You are at bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com.
She chewed up the moon and spit stars all over my night sky♥
Leave nothing but footsteps.
Take nothing else.
Lastly, enjoy your stay.
Janelle's Profile

Janelle. Born on 16th April.
I'm 80 this year, and I absolutely love knitting.
I love KPOP (yes I'm a hippie grandma)
Love my family and friends♥
Click here for more..
Don't feel like putting one anymore><
Posted by Saturday, August 23, 2008 8/23/2008 10:16:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
This is gonna be a darn short post cuz I have to get off comp now-___-
hehe~ This post is going to go through edits some other day. soon! :D
Posted by Wednesday, August 20, 2008 8/20/2008 03:29:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Yay! I must put today's date big big here :D
Haha. So cool right?? :P The gorilla is sitting beside me right now. Apparently not doing her PORTFOLIO -_- aha LOL. and she is so 变态. TSK TSK. She went to ak's class today and she saw this *ahem* girl. (emphasize on the G-I-R-L, girl. yes yes.) So until now(err. 1 hour?), she has been CORAZY over her-.- and that is when the blizzard comes along and attack me... *shivers*
Anyway. Ak is now officially *ahem* hers :D ahahahahahahaha. Oooh. :P tsk tskk. How many mothers do I have lah????? 0_0 这两个花心大萝卜... tsk tsk tskkk. aha :D
PHYSICS TEST ON FRIDAY. zomg I'm so gonna flunk it. Urgh. Must buck up... Yar. Haiz... Disgusting lar. Still got so many to do. Why physics test must inclue the disgusting HEAT TRANSFER?? ): urgh. Then got extra to study/revise. T.T Fine. All my own fault. I know lah... :/
Okay. So nothing much happened lately. Uhh. Yeah...
So many people got tired lately. Be it physically, or mentally; I believe everyone feels so bah... Me too... Like duh. Everything seems to be coming endlessly. Homework Tests; Quizes; And just simply more work. Yar I know I got a part in it too. Like, unbalanced lifestyle?? Yeah. So mostly it's my own fault...
I've absolutely no idea what to do now besides mug, mug, and mug more. What else?? Yea I know that, we must work hard and 天下沒有免費的午餐. But what do you expect me to do if I really don't understand all the damn things?
urgh... Not emo now. Damn tired. so don't 誤解... ><
最近又多了好多事情。雖然如果要我真的列出來的話,只會有幾項事情。可爲什麽這幾項事情會把我搞得心亂亂的?? >< 想逃避,卻不知道要往哪兒逃。口頭上雖是說說,可是心裏卻總是有股衝動。真的不知道,要做個實際的人好,還是做個喜歡幻想的人好。沒錯,發呆和幻想是我最喜歡干的事,所以要我實際一點還真得挺難的。難,在於我沒有勇氣去面對我不想面對的。所以往往那些都是事實。厭倦了。可是又能怎麽樣? 一直喊累也不是個辦法。沒做完的事還是會堆積如山,兩眼睜大大的瞪着我。唉。這不是辦法,那也不是辦法。我真的不知道要怎麽辦才好了。 好煩啊! 煩死了。 真想有一天,無憂無慮,什麽都不去想地,開開心心地度過。人生就活一次嘛。何必讓自己那麽痛苦呢。我也想開了... ~ 加油吧! 如果快快樂樂的生活,那明天將會是一個更美好的一天~ ^^
- << 西遊記大結局之仙屢奇緣 >>
呵呵。好了。就到此結束吧。討厭的數學還沒做呢。唉唉唉唉...................................................... *drops dead*
okay. *picks myself up* nevermind. I'm being lame. Ignore me.
"超過三十嵗的女人能戀愛的可能性,比走在街上被炸彈擊中的幾率還小。" hahahahaha.
Posted by Sunday, August 17, 2008 8/17/2008 07:50:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
NOTE: Take it that the date for this post is 15th August okayyy (:
Yay. Happy birthday to my dear dear jinxin :D You're finally 15! hahas. We've known each other from since Year 1 (?). That time we stick to Dongchen, remember?? Hehe. Ya da ya da. I know I've got offended/dao-ed you before. But hey, now I don't right??? ^^ hehe. You've always been such a great friend (: Thanks for being there for me when I'm down. Haha. That time we'all emo together outside container classrooms, remember?? Hahaha. That was soooo duper uper lame. :P But it was kinda fun ;) You're always the 開心果. lol. It was a great pleasure being your friend yea?~ You will always be the *breathes in deep*:
2bb-sexy-golden-gorilla-guo-jin-xin that we all know (: and the 郭哥哥 that I know. wahahahaha~ 大東 will always love you! hehe. And so will we. Me too ahh~~ ^^
Jiayou in everything you do! Jiayou in all that you are doing and wish you all the best!! (: (I know it's a bit too early and 掃興 to say this, but...) Even if we separate and go our own ways in future, you must always remember me okayyy?? Cuz I will always remember you ^^
I love you guo jinxin~~♥♥♥
DEDICATED POST TO JINXIN~ (see me so nice lo. hehehehe. jkjk~) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wahaha. I 公開表白. lol. lame=.= okay anw. Jie flew off to Canada on Saturday morning. Her flight was 9am. ): Haiz. I'm SO-GONNA miss her... Haiz. Her flight is going to be like, 18 hours long. o.O It's like :O haha. Wish that you have a bright future ahead (: Yeah I know you can do it. Haha.
Bahz. I'm now inspired. I want to go overseas too! Well, I'll have to start 努力-ing now... (:
Singapore VS China. Table Tennis. Haha. Support both. Anyway, both are native to China-.- So it's like, China VS China. It's abit dumb. lolll. China will win anyway. Haha. I love gymnastics! Damn nice. hehe.
Okay. my crap shall stop here then. hahah.
Jiayou China! Jiayou Singapore! Jiayou Olympics! Jiayou to myself!
 SICK ):
Posted by Monday, August 11, 2008 8/11/2008 05:55:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
I have no idea WHY. But I woke up this morning and I've got high fever... ): *sobs* 37.8°C... T.T Den after tt it remained at that temperature, even though I ate medicine, until like what, 1 plus? Den I fell asleep until like.. 2.30?? Den my temperature totally flipped over. 38.7°C (!!) like zomg. My head was like, hurting like mad, crazy, 0_0 *sobs*
okay. now my temperature is still like what, 37.3?? Okay lah. At least better le... ): Dun feel like going to sku tml le larrrh. zzzz. Okay nvm. I shall go sleep somemore. Head is bursting. haha.
Posted by Friday, August 08, 2008 8/08/2008 08:54:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes

2008 年 08 月 08 号
正式开幕啦~~ 开幕仪式超~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~壮观的!! :D
虽然不是在中国长大的,被别人歧视为不是中国人,自己心中对中国也没有归属感,可是现在,我却相信我自己完全的被改变了。奥运会的开幕仪式太壮观了。看了有好多的感触啊。看了奥运会的开幕仪式,心中也燃起了雄雄的壮火。这么开心的一刻,我却突然好像哭。不是眼里进了沙,而是因为太感人了。感动的泪水啊!!~ 哈哈。
我爱上了奥运会。 我爱上了北京。 我爱上了中国的人民。 我爱上了中国。
第一次有这种感觉。 第一次对中国有归属感。 第一次那么那么得想回去。 第一次,把爱献给中国。
现在时间:8点58分 ^^ 呵~
Posted by Thursday, August 07, 2008 8/07/2008 10:05:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
 七夕快乐!<3> 今天是中国的情人节。农历七月七日。要不是朋友告诉我,我还真不知道七夕是什么。哈哈哈。可我知道,七月七日,是牛郎织女相遇的日子哦。好可怜啊。悲惨的爱情故事。一年才能见你的爱人一次。唉... 可惜昨晚下大雨,不然我就想看星星,找找这对情人 =)
身边有很多爱你以及你爱的人。要懂得好好去珍惜他们;不要等失去了过后才来后悔。到那时候,就来不及啦! 说一句"我爱你"其实并不难。只要你有那个心,并不难。真的! 看看你周围的人。有那么多那么多都是爱你的,也有那么多那么多是你爱的。
So, spread the love around! It's never too late for a 'I Love You', ya'know? (:
家人,朋友们,我爱你们!!! (: 永远永远的爱着你们。就算有一天我们疏远了、我们分开了、我们各走各的了,我还会爱你们的。再一次,祝你们七夕快乐啊!!~
"除非你先放开我的手,不然我是不会放开你的手的... (: "
Posted by Monday, August 04, 2008 8/04/2008 08:49:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
WAHAHA. Im backkk. Haha. Saw this very interesting quiz on Yitian's blog so I came to do it. Not quiz lah. Some weird thingy. LOL :P
You have to score 30 points and below to be an angel (:
Those in purple are true :P
1. Smoked before 2. Drunk alcohol before 3. Slept with someone of the opposite sex 4. Slept with someone of the same sex 5. Gotten into any fights with my brother (I have a brother? o.O) 6. Kissed someone of the opposite sex (Not really kiss lah. Cuz lips nvr touch. So not counted :P) 7. Kissed someone of the same sex (Lips nvr touch counted??) 8. Had someone in your room of the opposite sex (My dad :DD hahahas) 9. Scolded vulgarities lots of times (I'm sorry :S *teary-eyes* ) 10. Bought porn (0_0) 11. Take drugs before medicine 12. Hate going to the doctor's 13. Lied to your parents (Who didn't? :X But nah, it's nothing big.) 14. Lied to a friend back then (Yeah. But I forgot to who about what... :X) 15. Snuck out of the house 16. Done something illegal 17. Cut yourself 18. Hurt someone (But it hurt me too. :( ) 19. Wished someone to die (Yeah. I really hated that person. :/ ) 20. Seen someone die (0_0 On tv, yeah.) 21. Missed curfew (har??) 22. Stayed up all night (Wahaha. New year nights and stuff :D ) 23. Eaten a carton of ice cream (My wish yeah.) 24. Been to a therapist 25. Been to a rehab 26. Dyed your hair (I'm very poor ya'know) 27. Received a ticket (Ooh. Ooh. Who's gonna be the kind soul to be the first one?? :DD ) 28. Been in a wreck 29. Been to a club 30. Been to a bar for the sake of playing pool and drinking some stuff. 31. Been to a wild party 32. Seen the Mardi Gras 33. Had a fight (Not literally. Arguing very badly? Yeahh. ) 34. Had a spring break 35. Sniffed anything (HAHA! MANY things :P) 36. Wore black nail polish (Nope :( ) 37. Wore wristbands (Yeah duhhh. :P ) 38. Wore black eyeliner (Chingay!! :DD ) 40. Own a 50 cent CD (I want also. Hahaha.) 41. Hugged someone of the opposite sex 42. Hugged someone of the same sex (DUH! LOLOLLL :P) 43. Gone out with someone of the same sex (Ya duhhh. I have a life sometimes okayyy. :P) 44. Gone out with someone of the opposite sex (Yup. Hahah.) 45. Stole something (I turned over a new leaf okay!! LOL no lar. just sth stupid cuz the person scolded me really bad stuff.. :X ) 46. Been too drunk to remember anything 47. Blacked out 48. Fainted 49. Had a crush on your neighbour (Uhh. I don't know my neighbours. Well unless you mean the kind old man who lives beside me. :/ ) 50. Had someone else snuck into your room 51. Snuck into someone else's room 52. Had a crush on someone of the same sex 53. Had gone and watched movies with friends (I told you I have a life sometimes!! :D ) 54. Dry humped someone 55. Been called a slut (Cuz that person was lame and was crazy=.=) 56. Called someone a slut (Cuz that person call me so I call back lo. zzz. lolll.) 57. Installed speakers in your car 58. Broke a mirror 59. Showered at someone of the opposite sex's house (0_0) 60. Brushed your teeth with someone else's brush (uhhh. eeck. :P) 61. Consider Mac, Dre, e40 or Mistah Fab your favorite rapper 62. Seen an R rated movie in theaters (0.0 underage lorrrr. loll) 63. Gone out with friends to the mall (duh!!) 64. Skipped school 65. Had an eating disorder 66. Had hurt yourself before (.......) 67. Gone to court 68. Walked out of a restaurant without paying (I wish. hehehe) 69. Caught something on fire 70. Lied about your age in order to create an account (Wahaha. :P) 71. Owned an apartment 72. Cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend 73. Cheated with someone 74. Got in trouble with the police (I "失踪"/"离家出走" for 1 whole day. Hahaha...) 75. Talked to a stranger (LOL.) 76. Hugged a stranger 77. Kissed a stranger 78. Rode in the car with a stranger (yeah.) 79. Been sexually harassed 80. Been verbally harassed 81. Met face to face with someone you met online 82. Stayed online for 12 hours (yayyy. haha.) 83. Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours 84. Watched TV for 12 hours straight 85. Been to a fair (duh!! LOL) 86. Been called a bad influence 87. Cursed 88. Prank called someone 89. Laid in the bed with someone of the opposite sex (..............................................................) 90. Cheated on a test (ahem! *innocent look* ACC counted?? LOL :X ) 91. Cheated on homework (hehe. okay lah. I 改过自新. :X ) 92. Held hands with someone of the opposite sex 93. Want to be dead (I was really emo... :( ) 94. Cut yourself before 95. Hate yourself (Yeah I really do... ) 96. Had a crush on someone 10 years older than you 97. *NOT VALID* (????) 98. Worn eyeliner (Chingay!! (: ) 99. Skinny dipped 100. Laughed at someone who was seriously hurt (I would N.E.V.E.R do that...... :X )
TOTAL SCORE: 34 Looks like I'm not really suited to be an angel huh. LOLOLL. :P
So tired... :/
他们说过,人要天天快乐,才能永远快乐。发自内心,真正的快乐,我却从来都没体验过。有啦。小时候。什么都不懂的时候。还有跟朋友在一起时。可是,现在却觉得好累。一切的一切。厌倦。疲惫。不知道为什么,心里却好郁闷,好想哭。可我却把眼泪给忍住。也不知为什么,听着伤心的歌曲,虽然更郁闷,更想哭,却没有眼泪。感觉上,好像计时炸弹,随时都会引爆。幼稚? 白痴? 无聊? 找一个时间,谁想要跟我一起去海边,大哭一场? 哭过了,也许就会更好过了吧。觉得很傻。可是却有这个冲动。好想,像以前那样,打从心里地快乐。心里压抑了好久的情感,好像爆发出来。可是却没那个力气。 累了。 真的累了。 这次,是真的了。
Posted by 8/04/2008 04:03:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
LALALA. Im back. wahaha. Wif Dear Liyi's quiz here.
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by them.
B) Tag eight people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
1. What are your reasons for having a LJ? 0_0 LOL. Dunno :/
2. What do you do before bed time? Brush teeth. Crap to myself. wahaha :X
3. What would your dream wedding be like? Simple and sweet. yays xD
4. What is the city of your dreams and why? Somewhere 'ulu' and near the sea. Because I love being near the sea. (: Well including the fact that I won't drown. Hahaa.
5. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? LOL. Depends on whether you're close to me. If you're really close, I can be more crazy than anyone, which is extrovert. Hahaha. But if you're not, I can be so quiet that you can forget my presence. :P
6. Which is more blessed; being loved or to love someone? Both :D But being loved is better, most of the times.
7. Do you trust easily? Sadly. Yeah. Is that called stupid? o.o
8. Is there anything that has been making you unhappy recently? Yeah. Like alot? lols. And I realised alot of stuff through it (:
9. What person, dead or alive, is your role model? Both. Anyway, dead = once alive. Hahas ;D
10. When's the last time you had fun? No idea. Definition of fun, someone? :/ Hahas. Maybe it's the time when I went ECP cycling with jh, st and jx bah ;)
11. Is being tagged fun? Hahaha. Yeah. kinda. I'm bored anyway (:
12. How do you see yourself? No idea. :/ Important but not really because it's usually different from what others see of/from you. ;) Anyway, Just be yourself, it's the best lah. :D
13. Who are currently, the most important people to you? Family. Best friends. Good friends. Friends. Wahaha :D
14. What kind of person, do you think the person who tagged you is? Cute. Bubbly. Kind. Nice. ;D
15. Would you rather be rich but single? or poor but married? Can I be rich and married? :D hahaha. No idea actually ;)
16. How many children would you want to have, if any? 2 :D hahah. Or maybe 3? Dunno. :P
17. What's better? To give or to receive? Both :D But usually you'll feel a sense of happiness when you give ;) Cool to receive too! hehe..
18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick? 0.0 whow. Hmm... I won't fall in love with both. There's only space for one :D wahaha.
19. What would you do if you (or your girlfriend) became pregnant unexpectedly? I won't have pre-marital sex luh... -_- LOL
20. What are you waiting for right now? My friend to end her class so we can go home? ;P
Tagged: Yanci, Yitian, Jinxin, Siting.
Bah. done :D Tis friday is the damn bloody (0_0) CROSS COUNTRY THINGY. ARGH. Dun wan run lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh T.T *sob* okay. This week still got tests. Just realised.. :O YAY. Miao's done. Gotta run.
Posted by Saturday, August 23, 2008 8/23/2008 10:16:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
This is gonna be a darn short post cuz I have to get off comp now-___-
hehe~ This post is going to go through edits some other day. soon! :D
Posted by Wednesday, August 20, 2008 8/20/2008 03:29:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Yay! I must put today's date big big here :D
Haha. So cool right?? :P The gorilla is sitting beside me right now. Apparently not doing her PORTFOLIO -_- aha LOL. and she is so 变态. TSK TSK. She went to ak's class today and she saw this *ahem* girl. (emphasize on the G-I-R-L, girl. yes yes.) So until now(err. 1 hour?), she has been CORAZY over her-.- and that is when the blizzard comes along and attack me... *shivers*
Anyway. Ak is now officially *ahem* hers :D ahahahahahahaha. Oooh. :P tsk tskk. How many mothers do I have lah????? 0_0 这两个花心大萝卜... tsk tsk tskkk. aha :D
PHYSICS TEST ON FRIDAY. zomg I'm so gonna flunk it. Urgh. Must buck up... Yar. Haiz... Disgusting lar. Still got so many to do. Why physics test must inclue the disgusting HEAT TRANSFER?? ): urgh. Then got extra to study/revise. T.T Fine. All my own fault. I know lah... :/
Okay. So nothing much happened lately. Uhh. Yeah...
So many people got tired lately. Be it physically, or mentally; I believe everyone feels so bah... Me too... Like duh. Everything seems to be coming endlessly. Homework Tests; Quizes; And just simply more work. Yar I know I got a part in it too. Like, unbalanced lifestyle?? Yeah. So mostly it's my own fault...
I've absolutely no idea what to do now besides mug, mug, and mug more. What else?? Yea I know that, we must work hard and 天下沒有免費的午餐. But what do you expect me to do if I really don't understand all the damn things?
urgh... Not emo now. Damn tired. so don't 誤解... ><
最近又多了好多事情。雖然如果要我真的列出來的話,只會有幾項事情。可爲什麽這幾項事情會把我搞得心亂亂的?? >< 想逃避,卻不知道要往哪兒逃。口頭上雖是說說,可是心裏卻總是有股衝動。真的不知道,要做個實際的人好,還是做個喜歡幻想的人好。沒錯,發呆和幻想是我最喜歡干的事,所以要我實際一點還真得挺難的。難,在於我沒有勇氣去面對我不想面對的。所以往往那些都是事實。厭倦了。可是又能怎麽樣? 一直喊累也不是個辦法。沒做完的事還是會堆積如山,兩眼睜大大的瞪着我。唉。這不是辦法,那也不是辦法。我真的不知道要怎麽辦才好了。 好煩啊! 煩死了。 真想有一天,無憂無慮,什麽都不去想地,開開心心地度過。人生就活一次嘛。何必讓自己那麽痛苦呢。我也想開了... ~ 加油吧! 如果快快樂樂的生活,那明天將會是一個更美好的一天~ ^^
- << 西遊記大結局之仙屢奇緣 >>
呵呵。好了。就到此結束吧。討厭的數學還沒做呢。唉唉唉唉...................................................... *drops dead*
okay. *picks myself up* nevermind. I'm being lame. Ignore me.
"超過三十嵗的女人能戀愛的可能性,比走在街上被炸彈擊中的幾率還小。" hahahahaha.
Posted by Sunday, August 17, 2008 8/17/2008 07:50:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
NOTE: Take it that the date for this post is 15th August okayyy (:
Yay. Happy birthday to my dear dear jinxin :D You're finally 15! hahas. We've known each other from since Year 1 (?). That time we stick to Dongchen, remember?? Hehe. Ya da ya da. I know I've got offended/dao-ed you before. But hey, now I don't right??? ^^ hehe. You've always been such a great friend (: Thanks for being there for me when I'm down. Haha. That time we'all emo together outside container classrooms, remember?? Hahaha. That was soooo duper uper lame. :P But it was kinda fun ;) You're always the 開心果. lol. It was a great pleasure being your friend yea?~ You will always be the *breathes in deep*:
2bb-sexy-golden-gorilla-guo-jin-xin that we all know (: and the 郭哥哥 that I know. wahahahaha~ 大東 will always love you! hehe. And so will we. Me too ahh~~ ^^
Jiayou in everything you do! Jiayou in all that you are doing and wish you all the best!! (: (I know it's a bit too early and 掃興 to say this, but...) Even if we separate and go our own ways in future, you must always remember me okayyy?? Cuz I will always remember you ^^
I love you guo jinxin~~♥♥♥
DEDICATED POST TO JINXIN~ (see me so nice lo. hehehehe. jkjk~) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wahaha. I 公開表白. lol. lame=.= okay anw. Jie flew off to Canada on Saturday morning. Her flight was 9am. ): Haiz. I'm SO-GONNA miss her... Haiz. Her flight is going to be like, 18 hours long. o.O It's like :O haha. Wish that you have a bright future ahead (: Yeah I know you can do it. Haha.
Bahz. I'm now inspired. I want to go overseas too! Well, I'll have to start 努力-ing now... (:
Singapore VS China. Table Tennis. Haha. Support both. Anyway, both are native to China-.- So it's like, China VS China. It's abit dumb. lolll. China will win anyway. Haha. I love gymnastics! Damn nice. hehe.
Okay. my crap shall stop here then. hahah.
Jiayou China! Jiayou Singapore! Jiayou Olympics! Jiayou to myself!
 SICK ):
Posted by Monday, August 11, 2008 8/11/2008 05:55:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
I have no idea WHY. But I woke up this morning and I've got high fever... ): *sobs* 37.8°C... T.T Den after tt it remained at that temperature, even though I ate medicine, until like what, 1 plus? Den I fell asleep until like.. 2.30?? Den my temperature totally flipped over. 38.7°C (!!) like zomg. My head was like, hurting like mad, crazy, 0_0 *sobs*
okay. now my temperature is still like what, 37.3?? Okay lah. At least better le... ): Dun feel like going to sku tml le larrrh. zzzz. Okay nvm. I shall go sleep somemore. Head is bursting. haha.
Posted by Friday, August 08, 2008 8/08/2008 08:54:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes

2008 年 08 月 08 号
正式开幕啦~~ 开幕仪式超~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~壮观的!! :D
虽然不是在中国长大的,被别人歧视为不是中国人,自己心中对中国也没有归属感,可是现在,我却相信我自己完全的被改变了。奥运会的开幕仪式太壮观了。看了有好多的感触啊。看了奥运会的开幕仪式,心中也燃起了雄雄的壮火。这么开心的一刻,我却突然好像哭。不是眼里进了沙,而是因为太感人了。感动的泪水啊!!~ 哈哈。
我爱上了奥运会。 我爱上了北京。 我爱上了中国的人民。 我爱上了中国。
第一次有这种感觉。 第一次对中国有归属感。 第一次那么那么得想回去。 第一次,把爱献给中国。
现在时间:8点58分 ^^ 呵~
Posted by Thursday, August 07, 2008 8/07/2008 10:05:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
 七夕快乐!<3> 今天是中国的情人节。农历七月七日。要不是朋友告诉我,我还真不知道七夕是什么。哈哈哈。可我知道,七月七日,是牛郎织女相遇的日子哦。好可怜啊。悲惨的爱情故事。一年才能见你的爱人一次。唉... 可惜昨晚下大雨,不然我就想看星星,找找这对情人 =)
身边有很多爱你以及你爱的人。要懂得好好去珍惜他们;不要等失去了过后才来后悔。到那时候,就来不及啦! 说一句"我爱你"其实并不难。只要你有那个心,并不难。真的! 看看你周围的人。有那么多那么多都是爱你的,也有那么多那么多是你爱的。
So, spread the love around! It's never too late for a 'I Love You', ya'know? (:
家人,朋友们,我爱你们!!! (: 永远永远的爱着你们。就算有一天我们疏远了、我们分开了、我们各走各的了,我还会爱你们的。再一次,祝你们七夕快乐啊!!~
"除非你先放开我的手,不然我是不会放开你的手的... (: "
Posted by Monday, August 04, 2008 8/04/2008 08:49:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
WAHAHA. Im backkk. Haha. Saw this very interesting quiz on Yitian's blog so I came to do it. Not quiz lah. Some weird thingy. LOL :P
You have to score 30 points and below to be an angel (:
Those in purple are true :P
1. Smoked before 2. Drunk alcohol before 3. Slept with someone of the opposite sex 4. Slept with someone of the same sex 5. Gotten into any fights with my brother (I have a brother? o.O) 6. Kissed someone of the opposite sex (Not really kiss lah. Cuz lips nvr touch. So not counted :P) 7. Kissed someone of the same sex (Lips nvr touch counted??) 8. Had someone in your room of the opposite sex (My dad :DD hahahas) 9. Scolded vulgarities lots of times (I'm sorry :S *teary-eyes* ) 10. Bought porn (0_0) 11. Take drugs before medicine 12. Hate going to the doctor's 13. Lied to your parents (Who didn't? :X But nah, it's nothing big.) 14. Lied to a friend back then (Yeah. But I forgot to who about what... :X) 15. Snuck out of the house 16. Done something illegal 17. Cut yourself 18. Hurt someone (But it hurt me too. :( ) 19. Wished someone to die (Yeah. I really hated that person. :/ ) 20. Seen someone die (0_0 On tv, yeah.) 21. Missed curfew (har??) 22. Stayed up all night (Wahaha. New year nights and stuff :D ) 23. Eaten a carton of ice cream (My wish yeah.) 24. Been to a therapist 25. Been to a rehab 26. Dyed your hair (I'm very poor ya'know) 27. Received a ticket (Ooh. Ooh. Who's gonna be the kind soul to be the first one?? :DD ) 28. Been in a wreck 29. Been to a club 30. Been to a bar for the sake of playing pool and drinking some stuff. 31. Been to a wild party 32. Seen the Mardi Gras 33. Had a fight (Not literally. Arguing very badly? Yeahh. ) 34. Had a spring break 35. Sniffed anything (HAHA! MANY things :P) 36. Wore black nail polish (Nope :( ) 37. Wore wristbands (Yeah duhhh. :P ) 38. Wore black eyeliner (Chingay!! :DD ) 40. Own a 50 cent CD (I want also. Hahaha.) 41. Hugged someone of the opposite sex 42. Hugged someone of the same sex (DUH! LOLOLLL :P) 43. Gone out with someone of the same sex (Ya duhhh. I have a life sometimes okayyy. :P) 44. Gone out with someone of the opposite sex (Yup. Hahah.) 45. Stole something (I turned over a new leaf okay!! LOL no lar. just sth stupid cuz the person scolded me really bad stuff.. :X ) 46. Been too drunk to remember anything 47. Blacked out 48. Fainted 49. Had a crush on your neighbour (Uhh. I don't know my neighbours. Well unless you mean the kind old man who lives beside me. :/ ) 50. Had someone else snuck into your room 51. Snuck into someone else's room 52. Had a crush on someone of the same sex 53. Had gone and watched movies with friends (I told you I have a life sometimes!! :D ) 54. Dry humped someone 55. Been called a slut (Cuz that person was lame and was crazy=.=) 56. Called someone a slut (Cuz that person call me so I call back lo. zzz. lolll.) 57. Installed speakers in your car 58. Broke a mirror 59. Showered at someone of the opposite sex's house (0_0) 60. Brushed your teeth with someone else's brush (uhhh. eeck. :P) 61. Consider Mac, Dre, e40 or Mistah Fab your favorite rapper 62. Seen an R rated movie in theaters (0.0 underage lorrrr. loll) 63. Gone out with friends to the mall (duh!!) 64. Skipped school 65. Had an eating disorder 66. Had hurt yourself before (.......) 67. Gone to court 68. Walked out of a restaurant without paying (I wish. hehehe) 69. Caught something on fire 70. Lied about your age in order to create an account (Wahaha. :P) 71. Owned an apartment 72. Cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend 73. Cheated with someone 74. Got in trouble with the police (I "失踪"/"离家出走" for 1 whole day. Hahaha...) 75. Talked to a stranger (LOL.) 76. Hugged a stranger 77. Kissed a stranger 78. Rode in the car with a stranger (yeah.) 79. Been sexually harassed 80. Been verbally harassed 81. Met face to face with someone you met online 82. Stayed online for 12 hours (yayyy. haha.) 83. Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours 84. Watched TV for 12 hours straight 85. Been to a fair (duh!! LOL) 86. Been called a bad influence 87. Cursed 88. Prank called someone 89. Laid in the bed with someone of the opposite sex (..............................................................) 90. Cheated on a test (ahem! *innocent look* ACC counted?? LOL :X ) 91. Cheated on homework (hehe. okay lah. I 改过自新. :X ) 92. Held hands with someone of the opposite sex 93. Want to be dead (I was really emo... :( ) 94. Cut yourself before 95. Hate yourself (Yeah I really do... ) 96. Had a crush on someone 10 years older than you 97. *NOT VALID* (????) 98. Worn eyeliner (Chingay!! (: ) 99. Skinny dipped 100. Laughed at someone who was seriously hurt (I would N.E.V.E.R do that...... :X )
TOTAL SCORE: 34 Looks like I'm not really suited to be an angel huh. LOLOLL. :P
So tired... :/
他们说过,人要天天快乐,才能永远快乐。发自内心,真正的快乐,我却从来都没体验过。有啦。小时候。什么都不懂的时候。还有跟朋友在一起时。可是,现在却觉得好累。一切的一切。厌倦。疲惫。不知道为什么,心里却好郁闷,好想哭。可我却把眼泪给忍住。也不知为什么,听着伤心的歌曲,虽然更郁闷,更想哭,却没有眼泪。感觉上,好像计时炸弹,随时都会引爆。幼稚? 白痴? 无聊? 找一个时间,谁想要跟我一起去海边,大哭一场? 哭过了,也许就会更好过了吧。觉得很傻。可是却有这个冲动。好想,像以前那样,打从心里地快乐。心里压抑了好久的情感,好像爆发出来。可是却没那个力气。 累了。 真的累了。 这次,是真的了。
Posted by 8/04/2008 04:03:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
LALALA. Im back. wahaha. Wif Dear Liyi's quiz here.
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by them.
B) Tag eight people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
1. What are your reasons for having a LJ? 0_0 LOL. Dunno :/
2. What do you do before bed time? Brush teeth. Crap to myself. wahaha :X
3. What would your dream wedding be like? Simple and sweet. yays xD
4. What is the city of your dreams and why? Somewhere 'ulu' and near the sea. Because I love being near the sea. (: Well including the fact that I won't drown. Hahaa.
5. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? LOL. Depends on whether you're close to me. If you're really close, I can be more crazy than anyone, which is extrovert. Hahaha. But if you're not, I can be so quiet that you can forget my presence. :P
6. Which is more blessed; being loved or to love someone? Both :D But being loved is better, most of the times.
7. Do you trust easily? Sadly. Yeah. Is that called stupid? o.o
8. Is there anything that has been making you unhappy recently? Yeah. Like alot? lols. And I realised alot of stuff through it (:
9. What person, dead or alive, is your role model? Both. Anyway, dead = once alive. Hahas ;D
10. When's the last time you had fun? No idea. Definition of fun, someone? :/ Hahas. Maybe it's the time when I went ECP cycling with jh, st and jx bah ;)
11. Is being tagged fun? Hahaha. Yeah. kinda. I'm bored anyway (:
12. How do you see yourself? No idea. :/ Important but not really because it's usually different from what others see of/from you. ;) Anyway, Just be yourself, it's the best lah. :D
13. Who are currently, the most important people to you? Family. Best friends. Good friends. Friends. Wahaha :D
14. What kind of person, do you think the person who tagged you is? Cute. Bubbly. Kind. Nice. ;D
15. Would you rather be rich but single? or poor but married? Can I be rich and married? :D hahaha. No idea actually ;)
16. How many children would you want to have, if any? 2 :D hahah. Or maybe 3? Dunno. :P
17. What's better? To give or to receive? Both :D But usually you'll feel a sense of happiness when you give ;) Cool to receive too! hehe..
18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick? 0.0 whow. Hmm... I won't fall in love with both. There's only space for one :D wahaha.
19. What would you do if you (or your girlfriend) became pregnant unexpectedly? I won't have pre-marital sex luh... -_- LOL
20. What are you waiting for right now? My friend to end her class so we can go home? ;P
Tagged: Yanci, Yitian, Jinxin, Siting.
Bah. done :D Tis friday is the damn bloody (0_0) CROSS COUNTRY THINGY. ARGH. Dun wan run lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh T.T *sob* okay. This week still got tests. Just realised.. :O YAY. Miao's done. Gotta run.
 J A N E L L E
 Like fire and rain, you drive me insane♥
NAME: Janelle
AGE: 80
DATE OF BIRTH:16th April
NATIONALITY: Singaporean
COUNTRY: Singapore
STATUS: I'm gay
1. Foods: Mum's cooking, pastries, KOI, ice cream, plums, and basically everything.
2. Drinks: Non-carbonated ><
3. Fruits: ALL!♥
4. Deserts: none that I don't like.
5. Colours: Pink, blue, purple.
6. Pet: None
7. Singer: 2AM, SJ, SNSD, B2ST, MISS A, F(x), BIG BANG. (this list is endless~)
1. Taking photos
2. Hanging out with friends, shopping
3. Singing
4. Movies
5. Cute stuffs
1. BUGS, especially butterflies.
2. Hypocrites
3. Heights
4. Darkness
Things I currently do
1. Going to school and mugging my brains out
2. Keeping in contact with friends ♥
3. Enjoying life (minus the studying part)
4. Growing up
5. Playing Piano and guitar (for fun)
Wish Lists
1. Change my hairstyle
2. *secret*
3. Get good grades
4. Fly to Korea and Taiwan to meet my husbands (HAHAHA)
5. Shopping
6. For all these to be over.
 My Affiliates
 click click click to other world.
1. Tell me if you changed blog URL.
2. I will erase those inactive links/removed me from your blog
3. Link exchange for those who always view my blog, comment my post and dropped message on my tagboard.
 My History
 saving my memories.
Site name: Diary
Site link: http://bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com/
Site opened: May 2006
About this site:
I have been blogging since 2006. It's kind of like an on-off thing cause I don't blog regularly. It didn't start off with this name. I changed it to this one cause I wanted to be funny. But I guess I wanna keep it this way now. Haha
yeah I have a tumblr. But it's dead too. hahaha.
Designed by Mary.
Background by Chocolaterie
Materials by ChocoGoodies, Sorahana & Rebecca
Banner by TheFadingNight
Tell me nicely if I forgotten to credit you. Do not complain anything here cause it's 100% belongs to me.