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She chewed up the moon and spit stars all over my night sky♥
Leave nothing but footsteps.
Take nothing else.
Lastly, enjoy your stay.
Janelle's Profile
Janelle. Born on 16th April.
I'm 80 this year, and I absolutely love knitting.
I love KPOP (yes I'm a hippie grandma)
Love my family and friends♥ Click here for more..
Posted by Friday, May 30, 2008 5/30/2008 12:39:00 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
OMG BSP CAMP WAS DAMN FREAKINGG FUN! :D GROUP 19 -- 逍遥<3 Facilitator: Han Tian Yu (HCI) Leader: Zhong Ci Lin [Cheryl](NYGH) Members: 1) Wang Shi Mei (DHS) 2) Wang Jun Yan [Janelle](DHS) 3) Xie Jia Ming [Joshua](DHS) 4) Wang Min Min (DHS) 5) Su Chang Jie (HCI) 6) Lin Jie (HCI) 7) Guo Xin (HCI) 8) Huang Jie (HCI) 9) Wu Wei Ze (HCI) 10) Liu Yang Xi (NYGH) 11) Ai Ting (NYGH) 12) Yang Lin Xi (NYGH) 13) Wang Fang Ping (RVHS) 14) Wang Hui Jun (RVHS)
Woots~ Damn fun. But had the stupid SMO in the morning so missed the icebreakers and stuff. BOO ): MinMin had fever and went home ): Even though i don't think u'll see tis, but, rest well (= Got HIGH wif ShiMei<3 Haha.
I miss BSP camp. I miss Group 19. I miss ShiMei and those talks with the secrets we had during the second night ( :D ) I miss the time when we all hold hands and run around the auditorium. I miss the second night when Me, ShiMei, Miao, Yitian, Hangyin and Yingteng all crapped and stuff.
BOO): Why so fast finish?? -_- lolz. I lazy to transfer photos. LOL haha. Had mass convos a few times ytd. kinda fun :D lol.
And during second night I found out that ShiMei's actually in the same position as me. We're on the same boat :D HAHA. Shared a lot of secrets. Me and Her shared my bed. Yitian and Hangyin shared one. Miao and Yingteng shared one :D ShiMei's first time gave me. Muahahahaha. As in she first time sharing a bed (and a pillow) wif a gurl besides her mum. LOL!!
Basically, it was fun ya :D
Sianz. And I haven't done any work yet... Shall start on them nxt week :D hehe. Oh yar. Ak's coming back from Taiwan today. Siting reminded me ytd. LOL. I want my prez... lol :D
Posted by Monday, May 26, 2008 5/26/2008 08:24:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Okay. That's about it. This post was supposed to be posted earlier. But no time. I tink it's so sad. Therefore we should treasure life now, treasure our friends, treasure our family, and those around us! Before it's too late...
Erm, tis is to siting, and everyone else who thought the same as her. The previous post notice i said “Aww but too bad ***** not there): WHY HE OVERSEAS LUH.” Erm, siting thought it was "a.o.k.u.n" that i was talking about-_- Cuz he overseas too mah. Sia lar. It's R**** okay. censored cuz dun wan tell you :D hehe. but anyway, lame yea. But she told me to make myself more clear. okay so I made it clear. lolz haha.
TOMORROW IS BSP CAMP at Singapore Sports School. Dunno why culture tingy go sports school-_- lolz. But I'm so NOT looking forward to it... sian. Why muz we go?? T.T so lame can. like wad the SHIT. My poor holidays. My poor computer. My poor tv. @_____@
So I won't be back till thursday. Don't miss me! :D hahaha. Tomorrow morning is the SMO competition tingy. The real ting, yea... Sia lar. Dunno how to do all the questions... T.T save me!!
Okay. Need to go pack. haven't pack anyting yet. back in 3 days.
Posted by Saturday, May 24, 2008 5/24/2008 12:35:00 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Okay I'm crazy. My eyes are like this now: -_- LOL. I wanna sleep. Was uploading camp photos.. Damn freaking L-O-N-G post cannnn... :D haha. TODAY IS LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!! (= Which means, the starting of my dear June Hols!! (= hehe.
Went out wif Yitian, Jinxin, Siting today (first). Actually wanted to play bball, but the so-very-clever Jinxin brought the wrong keys to her new house-.- so we went yitian's house instead. Her mum's so NICE!! (=
Then met Yingteng and Jiahui and 6 of us went to take neoprints. Twice. 22 bucks all together. Zzz. Second machine kinda sucked. But was fun and cool :D hehe. Then Jinxin and Yingteng went home for dinner, so me, jiahui, yitian and siting went Macs to eat dinner. Played arnd and I spilled Siting's coke (mannn I'm really sry ><). Den i went to buy her another one. But the person came and return the money and say what she informed the manager and the manager gif her another drink. F.O.C. lol cool lar.
So went home after that. Toked to char. Me, jinx and jh going char's church tis sunday!!! =D hahaha. Me and Jh going to see cute guys there!! :D Aww but too bad ***** not there): WHY HE OVERSEAS LUH. so retarded-.- lolz
Okay lar. My eyes gonna close le. Upload neos another day. tata/
Camp photos will be up tomorrow!! xD
23rd MAY 2008//
LEVEL CAMP! [edited/]
Posted by Thursday, May 22, 2008 5/22/2008 06:29:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
hohoho. Tis post will be full of Level Camp photos :D
2nd LINK (: Next stop is Malaysia! hahaha.
The sea on our way to Malaysia (:
Ms Fang's playing with someone's elephant softtoy. HAHA xD. so cute :D
CANDID SHOT :D (oh that's jiahui's camera and hand btw. lol. and that's Mengying and Michelle in the camera. xD)
the bus we were in for 5 days 4 nights (= BUS 5!
Jiahui's bag. My bag. 合照. I was soooo bored on the bus... lol
ORANG ASLI houses.
lol some random bird in the cage. I used special effect... Nice not? xD ahahaha.
The sea near our first hotel. Nice huh (:
Jinxin and Me! I look -_- lol. (oh btw, jinxin, aka 2BBFFG3 Jinxin. ahahahaha! Rest won't say. kinda A. G3= Golden Gorilla Guo Jinxin. Hehe)
Jiahui, Me, Bear :D Monica and Me. She got the COOL look yea? hahaha.
Jh's feet and Mine. zzz. Yeah it's RaNdOm and makes no sense =____=
Me and Jiahui's first hotel room :D (sounds wrong leh :/ hahaha)
The swimming pool (night view) of the first hotel we were staying in :D Baby sea turtles. so CUTE rite??? LOL. :D Shermaine and Mengying. CANDID(: But i love tis shot. hehe.BEAR! :D
The Malay Traditional Kites
MONICA! :D zomg you're so c.u.t.e :D
A computer?? o.ONah. It's the small computer-look-alike beside the real big computer. It's a speaker. LOL
The sea-view from our balcony at our second hotel :D SO NICE rite?
Me and Jiahui's second hotel room :D (man it really sounds wrong xD ) But tis room/hotel is DAMN, FREAKING NICE okayyyy. Some buses we saw. Cool huh. Quite nice. lols. Jiahui punching my poor GG. GG looking out. So artistic rite?? lols. ......... As you can see, me and Jiahui are really bored on the bus. LOL
Some damn nice de place where we had lunch at. Very nice rite?? haha. Me and Jiahui in the dark. o.O LOL. Cuz the bus veh dark wad... xD Me and Jinxin aka Gorilla at the 2nd States dinner :D went out to toilet and then took this. hehe. Batik Painting. Haven't paint yet. There :D lols. Looks like some Indian decoration tingy o.O (no dsicrimination involved(= )
YITIAN and YINGTENG. The 2 YTs. lolz. Siting and Me! :D Siting and Me! :D So chio rite?? (I wonder if someone will take it. hmmm.. (: ) lolz. Siting and Me! again. We doing this action cuz we were all "playing" something stupid. Like touching the chin of another person. HAHA. We're lame yeah. Yingteng and Me! :D Yitian and Me! :D She's so cute rite??
Me and Jinxin! :D Jiaxin and Me! :D Jiaxin veh cute rite! lolz
Weian and Me! :D After a few shots cuz Jiahui's hand is shaky. hehe.
GG and Jiahui's pink nemo. LOL. The pink nemo given by our dear brother, Jinxin. LOL xD and finally, home sweet home!! <3
Actually got 2 more star photos. shall post them nxt time. tata/
I missed level camp :/
Posted by Sunday, May 18, 2008 5/18/2008 02:33:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
It was FUNFUNFUN !! :D
I'll tell the story first and photos will come laterrrrrrrrrrrr :D
DAY 1: Set off on the long long long journey to Malaysia. Slept on the bus. teehee. Went through the Singapore Departure Hall and then through the Malaysia "customs" (?) lol. Stopped for lunch at some unknown place. Stopped at Orang Asli to see the huts/houses there after lunch. Then headed to our so-called hotel. It was damn freaking (and i mean it) gross. >< There were lizards and flies in the toilet. yea i noe, y.u.c.k. Boo hoo. Had dinner and then went to the turtle sanctuary at night. It was damn cool. Saw the cute little sea turtles being released into the sea. But the thought that most will get eaten by (evil) fishes and sharks and blah, makes me sad ): Got back to the "hotel" at arnd 10.30 liddat. Bathed and went to bed.
DAY 2: Had a visit to all the cultural arts&crafts stuff. Kinda cool. Bought a magnet =___= lol.
DAY 3: Went to visit the miniature mosques and stuff. Bought stuff too. :D
DAY 4: Had hands-on on the cultural arts&crafts tings. kinda fun. hahaha. Then at night was TalentTime. We came in second for the photo competition. woots! Big thankyiew to BEAR!:D (yenchen) We came in sixth for the TalentTime performance. No matter what, Big thankyiew to WEIAN! :D as well as everyone else in 3E! (: Sat with Jinxin, Yingteng, Yitian, Jiahui, Siting, Tianli as well as another 3 PRCs whom I duno.. o.O Well anyway, but anyway, it was fun! (= and finally got to sit with them...
DAY 5: Another long journey back to Singapore. Slept through the whole journey. Again. lol. Was darn tired. slept at 3+ the previous night cause We had a "sleep-over" at me and jh's room. haha. kinda cool :D
Generally, it was quite fun. I love the baby sea turtles. But it was kinda slack. Cuz we sleep, eat, sleep, eat. Felt like a pig. Missed Days 4 and 5 de breakfast. So was starved till lunch time. =_____=
Okay. photos will come another day. Meeting jie for movie :D
Posted by Sunday, May 11, 2008 5/11/2008 09:45:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
okay. since time is short, I will make this short too. okayyy erm, happy mothers' day!! Sorry mum I didn't get you anything... )= But I duno wad to gif leh... =X
okay. nxt ting. last friday was XIE REN! Although it's kinda sad that some nice nice seniors are going... but anyways, CONGRATS to those who got post(s)!! (=
It's from 12th May - 16th May. In Malaysia. We'll be living in hotels (!!!!). It's a culture camp. (meaning no disgusting stuff.. o.O)
okay but anyways, I suddenly feel excited (=.=). lolz. duno why. maybe its cuz of the hotel part. (dun get me wrong-.-) lol. But we needa get sku by 6.20 am tml!!!! oh mi gosh luh... zzz.
and I love my mum!! (= She bought me new clothes, slippers and a new converse bag ytd/today!! ^^ ahahaha. So happy.
And err Jiahui messaged me like last nite to bring softtoy... LOL. okayyy. zzz.
anyways, I'll be back in 5 days. (O.O tts kinda long huh. lol)
Posted by Friday, May 02, 2008 5/02/2008 10:34:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Okayyyyy. Now 检讨...
I tink I did a bad job D: cuz I made mistakes... Even though I practiced a lot of times, I still made the mistakes.... ): haiz~...
anyway, I got to go like now=___________=
TAG REPLIES: Siting: Like errr-.- okay. LOL. I shall flood urs today. and sry abt today lar... ): Dc: hi s.t.r.a.n.g.e.r~ :D hahaha. (hi dongchen) Ak: 唉... You're not suppose to 郁闷 rmbr. LOL. :D Siting: lol okay... Let's cry together... ): I think I'm going to be scolded like mad... too... haiz... life is harddddd. D:
Posted by Thursday, May 01, 2008 5/01/2008 12:22:00 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Today's rehearsal was GENERALLY okay... I tink. LOL. Except a few errors here and dere. Yea... kana scolded... AGAIN. wthhhh... D:
Posted by Friday, May 30, 2008 5/30/2008 12:39:00 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
OMG BSP CAMP WAS DAMN FREAKINGG FUN! :D GROUP 19 -- 逍遥<3 Facilitator: Han Tian Yu (HCI) Leader: Zhong Ci Lin [Cheryl](NYGH) Members: 1) Wang Shi Mei (DHS) 2) Wang Jun Yan [Janelle](DHS) 3) Xie Jia Ming [Joshua](DHS) 4) Wang Min Min (DHS) 5) Su Chang Jie (HCI) 6) Lin Jie (HCI) 7) Guo Xin (HCI) 8) Huang Jie (HCI) 9) Wu Wei Ze (HCI) 10) Liu Yang Xi (NYGH) 11) Ai Ting (NYGH) 12) Yang Lin Xi (NYGH) 13) Wang Fang Ping (RVHS) 14) Wang Hui Jun (RVHS)
Woots~ Damn fun. But had the stupid SMO in the morning so missed the icebreakers and stuff. BOO ): MinMin had fever and went home ): Even though i don't think u'll see tis, but, rest well (= Got HIGH wif ShiMei<3 Haha.
I miss BSP camp. I miss Group 19. I miss ShiMei and those talks with the secrets we had during the second night ( :D ) I miss the time when we all hold hands and run around the auditorium. I miss the second night when Me, ShiMei, Miao, Yitian, Hangyin and Yingteng all crapped and stuff.
BOO): Why so fast finish?? -_- lolz. I lazy to transfer photos. LOL haha. Had mass convos a few times ytd. kinda fun :D lol.
And during second night I found out that ShiMei's actually in the same position as me. We're on the same boat :D HAHA. Shared a lot of secrets. Me and Her shared my bed. Yitian and Hangyin shared one. Miao and Yingteng shared one :D ShiMei's first time gave me. Muahahahaha. As in she first time sharing a bed (and a pillow) wif a gurl besides her mum. LOL!!
Basically, it was fun ya :D
Sianz. And I haven't done any work yet... Shall start on them nxt week :D hehe. Oh yar. Ak's coming back from Taiwan today. Siting reminded me ytd. LOL. I want my prez... lol :D
Posted by Monday, May 26, 2008 5/26/2008 08:24:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Okay. That's about it. This post was supposed to be posted earlier. But no time. I tink it's so sad. Therefore we should treasure life now, treasure our friends, treasure our family, and those around us! Before it's too late...
Erm, tis is to siting, and everyone else who thought the same as her. The previous post notice i said “Aww but too bad ***** not there): WHY HE OVERSEAS LUH.” Erm, siting thought it was "a.o.k.u.n" that i was talking about-_- Cuz he overseas too mah. Sia lar. It's R**** okay. censored cuz dun wan tell you :D hehe. but anyway, lame yea. But she told me to make myself more clear. okay so I made it clear. lolz haha.
TOMORROW IS BSP CAMP at Singapore Sports School. Dunno why culture tingy go sports school-_- lolz. But I'm so NOT looking forward to it... sian. Why muz we go?? T.T so lame can. like wad the SHIT. My poor holidays. My poor computer. My poor tv. @_____@
So I won't be back till thursday. Don't miss me! :D hahaha. Tomorrow morning is the SMO competition tingy. The real ting, yea... Sia lar. Dunno how to do all the questions... T.T save me!!
Okay. Need to go pack. haven't pack anyting yet. back in 3 days.
Posted by Saturday, May 24, 2008 5/24/2008 12:35:00 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Okay I'm crazy. My eyes are like this now: -_- LOL. I wanna sleep. Was uploading camp photos.. Damn freaking L-O-N-G post cannnn... :D haha. TODAY IS LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!! (= Which means, the starting of my dear June Hols!! (= hehe.
Went out wif Yitian, Jinxin, Siting today (first). Actually wanted to play bball, but the so-very-clever Jinxin brought the wrong keys to her new house-.- so we went yitian's house instead. Her mum's so NICE!! (=
Then met Yingteng and Jiahui and 6 of us went to take neoprints. Twice. 22 bucks all together. Zzz. Second machine kinda sucked. But was fun and cool :D hehe. Then Jinxin and Yingteng went home for dinner, so me, jiahui, yitian and siting went Macs to eat dinner. Played arnd and I spilled Siting's coke (mannn I'm really sry ><). Den i went to buy her another one. But the person came and return the money and say what she informed the manager and the manager gif her another drink. F.O.C. lol cool lar.
So went home after that. Toked to char. Me, jinx and jh going char's church tis sunday!!! =D hahaha. Me and Jh going to see cute guys there!! :D Aww but too bad ***** not there): WHY HE OVERSEAS LUH. so retarded-.- lolz
Okay lar. My eyes gonna close le. Upload neos another day. tata/
Camp photos will be up tomorrow!! xD
23rd MAY 2008//
LEVEL CAMP! [edited/]
Posted by Thursday, May 22, 2008 5/22/2008 06:29:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
hohoho. Tis post will be full of Level Camp photos :D
2nd LINK (: Next stop is Malaysia! hahaha.
The sea on our way to Malaysia (:
Ms Fang's playing with someone's elephant softtoy. HAHA xD. so cute :D
CANDID SHOT :D (oh that's jiahui's camera and hand btw. lol. and that's Mengying and Michelle in the camera. xD)
the bus we were in for 5 days 4 nights (= BUS 5!
Jiahui's bag. My bag. 合照. I was soooo bored on the bus... lol
ORANG ASLI houses.
lol some random bird in the cage. I used special effect... Nice not? xD ahahaha.
The sea near our first hotel. Nice huh (:
Jinxin and Me! I look -_- lol. (oh btw, jinxin, aka 2BBFFG3 Jinxin. ahahahaha! Rest won't say. kinda A. G3= Golden Gorilla Guo Jinxin. Hehe)
Jiahui, Me, Bear :D Monica and Me. She got the COOL look yea? hahaha.
Jh's feet and Mine. zzz. Yeah it's RaNdOm and makes no sense =____=
Me and Jiahui's first hotel room :D (sounds wrong leh :/ hahaha)
The swimming pool (night view) of the first hotel we were staying in :D Baby sea turtles. so CUTE rite??? LOL. :D Shermaine and Mengying. CANDID(: But i love tis shot. hehe.BEAR! :D
The Malay Traditional Kites
MONICA! :D zomg you're so c.u.t.e :D
A computer?? o.ONah. It's the small computer-look-alike beside the real big computer. It's a speaker. LOL
The sea-view from our balcony at our second hotel :D SO NICE rite?
Me and Jiahui's second hotel room :D (man it really sounds wrong xD ) But tis room/hotel is DAMN, FREAKING NICE okayyyy. Some buses we saw. Cool huh. Quite nice. lols. Jiahui punching my poor GG. GG looking out. So artistic rite?? lols. ......... As you can see, me and Jiahui are really bored on the bus. LOL
Some damn nice de place where we had lunch at. Very nice rite?? haha. Me and Jiahui in the dark. o.O LOL. Cuz the bus veh dark wad... xD Me and Jinxin aka Gorilla at the 2nd States dinner :D went out to toilet and then took this. hehe. Batik Painting. Haven't paint yet. There :D lols. Looks like some Indian decoration tingy o.O (no dsicrimination involved(= )
YITIAN and YINGTENG. The 2 YTs. lolz. Siting and Me! :D Siting and Me! :D So chio rite?? (I wonder if someone will take it. hmmm.. (: ) lolz. Siting and Me! again. We doing this action cuz we were all "playing" something stupid. Like touching the chin of another person. HAHA. We're lame yeah. Yingteng and Me! :D Yitian and Me! :D She's so cute rite??
Me and Jinxin! :D Jiaxin and Me! :D Jiaxin veh cute rite! lolz
Weian and Me! :D After a few shots cuz Jiahui's hand is shaky. hehe.
GG and Jiahui's pink nemo. LOL. The pink nemo given by our dear brother, Jinxin. LOL xD and finally, home sweet home!! <3
Actually got 2 more star photos. shall post them nxt time. tata/
I missed level camp :/
Posted by Sunday, May 18, 2008 5/18/2008 02:33:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
It was FUNFUNFUN !! :D
I'll tell the story first and photos will come laterrrrrrrrrrrr :D
DAY 1: Set off on the long long long journey to Malaysia. Slept on the bus. teehee. Went through the Singapore Departure Hall and then through the Malaysia "customs" (?) lol. Stopped for lunch at some unknown place. Stopped at Orang Asli to see the huts/houses there after lunch. Then headed to our so-called hotel. It was damn freaking (and i mean it) gross. >< There were lizards and flies in the toilet. yea i noe, y.u.c.k. Boo hoo. Had dinner and then went to the turtle sanctuary at night. It was damn cool. Saw the cute little sea turtles being released into the sea. But the thought that most will get eaten by (evil) fishes and sharks and blah, makes me sad ): Got back to the "hotel" at arnd 10.30 liddat. Bathed and went to bed.
DAY 2: Had a visit to all the cultural arts&crafts stuff. Kinda cool. Bought a magnet =___= lol.
DAY 3: Went to visit the miniature mosques and stuff. Bought stuff too. :D
DAY 4: Had hands-on on the cultural arts&crafts tings. kinda fun. hahaha. Then at night was TalentTime. We came in second for the photo competition. woots! Big thankyiew to BEAR!:D (yenchen) We came in sixth for the TalentTime performance. No matter what, Big thankyiew to WEIAN! :D as well as everyone else in 3E! (: Sat with Jinxin, Yingteng, Yitian, Jiahui, Siting, Tianli as well as another 3 PRCs whom I duno.. o.O Well anyway, but anyway, it was fun! (= and finally got to sit with them...
DAY 5: Another long journey back to Singapore. Slept through the whole journey. Again. lol. Was darn tired. slept at 3+ the previous night cause We had a "sleep-over" at me and jh's room. haha. kinda cool :D
Generally, it was quite fun. I love the baby sea turtles. But it was kinda slack. Cuz we sleep, eat, sleep, eat. Felt like a pig. Missed Days 4 and 5 de breakfast. So was starved till lunch time. =_____=
Okay. photos will come another day. Meeting jie for movie :D
Posted by Sunday, May 11, 2008 5/11/2008 09:45:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
okay. since time is short, I will make this short too. okayyy erm, happy mothers' day!! Sorry mum I didn't get you anything... )= But I duno wad to gif leh... =X
okay. nxt ting. last friday was XIE REN! Although it's kinda sad that some nice nice seniors are going... but anyways, CONGRATS to those who got post(s)!! (=
It's from 12th May - 16th May. In Malaysia. We'll be living in hotels (!!!!). It's a culture camp. (meaning no disgusting stuff.. o.O)
okay but anyways, I suddenly feel excited (=.=). lolz. duno why. maybe its cuz of the hotel part. (dun get me wrong-.-) lol. But we needa get sku by 6.20 am tml!!!! oh mi gosh luh... zzz.
and I love my mum!! (= She bought me new clothes, slippers and a new converse bag ytd/today!! ^^ ahahaha. So happy.
And err Jiahui messaged me like last nite to bring softtoy... LOL. okayyy. zzz.
anyways, I'll be back in 5 days. (O.O tts kinda long huh. lol)
Posted by Friday, May 02, 2008 5/02/2008 10:34:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Okayyyyy. Now 检讨...
I tink I did a bad job D: cuz I made mistakes... Even though I practiced a lot of times, I still made the mistakes.... ): haiz~...
anyway, I got to go like now=___________=
TAG REPLIES: Siting: Like errr-.- okay. LOL. I shall flood urs today. and sry abt today lar... ): Dc: hi s.t.r.a.n.g.e.r~ :D hahaha. (hi dongchen) Ak: 唉... You're not suppose to 郁闷 rmbr. LOL. :D Siting: lol okay... Let's cry together... ): I think I'm going to be scolded like mad... too... haiz... life is harddddd. D:
Posted by Thursday, May 01, 2008 5/01/2008 12:22:00 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Today's rehearsal was GENERALLY okay... I tink. LOL. Except a few errors here and dere. Yea... kana scolded... AGAIN. wthhhh... D:
Things I currently do
1. Going to school and mugging my brains out
2. Keeping in contact with friends ♥
3. Enjoying life (minus the studying part)
4. Growing up
5. Playing Piano and guitar (for fun)
Wish Lists
1. Change my hairstyle
2. *secret*
3. Get good grades
4. Fly to Korea and Taiwan to meet my husbands (HAHAHA)
5. Shopping
6. For all these to be over.
My Affiliates
click click click to other world.
1. Tell me if you changed blog URL.
2. I will erase those inactive links/removed me from your blog
3. Link exchange for those who always view my blog, comment my post and dropped message on my tagboard.
Site name: Diary Site link: Site opened: May 2006
About this site:
I have been blogging since 2006. It's kind of like an on-off thing cause I don't blog regularly. It didn't start off with this name. I changed it to this one cause I wanted to be funny. But I guess I wanna keep it this way now. Haha
yeah I have a tumblr. But it's dead too. hahaha.