]: omg, Im lyk, so sad lar. ]:
haha. but I took an ugly picture of lawrence. =D hahaha. can use it to threaten him. lol. no lar. I not so bad de. haha
tml is CIP. hai~ so gonna miss wenxue. suddenly wan go wenxue lehhh. haha. influenced by yanci.. lol. and YANCI, I never change my blogskin cuz I was pissed off wif it. haha. and I no time... lol. and, since uu wan mii to say, den I say lor. haha. ya, its an honour tt uu read my blogg. hahaha. uu better update ur blogg. I dun care. =D
okie. gotta run liao~ byeee pplz. and TAKE CARE ya[:
 Monday blues? LOL!
Posted by Monday, August 06, 2007 8/06/2007 04:08:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
lol. yea, I tink I have monday blues.. >< lol. today took claz photo. eeeeyerk. >< sux larr. lol. 2F IS SO BONDED[: hehe. tml got project.. science and history. <33 hehe~
anywae, today mii and miao saw ZHONGQING [I tink spelt liddat. LOL] at the ghim moh dere.not the ghim moh market... the other small coffee shop on the way to buona mrt. lol. shocked. yuppp. excited? luh-.- haha
okie. weds evening manybe go watch 'secret'. ppl go watch!! Well, it looks pretty interesting... and and AND, 恶作剧之吻2 cumin out in september!! =D hehe. I WAN WATCH IT ATER EOYS[: hehe
and... 恶魔在身边 is pretty interesting luh... a bit erm... but still okie laaarh[: LOL! and... tis week got three days of hols. muz mug mug MUGGGG[: lol. and siting, lets go buy those assessment lehhhh... I WAN!>< hehe. But I not nerd luh-.- LOL
okie. nth much le.
 !! [:
Posted by Sunday, August 05, 2007 8/05/2007 10:18:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
last friday had science test. SCREWED UP><><><>< hai... shall work even harder now... HAVE TO! MUZ!! lol. den last friday the fanfan cum. OH-MY-TIAN. It was... "FUN". hahax. hope she doesnt see tis. she dunno mii anywae-.- haha
after xiju mii, jh, jx and st went to the playground opp henry park. mii and siting play the swings. haha. veh childish, ya, I noe. But when I close my eyes I feel as if Im soaring~ lol. nice feeling. feel lyk Im a young kid again.. [as in.. primary sku kid luh-.- LOL]
play until damn fun lor... it's been quite a time since we go tt playground and play. and meanwhile, I told siting abt sth... lol. she noes it ya.. =/ lol.
yesterday, which is saturday, I went to do history project wif eunice, charmaine and sumei at marine parade library. den after tt I went to eat wif charmaine. den I meet siting to go SPH for tis singing competition. only 4 pics la.. lol
 SPH[: beautiful? lol. one small small part only..
 okie, here goes.. CREDIT: SITING. [happie? LOL.]
 err. the auditorium? lol. erm, actually the veh veh small and blur guy wearing purple in the right hand side of the pict is Fukuan. yep, the campus superstar. benjamin and Huixian were dere toooo.
 erm, another try? LOL! [:
okie. gotta go. haven finish chinese yet. SHIT>< lol.
NITES ppl~ [:
Posted by Wednesday, August 01, 2007 8/01/2007 08:25:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
today was maths test. yep. and I flunked it): Dere wasnt enuf tym to finish it. well, at least for mii la. and sum ppl? =X anywaes, I tink Im gonna flunk history too. but Im gonna work / study veh veh veh veh hard for science [ which is on friday, btw.] I dun wan flunk science...
Cuz of Yvonne[aka NINJA TURTLE(: ], Im veh veh interested in science. haha. quite fun laa. :D hehe. Im juz-so-freaking-depressed now. But Im gonna study harddddder!(: so tt I wont fail the others.
Tml presentin geog. den after recess is history test... D: stressed><><>< Im sad):
but nvm. shall work hard(: ya, Im weird. :D hehe. hai~ and chem is really veh interestin[: hehehe~
and and AND, I SAW HIM TODAY!(: hehee. Near the chem labs. Den saw him in canteen[: hehe~
okieokie. I go study le~

Posted by Friday, August 24, 2007 8/24/2007 08:34:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
okie. seriously, I haf to update. lol. cuz lately veh busy and veh tired.. zz... lol. Las sunday was my last guitar lesson at hark]: miss everyting and everyone dere. lyk charmaine[hint hint] LOL =P
took photos wif dem but shant post cuz I look duper weird ._. haha. but I shall post the pics of HARK MUSIC[:
 MY CLAZ ROOM[: cuz veh small space so I could only take tis part of the claz. but the clazrm aint big luh-.- lol
 the staircase. sorry. pls tilt ur head to the right[:
 HARK MUSIC<3 hehe. yup. the main door/gate[:
 DHOBY! I got nth to do and was bored. lol. was waiting for raymond cuz apparently he's late and its raining and he has an umbrella while I dont ._. lol
o anddddd, GOOD NEWS! 2F IS PERFORMING FOR TCHERS' DAY CONCERT NXT FRIDAYYYY[: hehe. mii, charmaine, sherlyn and elizabeth are playing e guitar[: sherlyn and elizabeth are catching up veh fast[: I tink if I were dem I cant even play luh-.- lol
anywae, dey say tt we're gonna haf tis YEAR 2 GRADUATION NIGHT or sth. O.O and dey say the dress code is formal. and we haf to pay 25 bucks. and the venue is gonna be at the Ulu Pandan CC ball room dere. ._. erm... I shall see bah. see hu goin. lol. yvonne wants to go shopping wif mii. haha. but... its AFTER EOYs... hai~ not TOO long away.........
okie. so, Im retarded-.- I tout I lost my pick. den my dad said he tink he threw it away. den after tt my sis found it. I was happie, yea, but the next day, I brought it to sku, and I lost it-.- GREAT luh-.- lol
Im so scared of my EOYs.. =X CAN SUMONE COACH MII? ._.
lol. shall go do my hw now... still got so many... >< WAHHHHH>< and today saw setsquare~ [: hehe
kkk. shall go now. bbbbbbb[:
 stressedddddd ]:
Posted by Sunday, August 12, 2007 8/12/2007 09:05:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
lol. On weds, we celebrated national day in sku[: and and AND, Nurul sthsth [sorry! forgot the name... ><] came to our sku. KEELY, THE CAMPUS SUPERSTAR, CAME TOOOOO! [: we took photo wif her. yupppp. haha. sorry yvonne, I lazy to send uu.. =P hehe. will send later later laterrrr la. hehe
yup. and so I slacked and slacked. urgh. juz damn freaking stressed now larrr. >< tml got to hand in chinese file. haven file finish and do the corrections yet, and Im here bloggin. damn-.-
Weds after the celebration tingy, mii and charmaine did history project wif sumei and eunice. SO FUN[: lol. but was veh tired though. haha. den I followed charmaine all the way to paya lebar [see, I so nice:D] cuz she got piano and we haven eat lunch yet. so we ate at the Post Office. yuppp[: haha. den after tt she tempt mii into buyin bubble tea wif her-.- wah lau. I was damn full lor. haha
den raymond say he end exam early. den I juz reached charmaine's house den I gtg le. -.- lol. den since charmaine is like, goin for her piano lesson, I meet raymond first. yup. so met him at bugis. den went to buy the tickets for 'SECRET'. IT ROX KAYSSS[: GO WATCH, PPL!! hehe
den raymond went to eat at food court. obviously I cant eat anytin after pei-ing charmaine eat LOADS before tt.. haha~ yup. so he ate for 45 mins. lol. den he taught mii how to fold straw heart and star. THANXX[: but I forgot liao-.- haha
den went to the arcade. yup. watch ppl play luh. and raymond played the bball game. dint feel lyk plain.. sorry =X and FINALLY, AT 6+++, CHARMAINE FINALLY CAME. haha. yup. and our movie is 7.40pm de. aiyah, den we walk arnd, waste time here and dere. even went to the bkshop luh-.- haha
anywae, the main point isssss, 不能说的秘密 ROX!!!!!! GO WATCH LEHH!! 叶湘伦 + 路小雨 = LOVE! so sad lor. charmaine cried and cried. haha. I was goin to cry, but see her den I feel lyk laughin... lol.. sorry =X
haha. yup. so today's my second last lesson at hark. SO SAD LARR]: den I took pictures of the sku[: shall take more next week, which is my last lessonnn]: omg, Im lyk, so sad lar. ]:
haha. but I took an ugly picture of lawrence. =D hahaha. can use it to threaten him. lol. no lar. I not so bad de. haha
tml is CIP. hai~ so gonna miss wenxue. suddenly wan go wenxue lehhh. haha. influenced by yanci.. lol. and YANCI, I never change my blogskin cuz I was pissed off wif it. haha. and I no time... lol. and, since uu wan mii to say, den I say lor. haha. ya, its an honour tt uu read my blogg. hahaha. uu better update ur blogg. I dun care. =D
okie. gotta run liao~ byeee pplz. and TAKE CARE ya[:
 Monday blues? LOL!
Posted by Monday, August 06, 2007 8/06/2007 04:08:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
lol. yea, I tink I have monday blues.. >< lol. today took claz photo. eeeeyerk. >< sux larr. lol. 2F IS SO BONDED[: hehe. tml got project.. science and history. <33 hehe~
anywae, today mii and miao saw ZHONGQING [I tink spelt liddat. LOL] at the ghim moh dere.not the ghim moh market... the other small coffee shop on the way to buona mrt. lol. shocked. yuppp. excited? luh-.- haha
okie. weds evening manybe go watch 'secret'. ppl go watch!! Well, it looks pretty interesting... and and AND, 恶作剧之吻2 cumin out in september!! =D hehe. I WAN WATCH IT ATER EOYS[: hehe
and... 恶魔在身边 is pretty interesting luh... a bit erm... but still okie laaarh[: LOL! and... tis week got three days of hols. muz mug mug MUGGGG[: lol. and siting, lets go buy those assessment lehhhh... I WAN!>< hehe. But I not nerd luh-.- LOL
okie. nth much le.
 !! [:
Posted by Sunday, August 05, 2007 8/05/2007 10:18:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
last friday had science test. SCREWED UP><><><>< hai... shall work even harder now... HAVE TO! MUZ!! lol. den last friday the fanfan cum. OH-MY-TIAN. It was... "FUN". hahax. hope she doesnt see tis. she dunno mii anywae-.- haha
after xiju mii, jh, jx and st went to the playground opp henry park. mii and siting play the swings. haha. veh childish, ya, I noe. But when I close my eyes I feel as if Im soaring~ lol. nice feeling. feel lyk Im a young kid again.. [as in.. primary sku kid luh-.- LOL]
play until damn fun lor... it's been quite a time since we go tt playground and play. and meanwhile, I told siting abt sth... lol. she noes it ya.. =/ lol.
yesterday, which is saturday, I went to do history project wif eunice, charmaine and sumei at marine parade library. den after tt I went to eat wif charmaine. den I meet siting to go SPH for tis singing competition. only 4 pics la.. lol
 SPH[: beautiful? lol. one small small part only..
 okie, here goes.. CREDIT: SITING. [happie? LOL.]
 err. the auditorium? lol. erm, actually the veh veh small and blur guy wearing purple in the right hand side of the pict is Fukuan. yep, the campus superstar. benjamin and Huixian were dere toooo.
 erm, another try? LOL! [:
okie. gotta go. haven finish chinese yet. SHIT>< lol.
NITES ppl~ [:
Posted by Wednesday, August 01, 2007 8/01/2007 08:25:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
today was maths test. yep. and I flunked it): Dere wasnt enuf tym to finish it. well, at least for mii la. and sum ppl? =X anywaes, I tink Im gonna flunk history too. but Im gonna work / study veh veh veh veh hard for science [ which is on friday, btw.] I dun wan flunk science...
Cuz of Yvonne[aka NINJA TURTLE(: ], Im veh veh interested in science. haha. quite fun laa. :D hehe. Im juz-so-freaking-depressed now. But Im gonna study harddddder!(: so tt I wont fail the others.
Tml presentin geog. den after recess is history test... D: stressed><><>< Im sad):
but nvm. shall work hard(: ya, Im weird. :D hehe. hai~ and chem is really veh interestin[: hehehe~
and and AND, I SAW HIM TODAY!(: hehee. Near the chem labs. Den saw him in canteen[: hehe~
okieokie. I go study le~

 J A N E L L E
 Like fire and rain, you drive me insane♥
NAME: Janelle
AGE: 80
DATE OF BIRTH:16th April
NATIONALITY: Singaporean
COUNTRY: Singapore
STATUS: I'm gay
1. Foods: Mum's cooking, pastries, KOI, ice cream, plums, and basically everything.
2. Drinks: Non-carbonated ><
3. Fruits: ALL!♥
4. Deserts: none that I don't like.
5. Colours: Pink, blue, purple.
6. Pet: None
7. Singer: 2AM, SJ, SNSD, B2ST, MISS A, F(x), BIG BANG. (this list is endless~)
1. Taking photos
2. Hanging out with friends, shopping
3. Singing
4. Movies
5. Cute stuffs
1. BUGS, especially butterflies.
2. Hypocrites
3. Heights
4. Darkness
Things I currently do
1. Going to school and mugging my brains out
2. Keeping in contact with friends ♥
3. Enjoying life (minus the studying part)
4. Growing up
5. Playing Piano and guitar (for fun)
Wish Lists
1. Change my hairstyle
2. *secret*
3. Get good grades
4. Fly to Korea and Taiwan to meet my husbands (HAHAHA)
5. Shopping
6. For all these to be over.
 My Affiliates
 click click click to other world.
1. Tell me if you changed blog URL.
2. I will erase those inactive links/removed me from your blog
3. Link exchange for those who always view my blog, comment my post and dropped message on my tagboard.
 My History
 saving my memories.
Site name: Diary
Site link: http://bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com/
Site opened: May 2006
About this site:
I have been blogging since 2006. It's kind of like an on-off thing cause I don't blog regularly. It didn't start off with this name. I changed it to this one cause I wanted to be funny. But I guess I wanna keep it this way now. Haha
yeah I have a tumblr. But it's dead too. hahaha.
Designed by Mary.
Background by Chocolaterie
Materials by ChocoGoodies, Sorahana & Rebecca
Banner by TheFadingNight
Tell me nicely if I forgotten to credit you. Do not complain anything here cause it's 100% belongs to me.