You are at bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com.
She chewed up the moon and spit stars all over my night sky♥
Leave nothing but footsteps.
Take nothing else.
Lastly, enjoy your stay.
Janelle's Profile

Janelle. Born on 16th April.
I'm 80 this year, and I absolutely love knitting.
I love KPOP (yes I'm a hippie grandma)
Love my family and friends♥
Click here for more..
Don't feel like putting one anymore><
Posted by Saturday, September 06, 2008 9/06/2008 01:45:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
It's really kind of stupid maintaining 2 blogs here and there. Billingual mah~ =D haha. But soon have to go on hiatus le... EOYS COUNTDOWN IS IN 3 WEEKS' TIME ONLY! like Z-O-M-G. Ya. I'm freaking out like a I-don't-know-what. T.T urgh.
Went Jurong Bird Park last week. hahaha. Saw alot of chenye~~ LOL. Okay. So many things undone. So many things to do. So many things to catch up with. So many... WHY? Just why are there so many things coming up one after another like there's no end to it? Plus, I haven't got the chance to finish off those given to me at first.
Okay nevermind. I'm crapping. Pissed now. Why got so many things larh. what the hell... SO MANY TESTS AND EFFING DUMB USELESS PROJECTS. Total waste of time and effort. Might as well use that time to study. urgh. I'm doing last minute chionging again. so much to catch up on Math, Chem, Physics. the others no need lar. Just read can le. History is reading. LA and chinese no way to study for them...
Saw the past-year papers ytd. Total killers for maths. ><>=( urgh.
Posted by Monday, September 01, 2008 9/01/2008 08:24:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Anyway, I owe 4 peeps happy birthday~~ ^^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST UP: Chen Ye (陳鳥~) DATE: 11/08/08
HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY!!!~~{知道你害羞,而且會殺了我,所以我放你自己擋住臉的照片~} 既然你懶得看英文,那我就打華文吧~ 不過是繁體字~ 應該看得懂吧.... 哈哈哈。首先呢,要先道個歉。我真的不知道這天是你的生日呀... 而且還是假日,所以沒能來得及祝你生日快樂。我能體驗你的心情啦... 滿18嵗耶!! 這麽特別的一天,可是卻沒人祝賀你。所以在這裡才把你放第一位啊~ 呵呵呵.... 希望你不介意啦~~ 雖然你18嵗,可是卻根本看不出來... (是在誇你啦~...) 不過說真的,你很友善,很好玩 (表誤會,是fun to be with的意思...),也很樂於助人哦!! 跟你在一起縂覺得很開心。呵呵。你是個愛笑的人。每次看到你的時候,臉上都挂着燦爛的笑容。呵呵呵呵~ 不要因爲挫折而跌倒,而不開心哦!! 因爲背後有你的家人和我們這群好朋友支持着你!~ 雖然我們畢業后很可能會走不同的路,希望你不會忘了我... 哈哈哈^^
18咯!! 很有滿足感吧~ 呵呵。要好好珍惜你身邊愛你以及你愛的人哦~ 還有,每天這樣跟你鬧著玩兒,好好玩~ 呵呵~ 市最近才開始叫你"陳鳥"的吧。哈哈哈。很可愛的名字呀~~ 還有阿!! 俺得澄清一件事兒!! 你那天問我遊樂園好不好玩對不對?? 我本來是想說,"遊樂園很好玩"的!! 誰知到後來卻把它們結合在一起,說出了"好圓"兩個字兒。唉唉唉.... 現在好後悔啊...!!! 哈哈哈。沒有啦。開玩笑。你開我玩笑,我開你玩笑還挺好玩的... :P hehe~ 最後,Wish you the best for everything you do and jiayou too!! Happy Birthday 陳鳥~ I LOVE YOU!! hehe~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UP: Siting (螺絲釘) DATE: 28/08/08 HAPPY SWEET SIXTEEN!!!~~(even though it's 偷拍 one, but very nice lah. xP ) hehe. whoaa. so nice lor. sixteen liao worr~ can watch nc16 movies with your 老公 lah~ hahax. Anyway, even though that time (lately that time), you *ahem* me because I *ahem*, but we must still be good/best friends forever kayyy. And don't always push your 老公 to me nahh... And cannot forget me ahh!! 雖然呢,以後會分開的可能性非常大,可是真正的好朋友是活在心理的^^ 記得去年我們確實有了不少的回憶。哈哈哈。雖然有些不是很好啊....~ (like you pangseh me for 1hour ahem) LOL. Joking larrrh. You're always mingling around us (lame kids), so you're getting lame too. haha! or maybe you were born with it hmmm? I know you're stressed up. But trust me, you're doing well!! Like, better than me nah. lol. Yup! So don't be so stressed k? Must enjoy life also!! Ohh. Treasure the times you have with your loved ones around you (: and friends!! Actually you have a lot of good friends de.... :D Lastly!!! I would like to wish you a happy, HAPPY sweet sixteen. May all your dreams come true! Jiayou and good luck for whatever you do!! (: Stay happy and pretty as always!!!! :DD Happy birthday mummy~ I LOVE YOU!! hehe~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIRDLY: Yitian (meimei) DATE: 31/08/08
HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY!!~~(: You're always so cute and of course, so "開放". haha. Even though we're not THAT close. But still good friends yea?? (: hehe. And also, treasure those around you!!! :DD hahax. Wishing you all the best for whatever you do and must remember me and all of us okayyy!! ^^ Stay cute, pretty and bubbly as ever!!~~ Happy birthday yitian meimei~ I LOVE YOU!! hehe~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LASTLY: Jiahui (rubbish twin :D ) DATE: (today) 01/09/08 HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY!!!~~whoaaaa. You totally should be a teacher lahh~ So fated. HAHA!! =D Anyway, it's been damn cool knowing you! Like, we are both tall, both in CS, both in BSP, both in same class, and blahh...~~ haha. Remember?? You are my RUBBISH TWIN. LOL!! So lame but so cute. hehe. We sure had loads of fun together~ even though sometimes we take turns to moodswing and emoooo T.T hahaha. Anyway, must be confident of yourself lahhh! You're quite perfect actually lor~ So don't always complain about yourself okayyy~ All of us love you (: And lastly, jiayou for whatever you're doing and hope we can be good/best friends forever (: Don't forget me kayyyy!! Must go korea someday together. YAY! hahahax. Happy Birthday Twin~ I LOVE YOU!! hehe~ P.S.: Hero Kim Jae Joong ♥ YOU!! :P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay. Lately so many people birthday. Haizzz. LOL. Haven't buy for them yet... Anyways, today had maths remedial. Supposed to have CHEM remedial from 9am-12pm; then followed by MATHS remedial from 1pm-6pm. But chem was cancelled. So maths started at 9am and ended at around 1+pm. haha. Then me, jinxin and jiahui went to ghim moh to eat. THen we crapped all the way. Last half an hour before we left school, we were doing CRAZY (and i mean it-_-) stuff like climbing through windows and doing/acting crazy and lame and dunno-what stuff. haha! yea. but had a DAMN FUN day. =DD whoa zzz. Damn tired... Want to sleep... T.T Gotta run!! and this post is going through edits another day!!! :P tata//
Posted by Saturday, September 06, 2008 9/06/2008 01:45:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
It's really kind of stupid maintaining 2 blogs here and there. Billingual mah~ =D haha. But soon have to go on hiatus le... EOYS COUNTDOWN IS IN 3 WEEKS' TIME ONLY! like Z-O-M-G. Ya. I'm freaking out like a I-don't-know-what. T.T urgh.
Went Jurong Bird Park last week. hahaha. Saw alot of chenye~~ LOL. Okay. So many things undone. So many things to do. So many things to catch up with. So many... WHY? Just why are there so many things coming up one after another like there's no end to it? Plus, I haven't got the chance to finish off those given to me at first.
Okay nevermind. I'm crapping. Pissed now. Why got so many things larh. what the hell... SO MANY TESTS AND EFFING DUMB USELESS PROJECTS. Total waste of time and effort. Might as well use that time to study. urgh. I'm doing last minute chionging again. so much to catch up on Math, Chem, Physics. the others no need lar. Just read can le. History is reading. LA and chinese no way to study for them...
Saw the past-year papers ytd. Total killers for maths. ><>=( urgh.
Posted by Monday, September 01, 2008 9/01/2008 08:24:00 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Anyway, I owe 4 peeps happy birthday~~ ^^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST UP: Chen Ye (陳鳥~) DATE: 11/08/08
HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY!!!~~{知道你害羞,而且會殺了我,所以我放你自己擋住臉的照片~} 既然你懶得看英文,那我就打華文吧~ 不過是繁體字~ 應該看得懂吧.... 哈哈哈。首先呢,要先道個歉。我真的不知道這天是你的生日呀... 而且還是假日,所以沒能來得及祝你生日快樂。我能體驗你的心情啦... 滿18嵗耶!! 這麽特別的一天,可是卻沒人祝賀你。所以在這裡才把你放第一位啊~ 呵呵呵.... 希望你不介意啦~~ 雖然你18嵗,可是卻根本看不出來... (是在誇你啦~...) 不過說真的,你很友善,很好玩 (表誤會,是fun to be with的意思...),也很樂於助人哦!! 跟你在一起縂覺得很開心。呵呵。你是個愛笑的人。每次看到你的時候,臉上都挂着燦爛的笑容。呵呵呵呵~ 不要因爲挫折而跌倒,而不開心哦!! 因爲背後有你的家人和我們這群好朋友支持着你!~ 雖然我們畢業后很可能會走不同的路,希望你不會忘了我... 哈哈哈^^
18咯!! 很有滿足感吧~ 呵呵。要好好珍惜你身邊愛你以及你愛的人哦~ 還有,每天這樣跟你鬧著玩兒,好好玩~ 呵呵~ 市最近才開始叫你"陳鳥"的吧。哈哈哈。很可愛的名字呀~~ 還有阿!! 俺得澄清一件事兒!! 你那天問我遊樂園好不好玩對不對?? 我本來是想說,"遊樂園很好玩"的!! 誰知到後來卻把它們結合在一起,說出了"好圓"兩個字兒。唉唉唉.... 現在好後悔啊...!!! 哈哈哈。沒有啦。開玩笑。你開我玩笑,我開你玩笑還挺好玩的... :P hehe~ 最後,Wish you the best for everything you do and jiayou too!! Happy Birthday 陳鳥~ I LOVE YOU!! hehe~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UP: Siting (螺絲釘) DATE: 28/08/08 HAPPY SWEET SIXTEEN!!!~~(even though it's 偷拍 one, but very nice lah. xP ) hehe. whoaa. so nice lor. sixteen liao worr~ can watch nc16 movies with your 老公 lah~ hahax. Anyway, even though that time (lately that time), you *ahem* me because I *ahem*, but we must still be good/best friends forever kayyy. And don't always push your 老公 to me nahh... And cannot forget me ahh!! 雖然呢,以後會分開的可能性非常大,可是真正的好朋友是活在心理的^^ 記得去年我們確實有了不少的回憶。哈哈哈。雖然有些不是很好啊....~ (like you pangseh me for 1hour ahem) LOL. Joking larrrh. You're always mingling around us (lame kids), so you're getting lame too. haha! or maybe you were born with it hmmm? I know you're stressed up. But trust me, you're doing well!! Like, better than me nah. lol. Yup! So don't be so stressed k? Must enjoy life also!! Ohh. Treasure the times you have with your loved ones around you (: and friends!! Actually you have a lot of good friends de.... :D Lastly!!! I would like to wish you a happy, HAPPY sweet sixteen. May all your dreams come true! Jiayou and good luck for whatever you do!! (: Stay happy and pretty as always!!!! :DD Happy birthday mummy~ I LOVE YOU!! hehe~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIRDLY: Yitian (meimei) DATE: 31/08/08
HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY!!~~(: You're always so cute and of course, so "開放". haha. Even though we're not THAT close. But still good friends yea?? (: hehe. And also, treasure those around you!!! :DD hahax. Wishing you all the best for whatever you do and must remember me and all of us okayyy!! ^^ Stay cute, pretty and bubbly as ever!!~~ Happy birthday yitian meimei~ I LOVE YOU!! hehe~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LASTLY: Jiahui (rubbish twin :D ) DATE: (today) 01/09/08 HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY!!!~~whoaaaa. You totally should be a teacher lahh~ So fated. HAHA!! =D Anyway, it's been damn cool knowing you! Like, we are both tall, both in CS, both in BSP, both in same class, and blahh...~~ haha. Remember?? You are my RUBBISH TWIN. LOL!! So lame but so cute. hehe. We sure had loads of fun together~ even though sometimes we take turns to moodswing and emoooo T.T hahaha. Anyway, must be confident of yourself lahhh! You're quite perfect actually lor~ So don't always complain about yourself okayyy~ All of us love you (: And lastly, jiayou for whatever you're doing and hope we can be good/best friends forever (: Don't forget me kayyyy!! Must go korea someday together. YAY! hahahax. Happy Birthday Twin~ I LOVE YOU!! hehe~ P.S.: Hero Kim Jae Joong ♥ YOU!! :P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay. Lately so many people birthday. Haizzz. LOL. Haven't buy for them yet... Anyways, today had maths remedial. Supposed to have CHEM remedial from 9am-12pm; then followed by MATHS remedial from 1pm-6pm. But chem was cancelled. So maths started at 9am and ended at around 1+pm. haha. Then me, jinxin and jiahui went to ghim moh to eat. THen we crapped all the way. Last half an hour before we left school, we were doing CRAZY (and i mean it-_-) stuff like climbing through windows and doing/acting crazy and lame and dunno-what stuff. haha! yea. but had a DAMN FUN day. =DD whoa zzz. Damn tired... Want to sleep... T.T Gotta run!! and this post is going through edits another day!!! :P tata//
 J A N E L L E
 Like fire and rain, you drive me insane♥
NAME: Janelle
AGE: 80
DATE OF BIRTH:16th April
NATIONALITY: Singaporean
COUNTRY: Singapore
STATUS: I'm gay
1. Foods: Mum's cooking, pastries, KOI, ice cream, plums, and basically everything.
2. Drinks: Non-carbonated ><
3. Fruits: ALL!♥
4. Deserts: none that I don't like.
5. Colours: Pink, blue, purple.
6. Pet: None
7. Singer: 2AM, SJ, SNSD, B2ST, MISS A, F(x), BIG BANG. (this list is endless~)
1. Taking photos
2. Hanging out with friends, shopping
3. Singing
4. Movies
5. Cute stuffs
1. BUGS, especially butterflies.
2. Hypocrites
3. Heights
4. Darkness
Things I currently do
1. Going to school and mugging my brains out
2. Keeping in contact with friends ♥
3. Enjoying life (minus the studying part)
4. Growing up
5. Playing Piano and guitar (for fun)
Wish Lists
1. Change my hairstyle
2. *secret*
3. Get good grades
4. Fly to Korea and Taiwan to meet my husbands (HAHAHA)
5. Shopping
6. For all these to be over.
 My Affiliates
 click click click to other world.
1. Tell me if you changed blog URL.
2. I will erase those inactive links/removed me from your blog
3. Link exchange for those who always view my blog, comment my post and dropped message on my tagboard.
 My History
 saving my memories.
Site name: Diary
Site link: http://bahbahblackgoat.blogspot.com/
Site opened: May 2006
About this site:
I have been blogging since 2006. It's kind of like an on-off thing cause I don't blog regularly. It didn't start off with this name. I changed it to this one cause I wanted to be funny. But I guess I wanna keep it this way now. Haha
yeah I have a tumblr. But it's dead too. hahaha.
Designed by Mary.
Background by Chocolaterie
Materials by ChocoGoodies, Sorahana & Rebecca
Banner by TheFadingNight
Tell me nicely if I forgotten to credit you. Do not complain anything here cause it's 100% belongs to me.